—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 1975 6 July 10 Weekly 51 - Cattle - compared with the previous week’s close slaughter steers closed 2.50-3.00 lower, some good and low-choice 925-1000 lbs. 3.50 off. Heifers 2.00-2.50 lower. Cows closed weak to 1.00 lower. Bulls steady, instances 1.00 higher. Four day receipts 17,200 as compared 13,200 previous hpliday week and 22,700 a year ago. Slaughter steers little more than 55 pet, heifers 28 percent, cows 13 pet. The fed cattle trade came under severe down ward pressure in reflection of a sharply declining car cass trade. Live trading generally a slow deliberate process with buyers cautious and selective and a bearish atmosphere prevailed. There was moderate seller pressure to move cattle which was further en couraged by continued hot humid weather. The overall finish not attractive most days with majority steers and heifers good to average choice and including many good and low-choice 925-1050 lb. steers and 750-850 lb. heifers. In view of unstable carcass trade, most buyers competitive only for suf ficient time. STEERS: The forepart of week, a dozen loads choice and prime 1081-1342 lbs. yield grade 3-4 53.50-55.00. At Oklahoma July 10 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated receipts 11,000. Same day last week 5,830. Trade fairly active, feeder steers steady to 50c lower, feeder heifers mostly steady. Majority receipts mixed good and choice and choice 500-800 lb. Feeder steers, 400- 700 lb. Feeder Heifers. Moderate attendance of buyers. FEEDER STEERS; Choice 375-500 lb. 33.00-36.00, 500-600 lb. 33.25-35.00, 600-700 lb. 33.75-37.00, 700-900 lb. 35.50-38.00. Mixed Good and Choice 450-500 lb. 28.25-29.50, 500-600 lb. 28.50-33.50, largely 30.00-33.00, 600-800 lb. 30.75- 34.50. Good 400-500 lb. 22.00- 27.25. bulk 23.00-25.75,500-700 lb. 23.50-27.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 400-500 lb. 26.00-28.75, 600-700 lb. 29.00-31.50, lot 607 lth-.32.70, Good and Choice Monday, July 7 Reported receipts of 447 horses, mules and ponies. Market lower. Load of Pa. driving horses 350-590; load of Kansas riding horses 160-390; load of Tennessee riding horses 185- 525 and a load of Tennessee riding horses 205-300. "'ZtiicA'