Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 02, 1975, Image 15
Weeds By Dieter Krieg LANDISVILLE - Ap proximately 40 people half of them representatives from chemical companies which supply U.S. agriculture with herbicides, insecticides, and plant foods went for a tour of Penn State’s research plots, here, on Wednesday afternoon. The fields were “opened” to visitors so they could see for themselves how well or poorly certain chemicals worked. A variety of weed control methods were shown. Included among the various crops were soybeans, tobacco, and corn. In ad dition, supervisors at the farm reviewed no-till methods for barley and soybeans, corn and crownvetch, and com with birdsfoot trefoil. Herbicides ’ i I r • y-'v 9 ft i 11 m* mo mi m 2 WE WERE INFORMED - THE NATION’S NO. 1 G.T. TOX—O—WIK GRAIN DRYERS GT Tox-o-Wix GRAIN DRYER WILL DRY CORN FOR PENNIES PER BUSHEL. YOUR NO. 1 GRAIN DRYER ON THE MARKET FOR EFFICIENCY & QUALITY IT CANT BE BEAT EST" RECIRCULATING GRAIN DRYERS WORLDS LARGEST SELLING RECIRCULATING BATCH GRAIN DRYERS BECAUSE Price is Lower MODELS AVAILABLE - Costs Less to operate 270 250 BUS - Easier to operate 370 350 BUS - Dries more efficiently 570 500 BUS - Will dry 50 per cent moisture down to 12-15 per cent moisture The Only Dryer That WILL NOT Crack Your Grain SELF CONTAINED UNITS No Extra Augers or Bins Needed For a Complete Operation SHENK'S FARM SERVICE LITITZ, Pfl PHONE 626-1151 and herbicides were applied at various rates, and often in com bination, to determine which product was doing the most effective job. In trials with tobacco fields, it was noted that only three products Balan, Enide, and Tillam are desirable for use in Penn sylvania. Although Enide did well, it has a disadvantage in that it leaves a residue. A combination of Tillam and Modown was termed “ex cellent.” A product known as Basagran, used on 15-inch soybean rows, “did a relatively good job in con trolling thistles and small velvet leaf.” However, the Penn State agronomists rated it as not controlling lambs’ quarters, and ragweed. The product THE SILAGE BOOSTER THAT GIVES YOU MORE THAN YOU EXPECT COMMENT FROM A CUSTOMER 'We wouldn t put anything in the silo without McNess Silage Booster Thousands of farmers agree and have told their friends resulting in outstanding growth Still only 38c per ton on corn silage' Not Corrosive M r* CONTACT both Continuous Flow and Batch Recirculating will be in short supply for this season, GRAIN DRYERS IN STOCK supposedly did best in sunny, hot, dry weather which there was plenty of the day of the tour. In other field trials, weed control was studied after planting soybeans directly into barley stubble, right after the grain had been combined. Soybeans at the farm were big enough to warrant comment from a number of chemical company representatives who tour such facilities in several states. Many of the thick, bushy rows of beans were well over three feet tall and displayed a rich, dark green color. A spokesman for the reserach farm commented that a yield of 80 bushels per acre could be realistically hoped for with “a littel bit of luck.” The Nutrition People Box 140 East Earl Pa 17519 Call Collect 215 445 6983 subject of field day Farmers, chemical company structors ponder results of planting representatives, and vo-ag in- corn in combination with crownvetch. Captivating audiences from coast-to-coast is Gospel Music’s Best Mixed Group for 1972-73, the Singing Speer Family who will bring a warm, exciting evening of song to this city at Cripple Creek on August 9th. With the winning of the Gospel Music Association’s coveted Dove Award for 1972-73, this marks the fourth time the nation has paid tribute to the Speers for being “the best in gospel music.” tox-o-wikH Continuous flow Speer Family Featured at Cripple Creek Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2,1975 — In addition, Miss Sue Ellen Chenault, a member of the famous family, was chosjen as the Best Female Vocalist in Gospel Music for the second consecutive year. The Speer Family, who recently celebrated 53 years in gospel music, brings to the stage of gospel audiences, two generations of Speers, with the presence of Ben’s son, Steve. Actually Steve is the third generation of Speers to have chosen gospel rain dr er music as his life. The Speer Family was formed by the late G. T. (Dad) and Lena Brock (Mom) Speer in 1921. Following the death of Dad and Mom Speer the leadership and management of the Speer Family fell to Brock Speer, who is assisted by his brother, Ben. The Speer men have put together an award-winning group that is the talk of the music world, not just gospel. They excel in their profession because of the vitality of their ministry, dedication to a cause, and the brilliance of talent in their group. Each member of the Speer Family is a noted artist in his or her own right. Brock has a smooth, stirring bass voice that adds depth and quality to the unit. He serves as master of ceremonies for the famous group and has the unique ability to develop an instant rapport with the fans from the minute the Speers step on stage. Ben, an accomplished pianist, brings a boldness to the Speers with a melodic, yet sensational tenor voice. He is featured on many of the heart rendering, soul touching songs of The Speers. Sue Chenault moves emotions to new heights with her brilliant voice. Jeanne Johnson fills each program with a spiritual zest as she blends her beautiful voice in song touching many people. Harold Lane, besides singing, adds to the luster of the Speer Family with his extraordinary musical arrangements. Steve Speer and Mike James, the musicians, oc casionally will join the singing as they play the sweetest music this side of heaven. Love reigns when the Speers sing. Hearts are moved. Tears fall. Warmth prevails. The Speers per sonify the Love they sing about. The Heart Warming Records artists have recorded more than 30 albums and tapes. They are booked exclusively through Sumar Talent, 912 17th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee. The Speer Family will be featured along with the Cathedral Quartet and Real 15