No more free admission to The 22nd annual Cecil County Fair will be held at Fair Hill, Md. (Rt. 273), from Wednesday, July 30 thru Saturday, August 2. The fair was started in 1954 MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 AM EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct Myers Before you select your water system, get the facts on the complete MYERS line. WATER CONDITIONING Fully Automatic or Manual, Cabinet or Free Standing, Two Tank Models WATER FILTERS Solves objectionable water prob lems. Fully Automatic or Manual. BEIBLE'S PUMP & SUPPLY • (Main Office) 419-27 Dalton St. Emmaus, PA 18049 AUTHORIZED MYERS DEALERS: ID.W. EISENHART Center Valley Pa 18034 PHONE (215) 282-3550 EARL F. KEGERISE, INC. Pncetown Road Fleetwood. Pa 19522 PHONE (215) 944 8532 LONGACRE ELECTRIC, INC. Bally Pa 19503 PHONE (215) 845-2261 PIKEVILLE IMPLEMENT SHOP Oley. Pa 19547 PHONE (215) 987 6277 as a 4-H Fair and has grown through the years with the support of the County Commisioners, State Fair Board, and civic organizations, as well as donations from local mer chants. This year will be the first year that admission will be charged. The charge is due mainly to the Fair Board's concern over providing the type of program the county as a whole would want plus the necessary security and services to the exhibitors and public. Admission charges will be $l.OO per person per day or $2.00 per person for a pass for all four days. 4-H and FFA will be admitted free on your membership cards and all children under 12 will also be admitted free. Attractions this year are cattle, pony, horse, goat, hog, and sheep shows; farm and home exhibits; art and handiwork exhibits; organizational and com mercial exhibits; demon strations by homemakers groups; an animal kin dergarten for children of all ages, who may never have seen baby farm animals; plus grandstand shows every evening. This years tractor pull has been expanded to two big nights - Wednesday, July 30 at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday, July 31 at 7:00 p.m. Wed nesday's pull will include PUMPS • • PLASTIC • WATER CONDITIONERS • DISTRIBUTED BY: • (Branch) 1668 Wyoming Ave. Rt. 11 Forty Fort, PA 18704 WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS HARDWARE Route 1 Stem s Corner Pa 18066 PHONE (215) 2856290 RICHARD M. SCHAEFFER SALES & SERVICE Route no 1 Box 88 Lenhartsville Pa 19534 Tel (215) 562 8362 SCHULTZ WELDING SHOP Route 2 Easton Pa 18042 PHONE (215) 759-1951 CLARENCE R. SEAMAN Dauberville Pa 19517 PHONE (215) 926 8341 // YEAR \ r VMftHffflTfTY 1 nmi wniunw am SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS (for 4" wells) Capacities to 3400 GPH, well depths to 900 feet, “Exclusive” 3 .year Warranty from date of installation. FRANCIS L. SHIFFERT Box 80 Palm Pa 18070 PHONE (215) 679 7153 RICHARD 6. SNYDER sth St Mountain Rd Route 2 Emmaus Pa 18049 PHONE (215) 965 9574 STEWART PLUMBING & HEATING GO 420 State St Hamburg Pa 19526 PHONE (215) 562 7006 SHOLLENBERGER FARM SUPPLIES 4th & Pine St Hamburg Pa 19526 PHONE (215) 562 2005 Cecil County Fair field stock, modified, open, and super stock while Thursday’s pull will be garden and 4-wheel drive tractors. Also on Wednesday a chicken bar-b-que will be held from 4-7:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at that time. Thursday will be a really big day for mom and the kids, with demonstrations by the Colors Homemakers, a bicycle rodeo, a family machinery safety program all taking place in the morning hours with dairy cattle and dairy goat shows in the afternoon followed by the pretty animal contest, Thursday evening. The evening program will be TANKS PIPE • “EJECTO PUMPS (convertible) Shallow well Capacities to 1800 GPH, Deep Well Capacities to 1260 GPH with well depths to 180 feet. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 26, X97&— climaxed by the crowning of the Cecil County Farm Queen for 1975 followed by music by the ever popular Perryville flash, Shorty Nesbitt. Friday will be another jam-packed day with demonstrations by the Kenmore Homemakers, both 4-H and open Horse and Pony Shows and the 4-H tractor driving contest. Happy the Clown will be entertaining the kids while their parents watch the antics in the air by the three plane airshow. Happy will be back in the Rural population growing WASHINGTON - Large numbers of Americans are moving to rural areas and small towns, reversing the massive rural-to-urban migration that occured from World War II through the 1960’5, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Between 1970 and 1973, nonmetro population grew by 4.2 percent, compared with an increase of only 2.9 percent in metro areas, reports demographer Calvin Beale of the Department’s Economic Research Service. This new trend, he notes, will have a continuing impact on U.S. population distribution at least to the end of this century. Both economic and at titudinal factors are drawing people away from big cities and into less densely populated areas. Some reasons for the growth of nonmetro countries are increased settlement there of retired people, improved job opportunities created by FEATURING; • Anti-Vibration Systems • Automatic Oiling on All Models 40 Years Experience in Design and Production c| oh " L Ut a utter REPAIR SERVICE R.D.2, East Earl, PA Phone 215-445-6175 'A MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE ON UNION GROVE ROAD A & B Sales & Service L Miles South of Route 23 Alone 772 thru Monterey R.D.I, RONKS, PA evening with his magic show for the whole family. Friday’s music will be furnished by the U.S. Navy’s Country and Western Show. A unique glass-blowing demonstration by Andrew Beideman starts Saturday's program with more Horse and Pony activities plus lots of 4-H doings - automotive driving contest, 4-H dog show, and the 4-H Float Parade. Acrobatics will round out the evening with members of the University of Maryland Gymkana Team bringing their famous show to Cecil County. Saturday’s music will be provided by Ephrata, Pa. disc jockey, Ken Lightner and his group. decentralization of manufacturing and other industry, expansion of state colleges, and increased recreation activity. Non metro counties adjacent to metro areas have shown rapid growth. In addition, the birthrate seems to be higher in nonmetro than in metro counties. Even in those areas where population is still decreasing - such as heavily agricultural or predominantly black nonmetro counties - the rate of outmigration is slowing down. Aside from economic factors, the appeal of major urban areas has diminished for many people, including the young and mobile as well as those at or near retirement age. Easier transportation and com munication and the modernization of rural life have helped make rural areas, small towns, and the small metro area appealing, Beale says. DAVE'S ENGINE SERVICE In Rear of Stauffer’s Machine Shop V* Mile South of Murrell on Pleasant Valley Road R.D.3, Ephrata, PA 57
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