CLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING & SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors: Turquoise, Tan, Red, White ALSO BAKED ALUMINUM Colors; Green, White, Tan, Red. FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUEL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer. PA Ph. (717) 442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. Cowtown Rodeo Leu jthan half of the cowboys stayed on long enough to qualify for a mark in the Bull riding dVent at the Cowtown Rodeo Saturday night; even though 19 of the 29 Brahmas used were young 2 year olds. The young bulls were lighter in weight than ones previously used this year, but gave the con testants a rough ride. Each bull usually develops a pattern of behavior in the rodeo arena and after studying this pattern for a few performances, the cowboy knows how to prepare himself for the ride to try to maintain his balance, but with “green bulls” everything is unex pected. Jasper McLamb moved in to take the bull riding event marking 70 for $276.36, with Buck Howard of Woodstown, NJ pushing for close second with a mark of 66. Junior Latella of West Haven, Conn, set a Cowtown York County 4-H Council The York County 4-H Council was host to Franklin County, PA 4-Her’s at their recent July meeting. Visitors were challenged in softball and volleyball games and later treated to strawberries and ice cream. Reports were given in four phases of PA 4-H Leadership Days. Family 4-H picnic is July 20. 4-H families will enjoy games, relay races, a German Band and much Rodeo Arena record to the present for the year in 1975 in calf roping. Junior roped and tied his calf in 11.6 seconds, taking home $237.16. For the second consecutive week Sherman Sbldner of Sharp town was top steer wrestler. He earned $252.84 in 4.7 seconds. Only two out of the 8 Saddle Bronc riders stayed on for the required 8 seconds to make a qualified ride. Grant Harris of Cowtown, NJ marked 70 for $150.92. Jimmie Lee Walker moved top ranking Bare Back Bronc Rider, Jack Meli, down to second place with a high mark of 66, making $143.08. Lorraine Alexander of Newton, NJ ran the Girl’s Barrel Race in 17.94 seconds. By cutting her horse close to the barrels, Lorraine made $154.00. An estimated crowd of 2,200 people came to see 117 cowboys and girls compete much more!!! Several 4-Her’s placed well at the York County 4-H Demonstration and Public Speaking days. They com peted July 11 at Capitol Region 4-H Days and many did well enough to be sent to the PA State 4-H Achievement Festival. July 7 Illinois 4-H ex changes arrived. They remained in York County until Julv 13. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 19,1975 results for a purse of $3,115.30. Calf Roping I - Junior Latella, W. Haven, Conn., 11.6 Sec., $237.16; 2. - Wit Clement, Thorofare, NJ, 16.5, $177.87; 3 - Quinn D’lmperio, Cherry Hill,NJ, 17.0,$118.58; 4-Jeff Kassaway, Allentown, PA, 17.1, $59.29. Girl’s Barrel Race 1 - Lorraine Alexander, Newton, NJ, 17.94 Sec., $154.84 ; 2 - Diane Sleeter, Sicklerville, NJ, 18.11, $116.13; 3 - Judy Gement, Thorofare, NJ, 18,21, $77.13; 4 - Barbara Stevenson, Neschanic Sta., NJ. 18.49 Tie, $58.07; 4 • Dale Bibbo, Spring Valley, NY, 18.49 Tie, $58.07. Bare Back Bronc Riding 1 - Jimmie Lee Walker, Cowtown, NJ, 66 Mark, Challenger, 1143.08; 2 - Jack Meli, St. Cloud, Fla., 63, Antelope, (107.31; 3 - Marty Stein, Washington, PA, 50, Croppy, $71.54; 4 • Stanley Thomaa, Woodatown, NJ, 55, Flfl $35.77. Saddle Bronc Riding 1 • Grant Harris, Cowtown, NJ, 70 Mark, Faraway, $150.92; 2 - Roger Young, Gatesville, Tex., 65, Lava Mt.. $113.19; Ground Split - Kieth Gorman, Wyatt Crotta, Willie Ed Walker, Jim Cartier, Rocky Foster, Ron Jones, $18.90. Bull Riding 1 - Jasper McLamb, Vincent, SC, 70, Paleface, $276.36; 2 - Buck Howard, Woodatown, NJ, 66, Teco, $207.27; 3 - Stanley Thomas, Woodstown, NJ, 62, 015, $138.18; 4 • Marty Stein, Washington, PA, 61, 017, $69.09. Steer Wrestling 1 • Sherman Shidner, Sharptown, NJ, 4,7 Sec, $252.84; 2 • Phil Romeo, Pine Hill, NJ, 6.5 $189.63; 3 - Jim Hoehn, Farmingdale, NJ, 8.5, $126.42; 4- Jack Meli, St. Cloud, Fla., 10.1, $63.21. 63