This is the first of two of this Congress. Midway jolumns in which I intend to through the First Session of issess the six month record the Ninty-Fourth Congress WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT • WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business, I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer. Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. NOTHING ELSE MEASURES There’S always water can count on Ritchie Cattle Fountains HOG FOUNTAINS HAVE NO EQUAL For total swine watering systems. Assure a clean, fresh, uninterrupted water supply on even the coldest days Fail safe heating system holds water to within one degree of setting New CD 50 miracle finish over galvanized steel defies rust and corrosion—will not chip See our complete line of red-and-yellow Ritchie fountains for all your live stock watering needs ____ _c= —■ profile 4AA hog fountain Lower More sanitary Conserves water Good Water at the right temperature is your cheapest feed conversion factor. Pick up your Ritchie waterers today at your local Ryder Supply Co. dealer. RYDER SUPPLY CO. UP IO Ritchie Ritchie New Ritchie low SUPPLIED BY R. R. 8, P.O. Box 219, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 17201 Tel. 717-263-9111 seems to me to be an ap propriate time to evaluate its work. Earlier this year, when Congress convened, Speaker Carl Albert told the Nation that his majority party had a mandate from the people to assume national leadership. Any fair evaluation of this Congress must use his statement as a standard for judging its performance. The question then is this: Has Congress provided leadership? The record is subject to personal in terpretations based on political considerations, but the sum total of legislative leadership exercised so far is pretty dismal. It took the House of Representatives six months to pass an energy bill (that’s just in this Congress since Administration energy proposals have been on Capitol Hill since 1973). The bill passed was so watered down that no one can call it a comprehensive program to i THE NtU MiUltt FINISH meet a very serious energy crisis. I voted for the bill in hopes that it will be a vehicle for further, more responsible action, but in the energy field Congress has not been a leader. In the area of economic policy Congress passed a tax rebate program. You can judge for yourself whether it was an example of responsible leadership. There have been other measures which cleared Capitol Hill only to end up vetoed by the President. Each of those vetoes has caused a storm of protest from the majority party on Capitol Hill, but the fact remains that the legislation was so irresponsible that they could not override the vetoes even with their two to one majorities in both houses of Congress. Evidently they believed their own talk about a “veto-'proof Congress”, and thought they could push by nearly any program no matter what the cost. In refusing to accept legislative realities, they are not exercising much leadership. Some members of the majority are beginning to recognize the lack of leadership and are starting Ritchie FOUNTAINS ARE UNSURPASSED For trouble-free beef cattle watering systems. Fail-safe heating system holds water to within one degree of setting. Provides a convenient, economical, uninterrupted supply of water the year-round. New CD ■ 50 miracle finish over galvanized steel defies rust and corrosion. See our com plete line of red-and-yellow Ritchie fountains for alt your . - livestock watering needs. long NO OTHER FOUNTAIN STANDS UP TO Ritchie Forget hog watering problems. m Nut Much finieh have the hog watering units you can forget any time of the year Reliable rugged Ritchie Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19,1975 to do some complaining about it. But this intra-party squabbling, no matter how plausible, is further paralyzing the hopes of getting Congress to act on important national matters. A legitimate question might be why the minority party on Capitol Hill is not moving to fill the leadership void created by the majority. The simple answer is that the majority in most in stances refuses to consider the minority positions in their drafting of legislation. In those areas where we can act, we have. For instance, we took the historic action of opening our party caucus to public view by permitting press coverage of our deliberations. But Congress cannot begin to lead until there is some recognition that leadership involves responsibility as well as rivalry. So far all Congress has done is criticize a President with whom they do not happen to agree politically, but have offered no sign that they can provide reasonable atler natives. Wilson Co. reopens OMAHA, JULY 10, 1975 - Wilson & Co., Inc., an nounced that it will resume hog and beef slaughtering at its Omaha plant, Monday, July 14, and will phase in related operations as the week progresses. Wilson closed the plant three weeks ago because of adverse economic con ditions. Henry S. Amalong, Wilson President and Chief Operating Officer, said he was hopeful that operations could be resumed on a more satisfactory basis. Wilson said that plant officials will notify in dividual employees when they should report for work. Wilson & Co., Inc., is one of the nation’s largest meat packing and processing companies and a subsidiary of The LTV Corporation, Dallas. Corn roast slated Members of the Blue Mountain Young Fanners Association are invited to attend their annual com roast and square dance to be held at the Blue Mountain vo ag department on September 6 beginning at 7:15 p.m. Elwood Staudt, advisor of the group will provide the music and call the figures. Reservations must be made by September 1. A number of members from the organization at tended the annual Penn sylvania Young Farmer’s conference and farm tour held July 18-19. Tours of area farms were taken with visits to both dairy and beef operations. TRY A CLASSIFIED ClnpyrisbTnicfht JhinkaOuyur Bsuiutifut That had not Z&juv a RsMi/uL 'WdwtenfufWnidei Csfafut fad and wm* WRITE OR PHONE: The Red & White dairy Cattfe Assoc, CRYSTAL SPRING, PA 15536 814-735-4221 67