Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 1975, Image 33
Form Equipment l Hawk Bilt Tank Spreader; New Idea 207 Spreader; 14 ft. truck bed with sides and tail gate, needs floor; A.C. WD tractor with cultivators; 24 ft. Farmec elevator with gas engine. Phone 717-529-2204. JkL EAGLE JSBBm machinery mmmm COMPANY NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK Oliver 4-row Corn Planter w-no-til Westco Stone Rake (4) 8 ft. Stone Rakes (3) 3 pt Disc Harrows White 2-105 Tractor Oliver 1755 Diesel Tractor (5) 5,6, 8 and 10 Ton Wagons (5) 3 pt 1-row Cultivators (2) New Rotary Mowers 3 pt.and Pull Type USED EQUIPMENT (2) Highway Mowers for Sato Tractors 460 9 ft. New Holland Haybme Oliver 1265 Tractor w-loader, 300 hrs. (3) Plows, 3 pt. Trip Bottom, John Deere, Oliver, W.F. J.D. 17 Disc Gram Drill (6) Used Wheel Horse tractors with mowers (2) 5 & 6 B Hydraulic auto Reset Plows (2) Lilliston 7 ft. 6 Rotary Mowers 3 pt. Hitch Phone (215) 458-5326 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. UK. Neiii Berlinville. PA 1 M'rieN. ofßoyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 ■Eh farm HQ' EQUIPMENT * PARTS fc SERVICE * DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP * iAMESWAY ♦ FLICKES SILO ♦FMC ---SPRAY •BEAN EQUIP. NEED Park on our lot. We will sell it for you privately at no charge or sell it for a small commission on one of CONSIGNMENT SALE - FRIDAY. JULY 18th, 3 P.M. WENGER'S FARM MACHINERY INC., South Race St, Myerstown, PA 17067 Just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. PHONE DAYS 717-866-2138, NIGHTS 717-866-7147 Farm Equipment For Sale - Allls-Chahners L Combine Air-Conditioning, 15 ft. grain platform, 6 row com head, approx. 100 hrs. AIRVILLEFARM SERVICE AirvUle, P«. 17302 717-802-3358 Route ICO, Eagle, PA For Sale - Equipment - ALL NEW New Farmall 1066; One 70 Hydro; One 464 Gas Tractor One 464 Diesel Tractor One_s74 Gas Tractor * One 574 Diesel Tractor One 510 4 bottom, 6 plow Used Equipment One J.D. Model 30 Combine PTO One I.H. 101 Combine 10 ft. self propelled Land’s Farm Machinery Thomdale Phone 215-269-2676 CASH? equipment your our monthly auctions. USED TRACTORS Oliver 77 Dsl -Tractor (Orch ) Oliver 77 Gas Tractor Oliver 66 Gas Tractor Oliver 70 Gas Tractor (Steel) M M 4 Star w/3 pt hitch M M Jet Star Util Allis Chalmers B w/cults USED EQUIEMENT Fox 3 row corn head Fox 2 row corn head Gehl 2 row corn head Gehl FBBS Blower Oliver 16 7 Gram Drill Oliver 13 7 gram drill NEW TRACTORS Oliver 1755 Diesel Tractor Oliver 1365 Dsl Utl Tractor Oliver 1265 Dsl Utl Tractor Kubota L-175 Dsl Utility NEW EQUIPMENT Fox 425 Harvester 540 RPM w/l-row corn head elec knife sharpener Fox 2200 Harvester 540 RPM w/802 hay pickup head, elec knife sharpener Fox 3300 Harvester 1000 RPM w/2-row corn head. elec knife sharpener Gehl CB 400 Harvester. 540 RPM w/2-row corn head Gehl BU 620 Forage Box 4' x 16 W/GBO6 8 ton running gear and 9 5L x 15 8 ply tires Gehl 120 Mixall w/hyd drive Woods MSP 3 pt rotary cutter Woods M6OP rotary cutler Woods 84 Trl rotary cutter Vicon PS 500 3 pt spreader Vicon PS 600 3 pt spreader Vicon 3 pt hay rake USED LAWN EQUIPMENT Bolens 1556 15 h p Hydro Bolens 1476 14 h p Hydro Bolens G 14 h p Gear FARMERSVILLE EQUIP., INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 717-354-4271 Store Hours Daily 7 30 600 Sal. 7 30 -4.30 chnriflM Farm Equipment SPECIAL New Holland Baler Boy TWINE Premium No. 9 New Holland Plastic 9600 *28.50 per bale A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland, Pa. 717-354-4191 NEW EQUIPMENT Baler, N.H. 283 w thrower $6395 Gravity Bins $435 Haybine, N.H. 479 $3600 Radio, J.D. Tractor $6O. Spreader, J.D. 54 sa tires $2360. Spreader, J.D. 40 w tires $1978. Spreader, N.H. 365, with tires $1995 Spreader, N.I. 224 w tires $3BBO. Stack Wagon, J.D. 200 $10,960. Lawn and Garden Tractors J.D. 200 w-mower $1478. Ariens Sl2 w-mower $1960. July Special on J.D. Bicycles STANLEY A, KLOPP, INC. Bermille, PA 215-488-1510 'i y $ "' ■'-'<' ... .;., -■->*'Uuenec'Timp-Ma&j»»f ttanster ' "«# aapaix Jtssy'mg ~> f .'-„ ~,j&|s .. co'ritrois’forttm ■’ * W */JP ~,: oaolar'aml X \'•, ''> ,v K|| £* • Uu»npr-MMtic? Mipmaitp Wathlvap $ JO; S’-^^SiSSMiS ;'-Si 425 gal Esco ___ . . . 300 gal Moionmer (1) 300 gal Jamesway 400 gal. Girton New 18 can (Can Coolers) MS 200 gal Esco QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, PA 17534 OR Answering Service 354-4374 24 Hour Service We Stock Hess’ Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12,1975 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191 Special on Hesston drowers PT7’s PTIO’s Buy now with small down payment and no finance Farmall M Tractor charges. A.C. CA Tractor Balance not due until April 1, cultivators 1976. Ground driven com binder, Generous discounts like new available on Hesston PTO Cora Binder w-loader, Stakhands. good. UMBERGER’S MILL ELWOOD FLOWERS RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) Manheim RD2, PA Phone 717-867-5161 Phone: 717-653-4839 LANDIS & ESBENSHADE Kirkwood, PA USED BULK TANKS After SPM JOHN D WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M GROFF 354 0473 GID DIENNER 768-8521 infi Win and See your PATZ Dealer today Box 5 Phone 717-768-7111 33 Farm Equipment Phone 786-4158