Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 19, 1975, Image 30
—Lancaster Farming. Saturdai 30 dassififedads Moil Box Market Moil Box Morkat Moil Box Market For Sale - Esco bulk milk For Sale - 3000 bu, shelled For Sale - Reglatered tank, stainless steel 300 com. stored in Harveatore. Belgian Stallion. Quiet and gallon with 5 H.P. com- Testing 27-28 percent works anywhere. Ira Z. preasor like new $4OO. 215- moisture. Bright and clean. Stoltzfus, Route 2, Box 330, 755-6063 after 7 P.M. v. Kyle Trout, 717-993-2784 Miffllntown, PA 17060 For Sale - Pure Yorkshire- Bred Gilts, due in July and August. Also service age Holstein bulls, from good record dams. Apply to Omar S. Fisher, 434 Newport Road, Ronks, PA THE ULTIMATE GOAL -r-p ;• I / V. Our Herd Evaluation System is a profit building program offering you TOTAL breeding service. To survive in this business, you need a herd that efficiently produces large volumns of high quality milk. Appliecfgenetics can produce the type of cow you need, and that is the basis of our system Herd Evaluation is a guide for you to use to strengthen and improve your herd. Trained evaluators help you build, not just a program, but a proven program. It has long been established that there is a definite coretation between functional type and milk production. The CALIFORNIA PHYSICAL TRAITS system points out the strength and weakness in each cow This is.important m building a solid Genetic Base from which to work and reproduce those animals which will not only produce large volumns of milk, but do it ef ficiently time after time. HERD COUNSEL packs m the power by using SELECT SIRES BULLS, sires from other studs, plus proven bulls from private sources and those young sires with tremendous'genetic potential Put all this together and it gives you an exciting variety to choose from. All daughters are evaluated and a breeding guide is established. The importance of genetics in breeding progressively better cattle is unquestionable and yet there is a very important facet in any business, that of service We at HERD COUNSEL Want to be known for PRODUCTS, PROGRAMS, SERVICE and PROGRESS. The Ultimate Goal High Producing Females That Produce A Quality Product... That Reproduce Every Year That Last and Last and Last... i r HERD COUNSEL ! The above picture may I Box 46 - RD2 represent the ridiculous We I Cochranville, Pa. 19330 find in breeding cattle that they I GENTLEMEN , ' I would like my herd evaluated ! are not always mated the way I I WO uld like more information on Herd Evaluation j they should be If you would I I WO utd like to purchase semen | like to change your breeding I I WQU |(j a representative to call program into a profitable I mating program just return the I Name. coupon I July 19. 1975 For Sale - Pleasure saddle and saddle blanket. 215-589- 2666 For Sale - Fox harvester 2 row, price $B5O. Call 717-865- 2529 I Address I City— I W COUNSEL Box 46, RO2, Cochranviile, PA 19330 FIELOMAN; DICK BROWN, 717-656-8626 PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 For Sale - Self feeding husker shredder. RD2, Box 192, Coatesville, PA 19320 For Sale - Young emden geese from 8-10 lbs. 215-944- 9669 > PHONE- 717-656-8626 Phone State Moil Box Market For Sale • J.D. 4 bottom 16*’ trip back plow, 3 point F 129 excellent cond. used approx. 1 yr. $960. Also Frigidaire auto, washer, 14 mo. old green $195. Hanover 717-637- 1232 Wanted - 16 foot tobacco rails. Moses G. Stoltzfoos, Irish town Road, Ronks, PA For Sale - 1 Registered Holstein bull. S. Levi Stoltzfus, Parkesburg RD2, Box 250. 19365 PA along Limeville Road For Sale - 31 acres level ground, house, barn, % mile east of Route 147 bypass at Milton Industrial Park. Contact P.C. Bower, West Milton, PA Phone 717-568- 6851, 17886 For Sale - 3 brooder houses, good condition, good lumber, could be moved on skids. Call 717-548-2382 (Peach Bottom - Wakefield area). FOR SALE - Milker pump - Universal 500, New 5 horse motor and electric oiler, $575.00, BUI L. Morgan, RDI, Box 235, Mount Union, PA phone 814-542-2949. For Sale - New % tomato baskets. 717-687-8321 “When should your child begin to walk?” Moil Box Market For Sale • 1 black Angus steer $125.00, also 190 ft of extra heavy yard fence and posts with 2 gates. 717-354- 5360 For Sale - 7 year old Stan dard bred horse. Eli Ebersol Jr., 250 Maple Ave., Bird-In- Hand. PA Wanted to buy - 100 locust fence posts. 717-656-9929 For Sale - Massey Ferguson 3 pt. hookup Dyna balance mower with crunper hitch. Also rims and tires for small Farmall 10 x 36.717-6564801. For Sale -AC combine No. 60 pull type with PTO; TD6 crawler 62 series. Donald Balthaser, 215-777-0052. For Sale - Rubber tired pony cart, good condition, David H. Beiler, Centerville Rd., Back of the Lancaster Co. Swiss Cheese Plant, RDI, Box 191, Gordonville, PA For Sale - Hotpoint upright freezer, like new, used only 4 months, 21 cu. ft., $375, phone 717-656-7665. For Sale - ’64 Olds, FB5, V-8, Si condition, $375, Gary F. er, 717-993-2836. Every parent grandparent neighbor and uncle seems to have definite ideas on when your child should be able to take his first steps and they don t always agree The fact is that children develop at different rates A normally developing child may be expected to take his first few steps by holding on to furniture some where between the ages of 7'U and 13 months Stand ing by himself which is a little more difficult, can be expected between the ages of 10 months and 14 months If your child is having difficulty in learning how to take his first steps dr showing other signs of slow development, please send for our folder Under standing Your Child It will help you measure your child s progress and suggest what to do next if slow development does indeed seem to be a problem We want very much to help First Step for the Special Child 127 Locust Street, Harrisburg, Pa 17101 Please send me your free booklet Understanding Your Child Name Address. City and State vT-zi-zr Mail Box Marfcat Wanted - Sawed Locuat posts, 717-733-2808. Wanted - High Moiature ground ear corn, phone 717- 942-6344. Wanted - 3 point hook-up for A.C. W.D. tractor, write Box 419, RDI, Spring Grove, PA or call 717-225-1045. For Sale - New Holland silo unloader, 12 ft. without motor, with tripod, cable and winch working condition, Also, sweet com possibly by week of 21st. 215-288-5409. For Sale - Pair of 7 and 8 year old Roans. Work hor ses, green broke with alot of snap, phone 445-5616. For Sale - Used Fannec bam cleaner, 312 ft. of chain, used 3 yrs.; Elevator and motor, for parts. 717-529-2294. For Sale - N.I. rake & tedder, 8150; Milk porter sputnik, 8450. Reuben F. Esn, Rl, Gordonville, PA at Newport Repair Shop. For Sale - 1965 Chrysler, 4 door sedan, good condition, with new inspection. Sell or trade for Scout. 717-656-8758. Zip N - 1 1