I J> :! ' I 1 £ • \ I M • -r IB / 1 * i h P /* ft-, # WASHINGTON, D.C. Lloyd E. Hoover, vice-president of the Penn sylvania FFA Association, greets Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz (center) and Thomas A. Murphy, Chairman of General Motors during the recent State President’s Con ference in Washington, D.C. The * “SPRING SPECIAL’ 7 PICKUPS IN STOCK t * CLUB CABS - VANS - SPORTMANS * i |l| 1973 CLUB CAB * Z |l| 1971 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP * X Hi 1972 6 STICK PICKUP 15,000 MILES * £ HI 1968 CMC 2500 W/CAMPER * IPETTICOFFER DODGE. INC.I -ft Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown, Pa. * PH. 367-IIN * This giant-capacity forage harvester is built for self propelled power Self-Propelled 5200 and 5400 Forage Harvesters aren’t pull-type units with engines added. They’re SP-built harvesters with 9- kmfe, 24-inch-diameter cutterheads. Exclusive J-knives can be held more rigidly. Recutter screens have larger surface area. Feed rolls are slip-clutch protected. The power units are feature-loaded, too. We have the John Deere “Super Harvester” on display. Stop by soon Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717 393 3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnlon RD2 Pa 19540 |nea r Adamstown 1 715 484 4391 M. S. Yearsiey & Sons Stanley A. Klopp, Inc VKfd Chester 215 696 2990 1 rr Bernville Pa 215 488 1510 Agwoy, Inc. Allentown Equipment Center Chapman Pa 215 395-3381 if!! ! 11 i week-long conference sponsored by General Motors through the National FFA Foundation, involved state FFA officers in leadership development programs and activities to increase their knowledge of the FFA and the nation. Lloyd Hoover is the son of Elmer M. Hoover of Leola. A.B.C. Groff, Inc. ' New Holland 717 354 4191 Pikeviile Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley RDt<2 PA 215 987 6277 Neuhaus'es, Inc. Glen Rock Pa 7)7 235 1306 I. G.'s Ag Sales Silverdale Pa 18962 215 257 5136 Weathtr Satellites The first weather satellite was launched m 1960 Since then weather satellites have taken more than 2 2 million pictures and travelled more than 7 5 billion miles Not one major hurricane or storm has gone undetected Thirtv such satellites have been put into orbit during the past 15 vears CHEAP! HO. ECOMOMKAU mSMWGSABMUir KEEMCOSTARTER-CItOWEIt SYSTEMS ARE ALL ABOUt SMfIHCSIH DOLLARS. AW IN TIME. Grow .your own pullets and save up to 50c a bird* Or, convert your floor operation and save a pound or more of feed per bird. At today's prices, that ain’t chicken feed, Keenco 2 and 3 high cage systems are fully automated. That means you spend fewer hours doing unproductive labor, have more time for management. You get dollar saving feed conversion. piamowq automation S34QO H»gfSOf'<y FaWungtpn* MtCft»Sjap 40034 Pennfield to open new egg plant Pennfield Egg Division’s new equipment has been installed and is presently operating on a test run schedule. The day will soon arrive when the plant and offices will be fully staffed and running at full schedule. A bright atmosphere will Fire destroys barn Fire destroyed a barn on the farm of Eli Breneman, Manheim R 4, on Monday evening July 28. County Fire Marshall Paul Knier reported that the blaze originated from a lightbulb that came in contact with dry straw. The Breneman family were unloading hay in the bam when the blaze started and tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire with a sprinkling system. Estimated damage to the structure was $50,000. The animals housed in the bam were saved. Seven fire companies from surrounding areas fought the blaze which could be seen miles away. Many neighbors of the Breneman family joined in helping to clean the area following the fire. be waiting when all Penn field personnel have been transferred to the new plant. The environment is ex tremely pleasant and con ducive to making employees feel good at work. A white ceiling bordered with linden yellow walls trimmed in smoky orange reflect good taste and color coordination. It’s the kind of place people will look forward to working in. The plant not only looks good, but a full air con ditioning system makes it feel good, as well. Other employee benefits include a spacious lunchroom with leisure seating 5 lb. can Golden Malrin Sugar Bait 1 lb. can $1.45 each Cattle dust bags w/25 lb dust $17.50 each Aeroxon Fly Ribbons box of 100 $9.95 each 10 percent Discount OFF our regular Discount Prices on electric and 12 volt farm fencers. Also available at David Good's Sales RD#4 Lititz PA 17543 healthier birds* more uniform Socks time after lime. And you end up with more productive layers because they've grown up in, and are accustomed to, a cage environment. Keenest Zoned Heating takes the sting out of the energy crunch. You can put three to four times more birds in your old floor house-and use less fuel 4>yyjr<&y °o / yjrss / >« / ypy// All this plus Diamond Automation’s Total Help K*e«eo J High Starter*Gtower j§% \ TTS System. 2 High KT J<2L Systems also y. J f available. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2,1975 ATTENTI SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER Barn Brooms Dairy and Livestock Supplies. ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY Program. Help in converting yonr old-fashioned floor brooding operation. Help with planning. With selecting the right equipment Installing it Financing it. Operating it more profitably. arrangements, individual lockers and a uniform dress program. Employees will also have a spacious parking area and an in-house store where they can buy company products and light lunches. They will have the op portunity to participate in developing the food service program and uniform dress program. Employee benefits are abundant which promises a happy staff who will work together to create the best of products. Customers will profit form the extra time, thought and effort that has been put into Pennfield’s personnel program. Phone 717-733 4466 /AaA ///A// // / A 19
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