Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 02, 1975, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2, 1975 8 — Central Great Plains: Very hot early in week, some showers; THP tf'lW WH . heavy ram in north and central by week’s end. ' Ini* (e*. Texas-Oklahoma: Verv heavy rain along the Gulf, with pos «a «• & A.S - T -sihilitv of a tropica) stomi; shower activity continues in A T* Ra R| north on tfW )lV&7l iLI Mn % VA Rocky Mountain: Week begins clear and becomes very hot by /f'' m midweek, some ram in latter part, ji- *' M W Southwest Desert: Clear and v erv hot through midweek; inter s' yfm W m Ik & '/jf mittent showers in west latter part. . ti.k M Aff BL Pacific Northwest: Early part of week clearing and cool; /S ( ' ll77 ' e Enough weekend in noilh. lAk. California; Clear and hot all week, with highs in central and north near 110. AUGUST -MO, 1975 Too sultry for adull'rv. Rest way to weather a hot spell is to ki ep busy . . Look for shooting stars this week . . N’ev mom Aug. 7. . . Hay fever season begins now . . . Aveiage Itngth of davs foi the week, 14 hours, 17 minutes . . . The gnat English tiam robbery happened (his week in 19(13 . . . Hnoslirma Atom Bomb dropped Aug. 5,194 a . . . Painting the pump doesn’t clear the well. Old Farmer's Riddle; What kind of beans do children like the most? (Answer below.) South. One of the mean ings of the ivord"crack” t s to often a hot tit. \nd “ torn ” (s identified tvifh homemade uhmkeif. Tin “I don’t une” finit, / don’t knou. Home Hint* finishts on tod w s fabrics blunt the sewing-machine needles f ist» r than n itui.iJ fibtrs »o change the machine needle often Riddle aunt< r JtlMuans OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Mostly cloudy and showery all week, with some possible hail in south midweek. Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins with warm tem per.ituies and scattered show eis; clear and hot at week’s end. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Mostlv clear and hot all week, with fairlv heavy lain on weekend. Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Clear and hot to start, con tinuing thiough midweek, thundeistorms and hail in north and central latter part. Florida: Cloudy and very hot thiough week, with occasional moderate to heavy rain Upstate & Western N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Partly cloudy and hot all ..eek, with midweek thundershowers, heavy at times. Greater Ohio Valley: Week begins fair with showeis; rain becomes heavy in east and south latter part. Deep South: Ramj all week, heavy along the Gulf, with tropi cal storm possible; ram lessens somewhat on weekend. Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Very hot to start, then thundei show ers b\ midweek; clearing- in east by weekend. Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Week is generally ramv Parade of the Profit-Makers These Plus-Proven Sires Are Available Daily For rJMf JM * v/' *<•» * .&, * . 15H140 Round Oak ELECTRON Good Plus & Gold Medal; PQ & TQ (5/751 USDA (May/75) - 304 Daus in 184 Herds Ave 14.846 M Predicted Difference (92% rpt) +43IM Type 50 Classified Daus Ave 77 7,46 Pr -K3BPDT Sire Lockway Sovereign Lucifer Lad - VG & GM Danr Round Oak Ivanhoe Enid - EX 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES Ask the Old Farmer: Can you tell me the mean ing of the folk song, “Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care?” M. T., Youngstown, Ohio. Came from the deep Member NAL Affiliated Breeders throughout, fairlj heavy to start in central and east; squall in east. Cattle receipts this week: 5600, last week: 5500, year ago 4100. Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers mostly 1.00-2.00 lower. Cows 1.00 lower. Bulls weak. Receipts about 65 percent slaughter steers, 20 percent slaughter heifers balance mainly cow. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 1180-1350 lbs. Yield Grade 3-4 52.50- 54.00; Couple loads Monday 1366 lbs. 55.50; Choice 1000- 1100 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4 46.50- late 46.50-49.00; 1100-1318 lbs. 49.00-53.00, Wednesday 49.00-52.00; 900- 1000 lbs. 44.00-46.50; Mixed Good and Choice 900-1300 lbs. 41.00- Good 37.00-41.00; Monday Standard and Good Holsteins 33.00-38.25; few Good 39.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Two loads Choice and Prime 935-950 lbs. Yield Grade 3-4 48.50- Choice 850-1050 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4 43.50- 48.25; late 43.50-47.00; 750-850 lbs. 33.00-43.00; Mixed Good and Choice 850-1100 lbs. 38.00- 750-850 lbs. 32.00- 37.00; Good 29.00-38.00; Standard and Good 25.00- 29.00. /-v B sSr*fe *\ '. *. >* v * ♦ v<r fy£'*ptA^&th*'- ■u v y**jji *»'■*■« **?• »#v. * «•* -4 * «■ *v A (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin, N H 03444) St. Louis July 31 3 99% +s63 593 F +SOF Auction COWS: Utility and Commercial 17.00-21.00; few High-Dressing Utility 22.00, a early 23.50; Cutter 15.00- 20.50; Canner 11.00-15.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1100-1700 lbs. 23.00-27.00, mostly 23.00-26.00 few Yield Grade 1 28.00. Viewpoints i/ <J**l *j*V Far better it is to date mighty things to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to take rank with the poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat Theodore Roosevelt H * -gy, 15H148Penn-Octo KENNY Excellent f93| & Gold Medal; PQ & TQ (5/75J USDA (May/75) - 295 Daus in 168 Herds Ave 15 25711/1 Predicted Difference (90% rpt) +255M Type: 44 Classified Daus Ave. 81 9,42 Pr +1.25 PDT Sire: Ideograph Fobes Kennedy - EX & GM Dam Penn-Octo Suprena Chemco - VG 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Service Lancaster area 569-0411 throughout Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Delaware & Maryland 800-233-0216 Belleville July 30,1975 CATTLE 122. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows steady to $1.25 lower. Few Standard slaughter steers 30.75-38.90, few Utility 24.00- 27.60. Few Utility slaughter heifers 24.80-26,80. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.90-25.50, Cutters 21.50-23.10, Canners 19.00-21.50, Shells down to 17.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1150-1650 lbs. slaughter bulls 24.40-29.30. CALVES 200. Vealers $3 to EVERY WEDNESDAY IS % dairy ST DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems. Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blame Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller SALE STARTS 12;30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. For arrangements for special sales or herd dispersals at our barn or on your farm, contact Abram Diffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 Norman Kolb e *S 717-397-5538 Your Daily Herd: |5 higher. JndividualChoice vealer at 50.00, Good 38.00- 47.00, Standard 32.00-37.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 25.00-29.00, 70-85 lbs. 19.00-25.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 26.00-34.00. HOGS 129. Barrows and gilts about steady. US No. 1-3 200-325 lbs. barrows and gilts 59.10-59.70, few No. 2-3 215- 245 lbs. 58.50-58.60. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 47.50-49.50. Few Boars 25.00-40.50. FEEDER PIGS 254. US No. 1-3 25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 28.50-40.00 per head, No. 1-3 40-70 lbs. 38.00-47.50 per head. '*/' s f . * * 'ft ' A- , h i'u &C 3.79% +s27 579 F +I6F ii V NAAB^—^ Your I Semen V Supplier