Tho old adago that ’‘every one talks about tho weather, but nobody docs anything about it" no longer rings so true. At any rate, when you’re talking about “little weather" —technically known as micro climate—it’s the weather that immediately surrounds every house and yard. Today, micro climates can be controlled through our own efforts, even though in limited fashion. In the new Ortho garden book, Weather-Wise Garden ing, you can find a variety of techniques to modify your im mediate weather, including how to harness the sun, wind, and water to make the weather warmer or cooler, more windy or less, humid or dry. Surprisingly, what you do to your microclimate outside your home will have a definite effect inside your home. “Tests by agricultural sta tions of state universities show that what you do to the cli mate outside the house has a definite effect upon the climate within it,” the book points out. Consider trees, for example, as a climate control factor. When you plant deciduous trees to shade the west wall and roof of your house, you tfOivi iUa &ou/etfoa.4&n'' 1 at mm> I II INC.J "'ZtotetfiPaA" » “S*otwP<*£' R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 130 MODELS 12 TO 48 FOOT DIAMETER BINS .//r •* ’ 1 ' EARLY ORDER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE MOST BINS AND EQUIPMENT IN STOCK WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL sr =1 V