Farm Women Societies Society 3 Members and their families of Society 3 held their summer picnic in the Ephrata Park on July 20 A picnic lunch featuring barbequed chicken and pork chops was served at noon The afternoon program was spent by participating in different I inis ", f (-creation Winners of the games were Mrs Jotm The that all for you Lollipops to the kids Always free coffee And any banking service you’ll ever need always with a smile First TLiuoiul (bank oft SWAbunxj, Edwards, Mr and Mrs Melvin Nolt, Mrs Robert Hackman, JacK Lee, Willie Stober, Mrs Kelly Horst and Mrs Carroll Meyer Following the activities, Mrs Jesse Balmer con ducted a short business meeting The next meeting will he held on August 16 at ihe Paradise Lake Retreat, Denver Mrs Ronald Meek ana Mrs Carl Meek will be Bank does Rent a safe deposit box THE BANK THAT ALWAYS HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET 687-8611 LANCASTER 464-3421 397-4732 the hostesses. The members of the northern Lancaster Home Economists 4-H club will be guests. Society 5 Farm Women Society 5 will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Herdwig on July 26 at 1 30 p m in East Petersburg. The Lancaster Countv picnic for farm women will be held Wednesday. August 6 at the Penn Central Manor starting at noon Bring y our own place setting and a covered dish. Society 5 will be traveling to Ocean C Ay for a dav at the more on August 18 The price will be S 8 00 with children under 12 at half price Anyone wisning to go should contact Mrs Abram Weidman Manheim by August A The group will leave the Roots Auction parking lot at 6 00 p m Society 10 Farm Women Society 10 met recently at Longs Park with Mrs Lucy Miller and Mrs Cyrus Neff serving as hostesses. President, Mrs. Jay Hacbecker conducted the business meeting. Donations it Has no-service-charge checking will be given to “Big Brothers” and the county project. Mrs. Dons Thomas, representing the extension service, related many changes during the 62 years of service. She told of the service rendered by some of the eaily officers such as Dutch Bucher, Anne Forbes and Yvonne Cook. Mrs Thomas discussed the change of the extension from merely agriculture needs to urban and consumer facets. The annual picnic tor the gi oup will be neid at Central Manor ( amp Grounds on Wednesday, Angus’ 6 .‘I noon Society 30 Society of Farm Women 30 met July 21 at the home of Betty Neff of Christiana for an evening of volleyball At the business meeting following - a $25.00 donation vas voted for the county project The increase in dues was discussed as well as tne county board meeting to be held Aug 6 The next meeting will be a day at the shore - Aug. 9. TRY A CLASSIFIED A V. -*A 3L Lets you Dank by mail Helps you save Doggie biscuit for the pup BUCK 284-4175 Sometime ago. the "one'-toga ‘.reek had its -.arm- changed officially to the Conestoga Liver It s officult to '•ememoer tms mtil it overflows >ts banks and muddy water 200 feel wide rushes past our front lawn and over the meadow The cows, standing in water up to their bellies, investigate the unfamiliar surroundings and I tear they will step off the steep bank mto the swift current We watcn trees, logs and debris float rapidly downstream and as night falls the sound of surging water seems to deepen. When morning comes, we see the Creek; oh, River, is again in its banks and we are left with a fresh supply of mud on the grass. I’ve ]ust planted my second garden and it takes The members of the Pequea Valley 4-H Sewing and Cooking Club met for their last project meeting this year on Monday, July 21. The meeting was opened by the President, Sallv Martin. Each year the club bakes cookies in an old-fashioned stove at the Threshermen’s Reunion held at Rough and Tumble in Kinzers, Pa. Everyone is encouraged to nelp at one of the times t Thursday, August 21 and Saturday, August 23, are the dates to help Each dav has tour shifts to work in nine to twelve; to three three to six; and six to nine Club Fashion Show is scheduled for Thursday, July 24 at 7 00 in the Pequea Valley Intermediate School auditorium. The theme will be “Happiness Is . ”, being centered around Charlie Brown and the other Snoopy characters. The date for judging the projects will also be Thursday, July 24 at 1 00 p.m. The Pequea Valley 4-H Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 26,1975 — [• Ida 5 \ Not ebook # **** Pequea Valley 4-H Club LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horse Shoe Sd 24 2fi r -tt* Hill Rd tancd 1 »i j casterCotn’y v'nru.<nlc Ot Wet Cast Concrete Stove c i o >• "SPECIAL" - MONTH OF JULY INVENTORY SALE OF SPECIAL ITEMS IN STOCK - SAVINGS Heavy-Duty Galvanized 8" Cham Conveyor - Drive Unit - Frame - Hopper - 30 percent off List Replacement Chain & Paddles for Chain Conveyors - 6” Size $1 00 per Ft - 8 ’ Size $2 00 per Ft. (net) 56” Hustler Silo Blowers - W 5 00 i Complete' Used Starlme 85 Channel Feeder w-Motor Used less than 2 Years - Ready to go Used Starlme T soU>r 12 Thru 20 ft Used Patz 14’ Silo Unloader -.5750.00 Hems Priceo FOB Our Shop installation Available on All Items Tor lutormation Call ,192-4062 I arrv Iliestami - Sa'es rtep. ,4 %U \ v Ida Risser determination to find file time to do it Without those ipw minutes planting seeds itere will be no harvest in the fail More beans cucumbers, squash uarsnips ana turnips are now iproutmg ail over again There are celery orussei sprouts, cauliflower and sweet potato plants to keep them company. Guess I'll worry about storage space when they are mature. You see, I have a tendency to feel I must use every scrap of vegetation - be it tiny ears of corn < nubbins), the last small strawberries or even imperfect apricots which I am presently can ning. Not bemg able to buy lids doesn’t worry me too much as I use many of them over and over again. I’m not recommending it but it’s worked fine for me Sewing and Cooking Club met on Monday, July 14 for their fifth project meeting. Sally Martin, president conducted the business meeting. It was decided that during this year members would receive different awards dependmg on their year in project work. First through third 5 ear members will be receiving pins with fourth year members receiving a charm bracelet. Each year after the members will receive charms for the jewelry The date for the dub picnic will oe August 25 at the New Holland Park. The raindate is Tuesday, August 26 Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports 45
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