Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 19, 1975, Image 64
—Liiiaitar Firming, Saturday. July 19. 1975 64 Blue Ridge Quartet featured at Shindig (Editor’! Note): The following article li a hfograghkal sketch of the Blae Ridge Quartet which wfll be featured at Jaly tttfa’s cdMaa of Shindig at Cripple Creek. From coast to coast, border to border and then some, “•If musical en semble, Winn as The Blue Ridge, travel with their band. The Mark Four and two bus drivers in their custom bailt home on wheels, spreading their songs of hape, love and cheer to thousands each week in personal appearances. Organized in 1946, The Blue Ridge have tried constantly to be the pace setters in gospel music, and Four wheel puli slated KIN2ER—Hie Rough and Tumble Historical Association, here, will sponsor a four-wheel-drive pull July 3S at 7:00 p.m. Located $ miles east of Lancaster oh Route 30, the association's track includes facilities for serving food to spectators. Hie four-wheel-drive pull is for vehicles with four wheel-drive, other than tractors, such as Jeeps, Blazers, Scouts and Bron cos. Hie competing vehicles will be placed into various classes according to weight. r wwi T“® FARM WHIP VOCO II IS THE PROVEN WHITEWASH THAT IS NATURALLY ADHESIVE. Voco II is HOT A UME whitewash. Voco II wiM not flake or scale off. Voco H Vries white. APPLIED BY: RICHARD R. FORRY Lancaster, PA Phone 717-397-0035 We are also equipped to serve you with modern equipment in all your areas of crop spraying 4 AC A- A tr h &XXX ■ have succeeded. The Blue Ridge have introduced more hit songs and received more awards for their efforts in country gospel music than any other group of it’s type. •Some of the songs The Blue Ridge introduced, which put them on top of the music world were songs such as, On The Whigs Of A Dove, How Great Thou Art, The Green, Green Grass of Home, and No Disappointments In Heaven. More recent hits are: I’ve Been Born Again, That Day It Almost Hoe, After Calvary, It’s Worth It All, Why Me Lord, and their song, I Know, was the Number One song in country gospel music all twelve months of 1971. Hie Blue Ridge and The Mark Four are seen each week on their nationally syndicated TV show, Mule For All America. This show is viewed bn over 250 markets across America each week, making their program foe largest syn dicated show of its type in the history of gospel music. The Blue Ridge and Mark Four are regulars on the SIRE POWER Sire Power Direct Herd Semen Fee $6/unit AL is a rising star in the Sire Power line-up and is siring cattle who work and wear. His daughters show improvement in fore udder and udder support. NEBA (717) 836-3127 Tunkhannock, PA. 18657 jr »J» <-* j* » «« • * » »»> *• » * * »»-»»* »-» «*. World Famous Jamboree USA originating from Wheeling, W. Va. on the 50,000 watt voice of the Northeast, WWVA Radio. Marathon Pictures chose to feature the versatile talents of the Blue Ridge in their color production of the feature length movie: “Sing A Song For Heavea’s Sake”. Other than singing their own songs, they were selected to do the back-up work on the songs performed by the great Red Foley, also per forming their own song, “Oh, Glory, Glory Hallelujah”, in the 1970 Academy Award winning movie of the year. The inimitable Blue Ridge sound is moulded from the Bass voice of Burl Strevel, who doubles as master of ceremonies, tenor from Don Seabolt, baritone by Bill Crowe, and the lead by Fred Daniel. The piano artistry of Kenny Gates, George Colley on Bass Guitar, Jerry Browning on Drums, and Larry Orr on Steel Guitar, make up the Mark Four. Put all of this together and you could onlyhave The Blue Ridge, America’s most “Dynamic” gospel con temporary Qaartet. Woodsey Dell AI [Grade] 2-5 359 18,753 3.6 669 Lititz 687-6214 Hamburg 372-4038 Allentown 797-4642 Myerstown 866-5495 PenArgyl 863-9722 Bemville 373-1055 The York County 4-H Swine Roundup was held July 7 at Sechrist Sales, New Park. The 44 hogs vers shown by 4-H members which were Judged tv George Dutrey, Wellsville and Terry Shearer, R 1 Abbottstown. The winners in the classes were: Class No. 1,2, & 3 - John Mununert, Seven Valleys. Class No. 4 - Kathy Sunday, R 1 York. Class No. 5 - John Mununert, Seven Valleys. Class No. 6 - Kathy Sunday, R 1 York. Claas No. 7 • John Mununert, Seven Valleys. Class No. 8 - Dana Doll, Glen Rock. Class No. 9 - Steve Trostle, Red Lion. Class No. 10 • Harold Mununert, Seven Valleys. Steve Trostle showed the Grand Champion of the show which was a Poland and it weighed 240 pounds and sold to Dale Yost of littlestown for $1.58 per pound. John Mununert showed the Reserve Grand Champion which was a Crossbred and it weighed 195 pounds and sold for 91 cents a pound to Three Sons Meat Bucket of York. Christine Sunday, York showed the Champion Trio and sold for 62 cents a pound to Hatfield Packing Conor pany, Hatfield, PA. Kathy Sunday, York showed the Reserve Champion Trio and sold for 60 cents a pound to Hatfield Packing Company. The 44 hogs averaged 206 pounds and sold for $5,705.41 and averaged 163.01 per hundredweight In the showmanship contest for 8 to 14 year bids, first place went to John Mummert; second place LAST WORD The final say about the football team that went through an entire season . without scoring a point much less winning a game was voiced by an irate alum nus; “I wouldn’t let my mother-in-law carry the ball behind that line." NEBA The Full Service Concept .w\ irryyw.’aa* York 4-Her shows champion hog 9H121 F-G-P Elevate Ivan At, VG • Sire: Tidy Burke Elevation, GM Dam: FGP Ivanhoe Regal Jan, Ex 90 USDA Sire Summary May, 1975 Predicted Difference 65% Rpt., + 1081 MILK +29FAT + $B2 Daughter Average 46 Dtr., 33 Herds 15,523 3.63 563 HFA Type; Not Summarized to date NEBA Breeding Fee $l2 w/2 repeats went to Sdfoe Trostle. In the showmanship contest for 14 year olds and over, first place went to Steve Wilson, New Freedom; second place went to Kathy Sunday. Champion Showman waa John Mununert and Reaerve Champion Showman waa Steve Trostle, In the Fitting Contest (or FOR TODAYS MOST ECONOMICAL ' MILK and BEEF PRODUCTION VALUE PLUS - COSTS LESS FULL SERVICE DEALER MOPRO liquid supplement PENNFIELD feeds AVAILABLE FROM: ELMER SHREINER T-A GOOD’S' FEED MILL RDI, NEW PROVIDENCE. PA PHONE (717) 786-2500 ages 8 - H - first place-Dan* Doll; second place Ron Wilson, New Freedom. In tbe Fitting Contest for ages 14 and over - first place - Steve Wilson; second place *Katby Sunday. Champion Fitter was Dana Doll, Glen Rod; and Reserve Champion Fitter was Steve Wilson,' New Freedom. i