—Lancaster Farmini 32 Situations Wonted Experienced farmer with sons would like approx. 200 acre modem dairy farm to operate for a man that would like to retire. Write Box 266 N, c-o Lancaster Far* ming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Farm Equipment m HEU2MAN EQUPMENT, UK. Garden, Farm and Ind. Equipment Glenmoore, PA Phone: 215-451-8525 Case 350 Crawler Loader. 210 hrs. $12,500 J D 2010 Crawler Loader $3,850 M F 203 Loader Backhoe (12 ft | $3,950. Case 530 Loader Backhoe (14 ft) $5,850 Case 1740 Uni-Loader Diesel. Demo 137 hrs $9,750 Case 586 Fork Lift 14 ft Diesel $16,500 Case 450 H Dozer, double angle hit blade, demo 78 hrs $20,500 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK NEW MF 40 LOADER BACKHOE (14 ft) DIESEL $15,700 00 M F Rebate Direct to Customer $ 800 00 Final Total $l4 900 00 966 Hydro, 800 hrs. $9,850. Farmall 656 Gas w-1570 hrs. Oliver 1750 Diesel Oliver 1650 Gas Case 500 Diesel, a good Amish tractor. (new) Model M Gleaner Combine $29,950. Model F Gleaner Combine w-Cab, Gram & Corn Hd. Model Cll Gleaner Combine w-Cab, Gram & Corn Hd. Model E Gleaner Combine w-Cab, Gram & Corn Hd Int. 203 Combine, Cab, gram & Corn Head New Idea 323 1-row picker, low acres 2-row narrow pull type picker-sheller, nearly new No 319 Mtd. New Idea picker (4) Uni-Tractors with equipment to choose from, Several Um-Combmes and several corn heads, nearly new. We’re moving Uni-Tractors and Corn Equipment every week. But, I have the connections to replace with the right kind at the right price. Compare first, then buy. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 Midway between Lancaster & Quarryville off Rt 222 (Take Brenneman Road at Graybill Bros Garage, Reftonl 19. 1975 Saturday. Jul MOM 7)7-344-3047 «r 7174 M-2191 For Rent FARM AND HOME CENTER Lancaster. Pa. Modern Office Space (2100 and 2600 sq. ft. areas) Incl. pvt. offices, heat, air cond., parking and janitor service - avail. Nov. 1. PHONE: 392-4911 Real Estate BEST OF TWO FARMS 210 acres, ISO tillable, double 4 milking parlor, piepline, silo, bulk feeder - 60 head capacity, mostly remodeled 6 bdrm. home - $140,000. Owner financed. Complete set of replacement herd barns available on long term lease. ULTRAMODERN DAIRY OPERATION 375 acre farm, 220 tillable - new bam, 68 tie stalls, pens, liquid manure system with silo, piepline, bulk tank, 18’ x 50’ and 20’ x 50’ silos with unloader, heifer bam, large 5 bdrm. remodeled home. Immediate oc cupancy! !! Financing available. Asking $220,000 with variety of lease purchase arrangements available. "THEtteflUL R Q «1 BOX 41 Mansfield Pa 16933 USED EQUIPMENT Pets RAINBOW KENNELS AKC Stud Strvfct HOME OF QUALITY Belgian Sheepdog Border Codes Shetland Sheepdog Irish Setters Peekapoos Cockerpoos Pekinese Poodles American Cocker Spaniel 663 Old Baltimore Pike Newark, Del. 1-302-737-6526 Real Estate For Sale - 86 Acres property within 1 mile of Mansfield, PA. Borders camping grounds and Tioga Ham' mond. Dams and road frontage. 7 acres wooded, remainder clear. Alfred Sparling, RD3, Box 92, Troy, P A 717-297-2768 Wanted to Rent - Farm that is organically fanned and would like option to buy farm later. Ernest F. Adam, Box 417, RD2, Fleetwood, PA 19522 or call 215-944-9280 FARMS FOR SALE BEDFORD COUNTY - Farmer’s Farm —125 acres, fertile lime stone soil, large house, modem kitchen, 2 baths, oil hot water heat; almost new bam, 38 comfort stalls, large milk house, 2 silos, 2 machinery buildings (one new steel construction) 2 car garage, extensive road frontage, a real buy. Possession at once. Asking $97,500. BEDFORD COUNTY - 205 acres fertile farm land, pasture, some woods, springs and stream, over 1 mile state road frontage, ideal for beef, hogs or horses, also development. Bam and outbuildings, house burned. Located close to Rt. 30 and Breezewood In terchange of Turnpike and Rt. 70. Only $485 per acre. EVERETT G. HENDERSON, Broker Twin Valley Farms Breezewood, PA 15533 Phone 814-784-3102 Many other Beef and Dairy Farms COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING for Further Information On Our STEEL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Peel Free To Mail Attached Coupon Or Call Today! No Obligation. SPECIAL TRADE-IN HUBER ROAD GRADER MOOD” I Reel Estate EXCELLENT FARM BUY! I Ideal Truck or Horse Farm. Choice Gloucester Co. Location. Large Country Home. Outbuilding. 