HOG PRICES Lancaster Market July 28,1975 HOGS; Barrows and gilts moderately active, steady; sows active, steady to 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 200-235 lb. 59.75-60.00; Shipment US 1 215 lb. 61.00; US 2-3 190-250 lb. 59.25-59.75; 250-275 lb. 57.00-59.00. SOWS; US 1-3 350-600 lb. 46.00-49.75. Vintage Auction July 26,1975 HOGS 723; Compared with last Saturday’s market. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to 75 cents higher. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. 59.60-60.10, No. 1- 3 200-250 lbs. 59.00-59.75, No. 2-3 250-260 lbs. 58.00-59.25, No. 1-3 165-185 lbs. 40.00- 49.00. Sows: US No. 1-3 280- 530 lbs. 48.50-50.00. Boars: 38.00-41.00. July 30,1975 HOGS 400: Compared with last Wednesday’s market. Barrows & Gilts 75 cents to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 60.50-61.00, No. 1-3 200- 260 lbs. 59.85-60.25. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 48.00-51.00, 250- 325 lbs. 35.00-40.00. Boars 40.00-42.25, light weights 45.0047.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! HARD WORK IS A MEASURE OF A MAN At J. M Hoober Inc we live up to our measure by working for you The men here are waiting to serve you in all your fat cattle and feeder cattle needs. Let us work for your feeder pig needs We supply free state tags which will save you 25 cents per head marketing expense Next feeder pig sale August 5. Lancaster Stockyards PLEASE CALL US SOON Phone (717) 397-6191, 569-2084,626-5659. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense. Lancaster Auction July 30,1975 HOGS: Barrows and gilts slow, 1.00-2.00 lower; sows slow, steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 58.50-59.10; Shipment 220 lb. 60.00; US 2-3 190-250 lb. 57.00-58.50. SOWS: US 1-3' 350-600 lb. 45.00-50.50. New Holland Auction July 28,1975 HOGS 1764: Compared with last Monday’s market. Barrows & Gilts: fully 25 cents higher. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 60.00-60.50, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 59.50-60.00, No. 2- 3 230-270 lbs. 58.75-59.50, No. 1-3 160-190 lbs. 58.00-59.50. Sows: US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. 43.00-51.00. Boars: 42.00- 52.00. Leb. Valley Auction July 29,1975 HOGS 286. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to $1 higher. US No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. barrows & gilts 59.85-60.85, No. 2-3 190- 250 lbs. 58.50-59.85. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 42.2545.85. Few Boars 33.7542.00. FEEDER PIGS 34. Few US No. 1-3 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 22.50-27.00 per head, No. 1-3 3545 lbs. 36.50-37.50 per head. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 Consign ail your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. LANCASTER STOCK YARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 St. Louis Auction July 25,1975 HOGS: 3500, Barrows and gilts moderately active, mostly 25 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: Near 100 hd US 1-2 210-240 lb. 60.25; US. 1-3 200-250 lb. 59.50- 60.00; US 2-3 250-260 lb. 58.50- 59.50; US 2-4 260-300 lb. 57.50- 58.50; US 1-3 170-180 lb. 52.00. Peoria Auction July 29,1975 HOGS: 2500, Barrows and gilts fairly active, opening fully 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 59.00-59.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 58.50-59.00. Indianapolis Auction July 29,1975 HOGS; 1000. Barrows and gilts slow, weak to 50 lower mostly 25 off. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 200-245 lb. 59.25-59.75, HAY MARKETS Paul Z. Martin Wednesday, July 30 19 loads of hay, straw and ear corn sold as follows: ‘Alfalfa 94; Timothy 65-60; Clover 64; Mixed Hay 40-72; Straw 38-46; Corn 1 load 81. Regional Hay Prices for Southeastern & So. Central Pennsylvania (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay & Straw steady to $5 higher. Alfalfa 55.00-70.00; Mixed Hay 45.00-55.00; Timothy Hay 35.00-45.00; Straw 25.00- 35.00; Mulch 15.00-28.00. FORTY-ONE YEARS OF SERVICE ... to the farmer, to the dealer and to the packer. May we serve you? S. K. SHOTZBERGER, INC. Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) Philadelphia Produce Apples Offerings Light West offerings insufficient to quote NJ Twenty Ounce IVs bu. ctn. 2 3 A” &up 4.50- 5.00 Ctn. Film Bag 12-3 lb. 2 1 /*” St up 6.00 l k bu. hmpr. Open Face July Red St Starrs medlge 2.50. Blueberries Higher NJ per Pint film wrpd med. 45-50 cents. Cucumbers Steady 1-1-9 bu. ctn. & bkt. waxed & unwaxed med. unless other wise stated. NJ 6.00- 7.00 fair qual. 4.50-5.50 ord. cond. 2 50-3.00 poorer cond. low as 1.50 Ige. fair - good cond. 2.00-3.00 sml. fair cond. 3.50-4.00 VA 6.00 MD 6-6.50 fair qual. cond. 3.00 Ige. 2.50. Mushrooms Steady Penna. 4-qt. bkt. med-lge. 4.00 fair cond. 3.25-3.75 sml med 3-3.25 fair cond. 2.25- 2.75. New Holland July 28,1975 Prices per ton. 18 loads hay and 16 loads straw. Alfalfa, few loads 54.00- 79.00; Timothy 44.00-65.00; Mixed hay 42.00-75.00; Straw 36.00- Com, 9 loads 65.00- Green Dragon July 25,1975 19 loads hay & 16 loads straw (prices per ton). Alfalfa, couple Ids. 66.00- 72.00; Timothy, few Idi. 35.00-58.00; Mixed hay 44.00- 58.00, one 76.00; Straw 43.00- 47.00, one 51.00; Corn, 12 loads 79.00-90.00; Corn Screenings, one load 90.00, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2,1975 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 31) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes August 44.05 54.20 September October 39.70 48.70 November December 40.10 48.42 January 1976 February 40.52 47.95 March Trend Cattle are Lower, Hogs are Lower, Potatoes are Higher, and Eggs are Lower. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Chicago Grain Futures Closing bids as of Thursday, July 31) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal September 2.87V4 3.66% 5.83 October November 2.77 3.80 December January 1976 2.84 3.92 6.04 147 50 March 2.87% 3.94 May Trend Cora is Lower, Wheat is Stronger, Soybeans are Lower, Soybean Meal is Weaker. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS 538.000 818,000 544.000 845,000 482.000 1,160,000 Week to date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE Every Wednesday at 12 Noon. We Give the Buyer and Seller Our Personal Attention PAUL Z. MARTIN SALES STABLES 2 miles East of Intercourse SALE MANAGED BY HARVEY Z MARTIN FOR BETTER NET RHURNS SHIP TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. OWNERS Charles C. Myers Melvin M. Lehman (717) 569-2106 (717) 964-3621 Chicago Fresh Eggs 48.50 53.40 53.35 5.53 56.15 60.15 57.25 55.00 6.55 133.50 137.00 5.87 142.00 5.93 143.50 SHEEP 117.000 111.000 137,000 3
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