—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19. 1975 56 I CHESTER 1 WZmLI£SI county DH,A MONTHLY! ff REPORT i A cow in the herd of Andrew Stoltzfus had the highest production record for the month of June. Model produced 919 pounds of butterfat with 21,281 pounds of milk. Second high in the County was a cow in the herd of Harold Heck. Sunshine produced 895 pounds of butterfat with 22,634 pounds of milk. The herd of Paul Labe had the highest herd average for the month at 2.38 pounds of fat per cow per day. Second high in herd averages was Louis Moyer at 2.20 pounds of fat. The following is the Berks County DHIA Report for the month of May, 1975. Only those herds averaging 1.5 pounds per day or over are listed: OWNER BREED Paul E. Labe R&GH Louis E. Moyer RH Wemersville State Hospital R&GH Ellis R. Kunkel RH Stephen J. Janos R&GH Harry A. Lutz R&GH George E. Moyer R&GH ■ Drey Bros. R&GH Charles PlushanskL- R&GH James G. Stutzman R&GH Richard R. Troutman R&GH George E. Seidel RMixed Charles R. Kissling RH Andrew D. Stoltzfus R&GH Ray E. Bicksler RH Junge Farms RH Paul H. Herbert RH Robert D. Seidel R&GH Vista Grande Farm RH Mark A. Wolfskill RH F. M. Browns Sons Inc. R&GH Raymond A. Seidel RH Muddy Creek Farm RH Junge Farm RH Rodger L. Wagner R&GMixed William G. Howerter R&GH Charles Plushanski R&GH J. Hershey Myer R&GH Harold & George Schuler R&GH Russell H. Haas GH Russell H. Haas GH Kenneth L. Stutzman R&GH Donald B. Duncan R&GH Ernest C. Hoffman RH Joseph F. Walters GH Robert Sittier GMixed Clarence B. Kulp R&GMixed Raymond A. Seidel RH BRB Farm R&GH George S. Troutman Jr. R&GH Reu Hel Farms Inc. RH JUNE 1975 NO. MONTH COWS April May May April May May May May May May May May May May May April May May May April May May May May May May June May May April May May May May May May May May May May May 115.3 PER COW PER DAY 75.6 2.38 25.3 2.20 66.2 2.09 2.02 24.6 27.1 1.97 26.0 1.91 59.7 1.90 1.90 88.9 46.8 1.89 1.86 42.0 1.85 69.3 1.84 48.6 1.83 41.0 89.4 1.83 39.3 1.82 35.3 1.82 1.79 39.5 1.78 35.1 1.77 64.0 1.77 61.0 88.9 1.77 1.77 32.8 37.0 1.76 1.74 34,7 106.5 1.73 83.6 1.73 50.1 1.73 1.72 39.0 38.8 1.72 55.5 1.71 1.71 54.6 1.70 38.4 1.69 77.3 1.69+ 51.8 1.69+ 56.0 1.69 41.0 1.69+ 50.4 1.69 34.6 45.7 1.69 1.69+ 65.6 1 .68 Herb top Farm* ■ ' " 1 ' v " R&GMixed April 27.0 1.68 Omar Zook & Sons R&GH May 38.2 1.67+ Francis R. Moser R&GH May 121.0 1.67+ Paul F. Hollenbach R&GG May 24.0 1.65 Roger S. Buch RH May 44.2 1.65 Larry L. Mertz R&GH May 53.5 1.65+ Mervin Brubaker R&GH April 48.0 1.64 Robert C. Dreisbach RJ , May 52.7 1.64 Witchcraft Dairy R&GMixed May 10.8 1.64 Clarence C. Sattazahn R&GH May 82.8 1.64 Norman J. Seidel R&GH May 24.0 1.63 Mervin Brubaker R&GH May 48.0 1.63 Pinnacle View Dairy R&GH May 45.3 1.63 ~ Hylark Farm R&GH May 80.0 1.63+ Willard Hamm R&GH May 31.0 1.62 Charles W. Lamm R&GH May 86.0 1,61 Way Har Farms R&GH May 97.9 1.61+ J. D. Rosenbaum & Son R&GH May 74.1 1.61+ Robert L. Sattazahn R&GH Glenn B. Gockley GH Leroy E. Howard R&GH Paul S. Phillips R&GMized Lester Heyer R&GMized Ralph G. Sanner R&GH E. Frank Stoltzfus R&G6 Donald M. Meyers R&GH Daview Farm R&GMized John F. Snyder R&GMized Ralph W. Haag R&GH John H. Stump RH Willard Hamm R&GH Roy Y. Stoltzfus R&GMixed Ray W. Seidel R&GH Harold G. Heck RH Robert C, Dreisbach RJ Ker Min Farms R&GH May 102.3 1.60 May 1.60+ 28.0 May 105.9 1.59 May 36.0 1.59 May 58.3 1.59+ May 51.6 1.58 May 46.0 1.57+ May 1.57 53.1 May 41.4 1.57 May 52.1 1.56+ May 34.0 1.56+ May 48.0 1.56 May 31.0 1.56 May 1.55 71.5 May 33,0 1.55+ May 55.1 1.55 » April 52.3 1.55 May 1.54 60.3 Swatara Dairy Farm R&GH William C. Adams R&GH Ray M. Sattazahn R&GH Alfred E. Schmidt RH Charles D. Moyer R&GH Yost Brothers R&GH Show Top Farms R&GH Harry W. Naftzinger R&GH Teen dial Farm R&GH Robert L. Seidel ■ R&GMixed Blue Mtn. Academy R&GH May 85.2 1.50+ The “plus” following the Daily Fat Lbs. indicates herd is enrolled in the alternate AM-PM testing plan. The following cows produced over 550 lbs. of fat or more in 305 days or less: OWNER NAME OR AGE DAYS LBS. LBS NUMBER BREED YR. MO. IN MILK MILK BUTTERFAT Harry A. Lutz Peggy H 2-8 305 13,619 565 Mark D. Bailey Bessie H 5+ 305 16,716 593 Ralph C. Richard Martha H 7-9 305 [Continued on Page 58] From free stalls to cattle gates, Martin provides a single source with everything needed for farm modernization with free stalls. Martin steel fencing products are made to complete free stall installations with a similar quality and a neat appearance. Even more important, only Martin offers true custom flexibility. Your individual requirements can be incorporated into any fencing and cattle gate installation. Martin quality gives protection to your investment —with many unique construction features and the type of lasting performance in which you can take pride. WRITE OR CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION * '9 79.6 May 1.54 May 116.0 1.54 May 46.0 1.53 May 38.0 1.53+ May 94.3 1.53+ May 116.5 1.53+ May 104.1 1.52 May 39.1 1.52+ May 79.0 1.51+ May 35.0 1.50 20,778 672
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