60—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 12.1975 Lincoln 4-Her Susan Martin, Ridge Avc., Ephrata, R 3, won a blue ribbon for her talk on 4-H during the annual 4-H Day held recently in Lancaster County. A member of the Lincoln Before you buy any farm loader, see a Bobca. in action! 4 - MODELS To Choose From, all with 4- Wheel Drive. BOBCAT Handles small jobs, big jobs, indoors, and outdoors. Ideal for working m HORSE BARNS, HOG BARNS, FEEDLOTS, ETC. Almost anyone can learn to operate a BOBCAT in 15 minutes. LET US DEMONSTRATE and Show you how easy it is to own a BOBCAT, The new Butler grain bin—with wider body sheets, i broader corrugation and fewer parts—provides real savings and faster, easier erection. Other high performance im provements include a steeper roof for more grain storage capacity; a new floor—a stronger, clear-punched floor which installs quickly; a new step-in door with corrugated frame, located above ground; and many more. AISO AVAIL CONTINUOUS fIOW OMtR 183 Up to 435 Bus per hr j PLEASE TEAR OFF AND MAIL TO I FAAMILL Construction j Soudersburg, PA 17577 2 Please Send Me More Information About NEW BUTLER GRAIN BINS AND DRYING OPERATION I NAME ( ADDRESS j TOWN j P' ,r iNE Sewing Club, Susan spoke on how 4-H contributes to personal development. Susan will be attending the State 4-H Days later in the summer to give her talk at statewide level. MELROE BOBCAT WORLD S MOST POPULAR SKO STEER LOADER HBW BUTLER ’Train bins STATE Watershed management important to conservation Everybody lives in a watershed and everybody has an effect on their watershed and the water sheds of many other people. Yet few people really un derstand what a watershed is. If you have a mud puddle in your back yard, the puddle has a watershed. It is that part of your yard which drains into the puddle. Many people live along a small ditch or stream. This stream also has a watershed or land area which drains water into it. When the water leaves your property it Joins with water from the properties of your neighbors up the hill and passes on through the watersheds of your neigh bors down the hill where their water adds to the flow. As the amount of water in creases the ditches become streams, the streams WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT - WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business. I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer. Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. AGRI-BUILDER become wider and deeper until they become riven which flow into the oceans, carrying not only water, but soluble and suspended materials which they pick up along the way. Grass covered and tree covered watersheds yield sparkling clean water which is good for drinking or raising fish or for swimming. Along the way the streams may pick up sewage from homes or factories and minerals from farmland. Some of these materials improve the habitat for the organisms living in the stream and others have a poisoning effect on stream life. Water entering from some watersheds carries soil. Roads, streets and parking lots add oil. Water draining from coal mines adds concentrated acids. BUTLER KAN-SUN BATCH DRYER IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FARMILL CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR Soudersburg, PA And so the stream passe* on, picking up beneficial and harmful materials and trying to maintain a balance which will support life. Some streams are successful and others become open sewers devoid of life and a blight to landscape. Help is available to you from the U. S. Soil Con servation Service through local Conservation Districts to improve the quality of our waters and to protect our watersheds. Planning assistance baaed on soils information helps to prevent 'Mm- •oil troaion which is a major contributor to stream pollution, and helps in making land use decisions based the suitability and limitations of the soil. This assistance is available to individual landowners, groups of landowners and governmental agencies for the asking!. But there are things that everyone can do using Just a little common sense. Disposing of your Utter in an approved man ner, and avoiding disposal of any chemicals directly into streams are Just two examples. With the cooperation of an informed pubUc and industry and the technical advice available we can protect our water sheds and maintain high quaUty water for the mutual benefit of all. The Kan-Sun Batch Dryer is especially desiened for • the farmer whose daily harvest rate is under 2.100 bushels • the farmer who is drying gram for the first time, and wants to make a minimum dryer investment • the feeder who raises limited amounts of gram, and doesn t want to haul his gram to town for drying and haul it back for feed M i • the farmer with separate field and storage locations, the portable Kan Sun Batch Dryer can be moved to the gram, and to the storage T, ' i \ ’{ ' • the farmer who owns an in bin system such as Butler Slor N Dry® and wants to increase his daily drying rate, he will use the Kan Sun for drying and the bins as cooling and storage tanks (dryeration) '*,'4 * The Butler Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can remove 10 points of moisture from 90 bushels of corn an hour In a 24-hour drying day the total dried and cooled will be 2.100 bushels Using dryeration can increase drying capacity to 2 700 bushels Phone 687-7659 AGRI-BUILDER