6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 5, 1975 Lincoln Laid Groundwork For Agriculture’s Future Although preoccupied with (he spreading ravages of the Fivil VVnr. President Abraham Lincoln plnced important em phasis on the future of American agriculture In one vear, IH(>2. the t.iiuoln Administration took three separate actions which would have major long-range el fee is on the agricultural mssls of a growing nation l.i\ mg up to the bargain he made for western support to get elected, Lincoln signed thns' agriculture related acts The U S Department of Agriculture was organised and given independent status to promote the nation s farming The Homestead Act was passed and agricultural de velopment of the West entered a new era Agricultural education received a much needed boost with the passage of the Morrill Land Grant College Act In his first message to Con gress President Lincoln called for the establishment of an agricultural and statistical bureau and on Mac i 5 1862 the U S Department of Agri culture was created Actually since the founding of the countrv m 1776 efforts had been under wac to form such a federal body In his ERTH-RIIE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCH, INC. ROl.Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717 442 4171 EVERY WEDNESDAY IS W m* DAIRY DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price Mostly fresh and close springing Holsteins Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blaine Hotter, Dale Hostetter, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. For arrangements for special sales or herd dispersals at our barn or on your farm, contact Abram Diffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 -A Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 V 3 ** Inst annual message to Con gress. Cisirge Washington ad vocaied the creation of a hoard of agrii ulture Benjamin franklin, Follow ed bv Thomas Jefferson and others, started the practice of smuggling seeds hack home from foreign countries Later, all U S consuls in foreign lands were enlisted in these collection efforts The first agricultural divi sion was created under the Fommissioner of Patents and the distribution of seeds to leading farmers was started Short K before the Agriculture Department was created, the country even had an experi mental federal five acre gar den plot in Washington On July 2 1862. the Land Grant College Act was passed and agriculture education was launched on a national basis These early education efforts were beset with many prob lems. but progress was made B\ 1892, organized college extension teaching in agricul ture was begun Agricultural education, which began under local soci eties. such as the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture in 1785, was put on a lormal and continuing basis On May 20, 1862, President Lincoln signed the Homestead Act Now supposedly heads of families could receive 160 acres of the public domain Many problems and scandals concerning land development resulted in numerous changes in the law in coming years But gradual settlement and agricultural development moved westward Thus within a scant month and a half back in 1862 Lincoln with three strokes of his presidential pen shaped the future of American agri culture Try A Classified Ad If Pays! JOHN Z. LAPP cm p«wr “A Quality Paint For Every Purpose • Engine Sales & Service • Lawn Mower Sharpening- Hydraulic Units. Centerville Road RDI, Gordonville, Pa. 17529 Big top toppers make a bonanza with buigeis Buttei, cheeses, chib sauce and iclish aie the mam ingiedients COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING for Further Information On Our STEEL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon Or Call Today! No Obligation. SPECIAL TRADE-IN HUBER ROAD GRADER $ 1400 ,0 ° DUNKIN’ DIP 1 1/2 cups dairy som cieam . . , , , , J 2 tup dan v som cieam cup chili sauce 1 (2 pound) package (i.izcn Ficnch lues Combine som cieam and ] 4 tup chopped pimiento chili sauce, chill Serve with stuffed olives Fiench fnes, piepaied ac coidmg to package dncc tions 2 cups VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R D. #4, LEBANON, PA 17042 PHONE (717)867-4139 "Come one, come all, get y«nr burgers here!” '| ) lil( could be the barker's call at the midway, or it might b, the voice of the chef at your own backyard grill But getting the lungers is just a beginning You can snppb a paiade of toppers which make the hamburgers .1 kml bonanza Favonte ingredients can get into the act line with Biittei-Blue cheese topping for some, a Clin M Polish Spiead foi others. Some might like a combination eluli sauce and Cheddar cheese while still others would piefei a som cieam base accented with shredded Buck cheese and puiueiito-stiiffed olives CHEESE-OLIVE SPREAD 1 2 tup slucdded Buck cheese Combine mgicdients Ap pio\ 1 cup j (Koi£ Coupon Tcdaif! j □ SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE I NAME j ADDRESS | CITY. I TELEPHONE And tliat’s not all, folks' For the French fry fans there's a special Dunkin’ Dip made of a spicy comho of sum cream and chili sauce BURGER BONANZA 11/2 pounds ground beef 1 /2 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 cup milk J/4 cup chopped onions 11/2 teaspoons salt 1 /8 teaspoon pepper 8 hamburger buns Butter-Blue Cheese Spread Cheese-Relish Spicad Chib-Cheese Spread Chccse-Ohve Spread '**■'**■*** Combine meat, crumbs, milk and seasonings, mi\ lightly Shape into 8 patties Bi oil or gull to desired doneness Spread buns, as desiied, with BUTTER-BLUE CHEESE SPREAD 1 / 2 cup buttci 1/4 cup crumbled Blue cheese 1 /2 teaspoon Worcesteishoe sauce Combine softened buttei, Blue cheese and Worcestci shue sauce, mi\ until well blended Appio\ 3/4 cup CHEESE-RELISH SPREAD 2 packages (3-o/ each) ci cam cheese I - 4 cup pickle relish 1 tablespoon picparecl mustard Combine softened cieam cheese, pickle iclish and mustard, mi\ until well blended Appiox 1 cup CHILI-CHEESE SPREAD 1 cup (4 oz ) shiedcled Chcddai cheese 1 '2 cup chili sauce Combine mgiedients Ap pio\ 1 cup STATE ZIP.