—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2, 1975 6 Local Omaha July 31 Weekly Cattle 51 Compared with previous week’s close; slaughter steers unevenly 1.00-2.00 lower. Heifers 50-1.00 lower except good grade 1.00 to fully 2.00 lower, with weights under 900 lbs. hard to sell. Cows closed 50-1.50 lower, bulls firm. The steer and heifer trade turned downward Tuesday under influence of lower dressed beef trade. Best demand continued for limited supplies choice and prime steers 1125-1250 lbs. and heifers 950-1050 lbs. Good and low-choice steers and heifers made up much of supply as many producers continue to sell cattle rather than feed for a longer period. Four day receipts 16,100 HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for Your Hogs ot New Holland Said in sorted lots the auction way bee them weighed and sold and pick up your check SALE EVERY MONDAY 9;00 A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach, Manager GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT i /I. .. i CARDINAL MECHANIZATION CONTRACTOR SEE OUR HOG CASTLE ON DISPLAY E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, R.D.I, Willow Street Livestock Market, Auction News Auction compared 14,650 same period previous week and 18,575 a year ago. Steers around 45 pet., heifers 35 pet. cows fully 15 pet. STEERS: At midweek, few loads choice with end prime 1150-1250 lbs. yield grade 3-4 50.00-51.00, two loads 1200-1250 lbs. included 50.50-51.00. Choice 1125-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4 closed 49.00- 950-1125 lbs. 47.00- some 1050-1125 lbs. with end of prime 50.00 and some loadlots 1050-1150 lbs. with end of good 48.00. Mixed good and choice 950- 1150 lbs. 45.00-48.00. Some lots good and low-choice 850- 900 lbs. 40.0041.00. Good 39.00- Standard and low-good 35.00-38.00, few standard dairybreds 27.50- 33.00. The CARDINAL Line The average of LS-214 detailed quotations, for choice 900-1100 lb. steers this week 48.58; choice 1100-1300 lbs. 49.78. HEIFERS: Choice 950-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 47.00- 48.00, few lots with end of prime 975-1050 lbs. 48.50. Choice 800-950 lbs. 45.00- 48.00, Mixed good and choice 800-950 lbs. 42.0046.00. Good 34.0042.00, some good and low-choice 800-875 lbs. 38.50- 40.50. • COWS; Utility and com mercial 19.50-21.50, some high dressing 21.75-22.00, few 22.25-22.50. Canner and cutter 15.00-19.50, high dressing cutter to 20.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 22.00-25.00, few yield grade 1 26.00-27.00. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, July 28 Reported reciepts of 465 horses, mules and ponies. Market reported strong. Load of lowa riding horses 184-430; load of Tennessee riding horses 200-400. Local work horses 275-425; mules 130-200; better horses 260-500; driving horses 165- 470; riding horses 140-240; lightweight killers 18-20 heavyweight killers 24-26; mares 15-45; colts 5-20; geldings 15-36 and larger ponies 55-140, AUGERS INC. 717-464-3322 Oewart Dewart, Pa. July 28,1975 CATTLE 154. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers grading Utility & Good 50 cents to $3 higher. Slaughter cows $1.75 to $2.25 higher. Good slaughter steers 35.5042.75, one at 44.75, Standard 29.50- 34.50, Utility 24.50-29.00. Few Standard & Good slaughter heifers 30.75-34.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.75-26.75, one at 27.50, Cutters 23.25- 25.00, Canners 20.00-23.00, Shells down to 17.75. One Good slaughter bullock at 35.00, few Utility 25.50-26.75. One Yield Grade No. 1 1525 lbs. slaughter bull at 28.75. CALVES 131. Vealers grading Utility to Good $1 to $3 higher. Choice vealers Carlisle Carlisle, Pa. July 29,1975 CATTLE 189. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows 25 cents to 75 cents higher. Few Good slaughter steers 37.85-39.70, few Standard 35.25-35.50, couple Utility 23.25-24.85. Few Choice slaughter heifers 39.25-42.10, few Good 35.10-38.00, couple Standard 27.00 and 30.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.10-23.50, one at 24.85, Cutters 20.00- 21.75, Canners 18.00-19.85, Shells down to 16.00. One Standard slaughter bullock at 22.85. One Yield Grade No. DO YOU NEED BALANCE IN YOUR FARMING OPERATION? BROILER BREEDER HATCHING EGG UNIT LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Stanley Saylor, RDI, Elizabethtown, Pa says that Longenecker’s broiler breeder hatching egg program works well with his hog and steer operation Saylor’s two-thirds slatted floor house is specially designed for efficient operation EARL GERLACH - 717-367-1545 Auction 50.00- Good 40.00-50.00, Standard 34.0040.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 21.00-26.00, 70-85 lbs. 18.00-20.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 85-110 lbs. 23.00- HOGS 195. Barrows & Gilts $1.75 higher. US No. 1-3 195- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 59.60- 60.50, few lots No. 2-3 185-240 lbs. 59.30-59.80, one lot No. 24 300 lbs. 52.75. Few US No. 1-3 325-550 lbs. sows 45.0W8.50. Few Boars 35.50-37.00. FEEDER PIGS 89. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 25.00-37.00 per head, few lots No. 1-3 45-65 lbs. 39.0041.00 per head. SHEEP 35. Choice 85-95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 44.5047.00, few Good 70-95 lbs. 35.0044.00, few Utility 50-70 lbs. 28.00-35.00. Few Slaughter ewes 8.00-19.00. Livestock 1 1545 lbs. slaughter bull at 29.25, one Yield Grade No. 2 1400 lbs. at 27.85. CALVES 144. Vealers grading Standard & good uneven, Utility $7 to $lO higher. Couple Choice vealers 50.00 and 59.50, Good 37.00- Standard 31.00- 36.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 27.00- 90-110 lbs. 25.00- 28.00, 65-85 lbs. 19.00-24.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 100-125 lbs. 29.00-37.50; few holstein heifers 105-115 lbs. 28.00- few beef cross bulls & heifers 85-90 lbs. 18.50-23.50. HOGS 306. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to $1 higher. Few US Consider a FOR ELIZABETHTOWN, PA ♦ T CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION New Holland Dairy Wednesday, July 30 Reported receipts of 73 cows, 14 heifers and 2 bulls. Market reported steady. Load of Pa. cows, fresh 305-490; springers 420-455; load of Franklin Co. cows springers 585-800; load of Pa. cows fresh 425-840. Locally consigned cows 375-700; springing heifers 375-575; open heifers 70-200; bred heifers 275-350; bulls 110-155. No. 1-2210-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 60.00-60.10, No. 1-3 200- 230 lbs. 59.35-60.00, No. 2-3 185-250 lbs. 59.00-59.75. Few US No. 1-3 280-475 lbs. sows 47.00- No. 2-3 290-575 lbs. 42.00-48.00. Few Boars 37.00- light weights 52.50-57,00. FEEDER PIGS 175. US No. 1-3 25-40 lbs. feeder pigs 21.00- per head, No. 1-3 50-55 lbs. 40.00 per head. SHEEP 29. Lot Choice 90 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 39.00, lot Good 80 lbs. 35.00, one Utility 70 lbs. 25.00. EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTLE 12 NOON Lancaster Stockyards, he. 'C *■
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