12 Productive Acres. Fruit trees & Berries. $44,000; terms. Details: R&Y REALTY CO., INC., REALTORS SIS Landis Avenue Vineland, NJ Phone: 191-1662 Wanted to Buy: House, barn and few acres of land suitable for raising Reg. Holstein heifers. Lebanon, Lancaster, or Dauphin Co. area preferred. 1-717-599- 5672 72 acres, stream, hard road through center farm, Vh story frame house, bam, other buildings, furnace, bath, 4 rooms up three down. Oscar ShauU, Brogue, York Co. Phone 927-6811. Wanted to Rent - Large dairy farm for Spring of 1976. Have own equipment and cows. 717-285-5164. Wanted to Rent - Farmland in Bemville-Rehrersburg- Womelsdorf area. 215-488- 6835. - -Available & wanted. Are you ready to buy or sell? Nations largest advertiser of Real Estate! Offices & Buyers from coast to coast, FREE CATALOG - United Farm Agency of Pa., Inc. R.D. 8 Box 91 York, Pa. 17403 Ph. 741-3182 (717) 206 acre Juniata County dairy farm: 143 tillable, 21 pasture, 42 woodland. 35 x 48 nine room stone house, fireplaces. 45 x 90 hip roof, bank barn, cleaner, 500 gallon tank, 14 x 50 concrete stave silo, wire crib, heifer and machine sheds, creek frontage. Lowell Shearer, Honey Grove, PA, 17035, Phone: 717-734-3084 or 3462. Several good dairy and cash crop farms for sale in western New York. Buy from the brokers of 75 years exeprience. Contact me by man or phone. Ed Miller, STROUT REALTY, Home /lb-t>si-zU24, Utftce 716-343- 1385. Wants to Rent - Modem Dairy farm with fertile soil beginning about March 1976. Write Box 266 F, co Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. 208 acre modem hog farm, farrow to finish, 4,000 head annually. Harold Fries, P.O. Box 149, Bedford, Pa. 15522. 814-623-9223. VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R. D. #4, LEBANON, PA. 17042 PHONE. (7171 867-4139 Reol Estate FARMS WANTED We need listincs in Lancaster, Cum berland, Perry and Union Counties. We at Diamond Realty have a long list of potential buyers for working farms. Call us for your farm needs. H|KS947IK|H YATES and SCHUYLER COUNTIES NEW YORK STATE FARMS all types and sizes Homes Businesses Call anytime 607 243-7410 or write 1 STOCKING, Broker Dundee. NY 14837 YATES COUNTY NEW YORK STATE One man dairy. 97 acres with 80 tillable. Crops in. 29 stanchion barn, silo, bulk tank. 23 head milch cows some heifers and calves. Complete line good machinery. Four bedroom house. All goes at 570,000.00 with $20,000. down. Call anytime: 607-243-7410. Stocking, Broker. Others to show. Introducing ... COURTESY RENTALS 28 W. Ferdinand St. Manheim, Pa. 17545 717-665-3521 A Rental Service for LANDLORDS at NO EXPENSE or OBLIGATION. Filling your vacancies, saving un necessary phone calls and time. THE FAIRMAN AGENCY Montour County - Wasbingtonville area -125 A. modem dairy farm. 6 bdrm. white frame home w-bath and coal hot-air furnace. Lg. bam w-32 stalls, barn cleaner and bulk tank. Buildings in fine condition. Possession this fall. Union County - If it’s seclusion you want check these two parcels. One is 21 acres with stream, the other is 29 acres. Excellent hunting area for all game. Good trout fishing in White Deer Creek, which is nearby. 21 acres - $7,000. 29 acres - $6,800. Union County - Frame cabin 24’ x 30’ (sleeps eight) on % Acre lot w-frontage on Spruce Run. Screened in porch. Completely furnished. Below ground swimming pool. $15,000. THE FAIRMAN AGENCY 210 Mam Street Watsontown Penna 17777 531-2582 or 275-1801 After hours: 437-2167 or 649-5321 j Woi£ Coupon Today! j | SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE Q SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE j NAME.. J ADDRESS, j CITY. TELEPHONE Reol Estate Wanted to Rent - Yount couple would like to rent (arm (or SprlM 1976, have own cowa ana equipment. Write Box 266 P, c-o Lan caster Farming, Litltz, PA 17543 119 ACRES Farm ... Dauphin County. Over 100 acres tillable. Bank Barn, adjacent to small town, some acreage zoned (or residential develop* ment. Call For An Appointment Today. kQ Kincsway R[ahy STATE ZIP.
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