Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 02, 1975, Image 1
Serving The Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas V01.20N0.38 Lancaster’s Dairy Princess Donna Akers (left) is shown with winners from the Open Holstein Show held Thursday at the Guernsey Barn. Winners in the 4-H Guernsey competition included, left to right, Rick Pfautz (right) a 20-year-old youth from Ephrata exhibited the grand champion hog at the FFA show hlld Tuesday at the Lancaster . Russel Kline (center) exhibited the reserve grand champion with Linda Kauffman exhibiting the grand champion cow of the show. Tom Kirk, Diane Crider, Carol Balmer, and Rick Crider. Stockyards. Tony Folker, secretary of the Lancaster Swine Producers presented the FFA’er with a trophy sponsored by that association. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2,1975 Open B&W show held LANCASTER Following two days of 4-H dairy shows at the Guernsey Barn Pavilion, the parents and older brothers and sisters joined with the already seasoned 4-Hers for the annual Lancaster County Holstein Open Show, held Thursday, July 31. The premier breeder award for the show went to 4-H winners listed LANCASTER “Yeah, I like showing cattle; it’s a lot of work, but in the end it’s very rewarding and wor thwhile.” With those words, a young 4-H’er from Peach Bottom, Thomas Kirk, ex pressed his interest and enthusiasm for the show circuit. He was one of scores of 4-H’ers who gathered at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion Pfautz shows top hog By: JVlellssa Piper LANCASTER Rick Pfautz, an Ephrata area youth, exhibited the grand champion market hog during the annual Lancaster County FFA Hog Show held Tuesday, July 29, at the Lancaster Stockyards. The honor was a par ticularly rewarding one for the youth as this was the last year Pfautz was eligible to compete. A 1972 graduate of Ephrata High School, this was the second and last year Harvest concluded By Dieter Krieg LANCASTER The wheat harvest is over, but some of the problems con nected with this year’s crop are not. When we asked Tom Flory of Flory’s Mill to describe the market, he began with a chuckle, saying; “You can buy steers or buy wheat, or play the Earl Geib FFA president By; Melissa Piper MANHEIM - WhUe Earl Geib, an FFA’er from Manheim, has spent most of his summer working as an assistant at the Penn State Research Farm near Lan disville, the youth has also been busy corodinating plans for the coming year as president of the Manheim FFA. Earl was elected to the post before the end of last year’s school term and since that time has been working Blossomelle Holsteins owned by Herbert and Rhelda Royer, Lancaster. J. Mowrey Frey, Jr., Lan caster, was selected to receive the premier exhibitor award. Andfar Astronaut Cin derella, owned by Penn Springs Farm (Robert H. Kaufmman) Elizabethtown, was named as grand on Tuesday and Wednesday to participate in the Lan caster County 4-H Dairy Show. Colored breeds were shown Tuesday, while Holstein enthusiasts showed their animals on Wednesday. Judges for Tuesday’s ring activities were: Type John P. Harris, associate county agent. Dauphin Co.; that the youth would be considered an FFA’er. Pfautz’s Duroc hog placed first in the 205 pound weight class earlier in the day and followed that victory with being named the grand champion lightweight and finally the grand champion of the show. The hog took its championship over 150 hogs entered in the show. During the annual sale which took place in the af ternoon, Pfautz’s champion hog sold for $1.73 a pound to horses of the Pennsylvania lottery it’s all the same!” “About all you can do is toss your hat into the ring and hope for the best,” he added. According to telephone interviews with several millers in Lancaster County, the amount of damage and sprouting varied con- on new projects and ac tivities to increase the membership for this year. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geib, Manheim R 4, Earl is well known to many area residents for his work in showing baby beef steers at the Manheim Farm Show. Representing Manheim Central High School’s FFA and Lancaster County, Earl recently attended the National FFA Leadership Conference held in [Continued on Pate 25| $3.00 Per Year champion at the show with reserve honors going to Fought Land Eagle Ingra, owned by Russel L. Kline. Kline’s cow had previously won reserve senior cham pion and was the first place aged cow with the best ud der. Donna Akers, Quarryville, exhibited the junior (Continued on Pace 14) • Showmanship Carol Shurman, Chambersburg, PA; Fitting Eugene Schurman, Franklin County assistant county agent. John Harris of Harrisburg was the type judge for the Holstein 4-H round-up on Wednesday, while the Shurmans repeated as (Continued on Page 26| the Penn Packing Co., Philadelphia. Both Pfautz and T. Ken neth Emery, representing Penn Packing, were presented with a trophy from the Lancaster County Swine Breeders Association. Penn Manor Youth Shows Reserve A youth from the Penn Manor area exhibited the reserve grand champion hog during Tuesday’s show. Cliff Charles, Lancaster R 2, [Continued on Page 17] siderably from area to area and between different varieties. Southern and central Lancaster County reportedly were hit the worst in the rainy weather which crossed this area last month. By comparison, northern segments were described as “not bad.” (Continued on Page 14| In This Issue FARM CALENDAR 10 Markets 2-6 Sale Register 69 Farmers Almanac 8 Classified Ads 26 Editorials 10 Homestead Notes 42 Home on the Range 46 Junior Cooking Edition 55 Country Corner 42 Thoughts in Passing 62 Women’s Calendar 49 Sale Reports 74 Dress Revue 48 Lebanon DHIA 56 Ag Features 12