incatar Ffrataj. SabTday. July 5.1975 Ui HARVESTORE " $ 2OOO - “ AUTOMATION A. 0. Smith Harvesters announces a July Bi-Centennial Harvestore Sale. Let our Area Managers tell you about the terrific $ 2OOO OO automation certificates, that’s right s 2ooo°°. This offer good in July only - so if Harvestore is in your plans - now is the time to check it out. HAR VEST ORE CERTIFICATES" contact New Holland, Pa. 17557 717-3544051 HEAR YE! HEAR YE! *2OOO* 00 uly Bi-Centennial Sale Jet Tour to the Midwest Farm Progress Show j Dekalb, Illinois Make Reservations Now To Join us on this Tour "Greatest Ag Show in the World” SEPT. 30 OCT. IST