Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 19, 1975, Image 15
Attends nat’l FFA (CmMmml fra* hp 1) meeting other FFA’crs was one of the main objectives of the meeting." Representing some 17 different states, the FFA’era had the opportunity to share many ideas during the week's conference. Informal “rap” sessions also gave the youths the opportunity to find out how FFA differed throughout the nation. “I learned a lot about the cultures of FFA’era all over the country and also about their programs," Steve noted. The Manheim FFA’er was surprised that in the Mid west, the FFA Clubs were quite spread out over large distances. Along with their studies on leadership, the youths at tended training sessions on social and personal relations. One special event which the youths are treated to each year is a visitation to the office of their State Senators. Steve went to see Congressman Eshleman but in the Congressman’s ab sence, talked to his aide. Steve noted that the Congressman’s aide talked to the group on the bills pertinent to agriculture currently under con sideration. Dairying Is His Interest Coming from a dairy farm, Steve has taken dairy projects since beginning his Parade of the Profit-Makers These Plus-Proven Sires Are Available Daily For Your Dairy Herd: v. - jsf< ** 15H139 Curtis-Haven Apollo VICTOR Good Plus & Type Qualified |May/75] USDA (May/75) - 94 Daus. in 67 Herds Ave. 14.696 M Predicted Difference (80% rpt.) -j-508M. Type. 15 Classified Daus Ave 79 1,13 Pr +99 PDT Sire; Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe - VG (89) & GM Dam; Anderson Von Performer Velge - EX (92) 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! LIVESTOCK SERVICES Taking dairy projects in FFA was only natural for Steve as he helps out on his parent’s dairy farm during the summer and after school. The young man admits that pipeline milking has made the job a lot easier. FFA work two years ago. Although his family has a herd of Holsteins, Steve does have a Brown Swiss cow which he won as a chain calf. Along with his dairy in terest, Steve has been an avid public speaker, many times talking on the topic of wildlife preservation as his %l BREEDERS COOPERATIVE theme. Until the end of the summer, Steve will be helping out on his parents dairy farm near Penryn but as schooltime comes again Steve will no doubt be planning new projects and activities for another year in FFA. vrv - i*, - ", r ' - *»• '*> » **■ * Member—NAL Affiliated Breeders ICMftwri Itm Nm 11 and H«nry Stark, Chino, Ca, Termed as the "Ideal aon of the great Ivanhoe,” the young bull’s dam, Diamond J. Ivy Telstar, is owned by Henry Stork, a California cattleman. The bull was brought to Pennsylvania to be sold at an exclusive Holstein sale held in March at the Guernsey Barn Pavilion in Lancaster County. Consigned by Henry Sterfc, the bull was pur chased by the syndicate and V Jk , ~'V 3 57% +s2s 525 F -3F Area cattlemen buy Countians attending the recent summer institute of Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives, included, left to right; Randy Ranck, Quarryviile; Lavern Martin, East 15H151 Cumva PROUD Performer Good Plus 184] USDA (May/75) - 21 Daus in 16 Herds Ave. Predicted Difference (45% rpt) Type (no official summary to date) Sire - Romandale Dividend Performer - VG & GM Dam Johanna Korndyke Pride Eva - EX(9S) - 3E Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 19.197 S has been placed at stud at Atlantic Breeders Co-op outside of Lancaster. The yearling bull, which has been greatly compared with his famous sire Osborndale Ivanhoe, shows signs of becoming equally famous with a tall clean structure and outstanding feet and legs. The bull will be offered to Atlantic's regular members and to the firm’s other domestic and export distributors. 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Service Lancaster area 569-0411 throughout Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Delaware & Maryland 800-233-0216 Bam meetings Two ban mooting* hovo boon alotod for aroa Holstein broodors. Tho mootings which will help to Inform dairy farmers on the classifying systom for Holstdns, will bo bald on July 39. llm afternoon mooting will bo hold at tho farm ol Arthur Wenger, Manholm at 1:1ft p.m. with tho evening meeting to bo hold at tho farm of Donald Eby, In* tercoorso, beginning at 1:00 pjn. For further information of the event call Robert Book, committee chairman at 650- 7885. Earl; Dale Burkhart, Denver; Cindy Erb, Mount Joy; Earl Graybill, vo-ag instructor at Ephrata, who served as leader; and Donald Hershey, Paradise. 14.422 M 3 54% +6I3M +s37 15 511 F +SF