’’£--c?VP/ PI vh;L ',fno-ip* I 44—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19,1975 farm wife has a flair Paradise. Joan Is a member of Farm Women Society 21, Lan caster County. She has served as secretary and is now vice president. This society meets the second Thursday evening of each month in the home of the members in the Quarryville area. Mrs. Frank Aliment is president of it. Joan is a member and for the past two years served on the board of Directors of the Oxford Research Club (Federated Women's Club). This year she will serve as chairman of the baking division for Pine Arts Day by the Federated Women’s Clubs of Chester County, which event will beheld in March of 1976. She is a Committee Woman for West Nottingham Township. The Rohrers are members of Calvary Independent Church, Lancaster, and work with the Junior Church (4th 6th grades). Joan teaches at Daily Vacation Bible School, held there in the mornings one week in June. Joan is very musical. She plays for Junior Church. She used to play for the adult Sunday School class and the an up We'll make sure that you're always supplied, never caught short. That's our guarantee . no matter where you live ... or what the weather is like. Get with clean,' economical fuel! AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD. LANCASTER PA PHONE 397 4954 (Continuad from Pig* 42) You Get Deliveiy When You Need It! church orchestra. She used to sing soprano in the church choir. She sang in McCaskey High School chorus an d in their girls’ trio that went to Ocean City, NJ. She played the piano for group singing for the Lancaster County Farm Women’s convention last November. Bob and Joan enter exhibits at the Southern Lancaster County Community Pair. Joan has received a number of ribbons for baked and vanned goods and Bob likewise for soybean plants, barley, oats and soybean seeds. The children will enter vegetables this year. They help their mother in the garden. Rohrers enjoy going places and doing things together as a family. They attend tractor pulls at the Buck and Kin zers this time of year. Last February they went to Vail, Colorado for skiing where they also saw President Ford’s condominium. They went skiing at Vermont and on numerous slopes in Pennsylvania. They take their snowmobile along. The older children have tried skiing and enjoy the tractor pulls. Last winter they attended the Nationals in the PA Farm Show arena, Harrisburg, for the three days, Joan loves to read, She reads novels, books from the best seller-list and lots of other kinds of books. She buys paper back books and gets books from the Oxford library. She enjoys collecting antiques. One of her prized pieces Mrs. Robert E. Rohrer, Nottingham Rl, Chester Co., PA in front of her old kitchen fireplace, tries out a new recipe for cole slaw. is an old jelly cupboard that came from bob’s grand parents and another one is a brass bed from her father’s family. They found a few in their bouse and have bought quite a few. Joan says, “I started researching our farm history and I find that very interesting. I’m back as far as 1818.. There was a blacksmith shop here.” She loves to cook and bake. Through this she entered a contest sponsored by the Farm Wife News magazine of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She entered a Pick Up And Go Menu and won first place in the Rural Recipe Roundup MODELS FROM 2 to 16 H.P. FEATURING: • Anti-Vibration Systems • Automatic Oiling on All Models • 40 Years Experience in Design and Production John b DAVE'S S? auffer ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE SERVICE R.D.2, East Earf, PA ,n Rear Stauffer’s Phone 215-445-6175 S z h .°P ■A MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE £ ON UNION GROVE ROAD R.a 3 E Jhrala PA A & B Sales & Service L Miles South of Route 23 Along 772 thru Monterey R.D.I, RONKS, PA The World's Leader in CHAIN SAWS ,1* picnic category. Her recipe for Quick Jambalaya aroused the interest of the judges because it is easy to prepare. Joan is accustomed to packing- a -lunch often tor her to eat out in the fields. She given here a seasonal recipe that goes with a dinner or stars in a luncheon: CORN STUFFED TOMATOES 4 Servings 4 large firm ripe tomatoes 2 medium ears sweet corn, cooked and cut off the cob V« cup chopped green onions one-third cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons chopped pimento Vi teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar 1 ■wnall clove garlic, minced Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Cut out tomato cores. Cut each tomato, not quite all the way through, into wedges. Spoon out and reserve centers. Invert tomato cups to drain; chill. Chop tomato pulp fine; drain. Mix chopped tomato, corn, onions, green pepper, pimento and salt. Combine remaining ingredients for dressing; pour over vegetables and mix well Chill thoroughly. At serving time, spoon mixture into chilled fr»pptft cups. Serve on salad greens. Pass mayonnaise. “Here’s a tasty way to use carrots and onions from the garden,’’ says Joan. CARROTS LYONNAISE 1 pound (6 medium carrots) 1 chicken bouillon cube, dissolved in % cup boiling water V* cup butter or margarine 3 medium onions, sliced 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour V* teaspoon salt Pash pepper V* cup water Parc carrots and cut in julienne strips. Cook carrots in I Continued oir Pace 45) Old Guard (jfflfflflODQD ODDSODO’aDDG© €®oDo[p®i]Qtf "Friend of Farmers since 1896." , ■ A financially strong Company who is dedicated to providing the broadest coverage at the lowest rates to Pennsylvania farmers. Let us show you what we can do for you. See our agent in your area. , W. M. Eckmon, Inc. 321 Valley kit., Atglen, Pa. r Goodville Insurance Management, Inc. Goodviße, Pa. A. Huber Homish & Son R. 0.2, Conestoga, Pa. GAS GRILLS PICNIC & BARBEQUE TOOLS Hggßßftßl Coleman Center 85 Old Leocock Rd. R.D.I Ronks, Pa. * LUXE WEB CHAIR il-comfort in this roomy, ir with 254" wide wsb’on strong immum frame . . . with hardwood is . . folds for storaga
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