USDA Sets Spring Crops Enumberation Spring might be Identified •« the mystery period In the development of a new crop season. A big piece of im portant information is yet to be plugged into the system; FEATURING: • Anti-Vibration Systems • Automatic Oiling on All Models • 40 Years Experience in Design and Production lohn L DAVE'S Stauffer ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE SERVICE R.D.2, East Earl, PA ln Rear of Stauffer’s Phone2ls-445-6175 .. “ a ® hi ™ I/. MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE Va°l eTpoad ON UNION GROVE ROAD R PA A & B Sales & Service 2 Miles South of Route 23 Alone 772 thru Monterey R.D.I, RONKS, PA Your Local Red Rose Dealer can help you rid your premises of this creature. We have a fly control program to fit every farmer's need. • GOLDEN MALRIN SUGAR BAIT • KLEEN-KOW CONTAINING VAPONA DIRECT SPRAY • CYGON 2-E RESIDUAL SPRAY • SIMAX-BACK RUBBER CONCENTRATE • KOREAN • CATTLE DUST BAGS WE ALSO STOCK A COMPLETE SELECTION OF HERD HEALTH NEEDS. Bed Rose ANIMAL FEEDS BROWN & REA, INC. How many acres are far mers actually planting? How closely will they follow the planting intentions reported to USDA’s Statistical Reporting Service (SRS) as PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1 atglen, pa 215-593-5149 early aa January and March? There can be aome aharp contradiction* between what farmers indicate they'll plant and what they really manage to get in the ground. Many factors influence these decisions. For example, farmers a year ago were geared up to boost acreages of several crops but heavy spring rains washed out some of these plans. In other years, acreages may be altered because of economic con ditions, labor supplies, government programs, or even the impact of the early season estimates of what producers say they’ll plant. Intensifying the im portance of needing to know just what the acreage-for harvest prospects are for 1975 are the concerns about the availability of certain feed and food crops on the heels of short 1974 outputs, -and -the potential- effect on farmers’ prices for their products. Livestock and poultry producers are interested in future grain supplies; grain farmers are anxious about potential price returns; and cotton growers are sensitive to their softening market situation. Foreign buyers are also eyeing the U.S. crop potential. All this interest draws considerable attention to the SRS June Acreage Report, the first major indication of 1975 spring planted acres and acres for harvest. The release is the outgrowth of a nationwide data collecting and estimating effort by SRS that gets underway in late May FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE, GIVE YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT RED ROSE DEALER A CALL! RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY 27 N. CHURCH ST. QUARRYVILLE, PA and early June with personal interviews of some 70,000 farm operators. Information is also gathered through the mall from thousands of other producers. The program of annually interviewing a cross section of farmers in all States, except Alaska and Hawaii, has been operating for nearly two decades. Each season focuses more im portance on this data program because of larger and more specialized farms, and the need to develop more reliable estimates for the entire agricultural industry. The interview survey - statisticians call it an enumerative survey because it collects complete data on crops, livestock, labor, and other agricultural activities from selected land segments - offers several advantages not available through the mail surveys alone. The enumerative survey is based on probability sampling which means that the chance, or probability, of each farm or farmer being in the sample can be computed. This provides statisticians with the means of measuring the degree of precision for estimates. For the June Enumerative Survey, the country is drawn off into individual land segments, each about 1 .square mile in area with about two or three farm operations. Segments in the 11 Western States are somewhat larger in size. Some 16,000 of these area segments form the survey sample and represent about 0.6 of 1 percent of the total land area in the 48 States. A Com Belt State has Div. of Carnation about 350 segments; Southern States about 425; and Texas and California, about 1,000 each. While the main emphasis of the survey is to gather data on crop acreages as a foundation for forecasting production, there are also special contacts made with over 9,000 livestock operators to ask the number of cattle, hogs, and sheep. This survey information is the primary indication for setting mid-year inventory numbers and pointing out the expected level of marketings during the second half of the year and early 1976. The June Enumerative Survey also identifies fields for highly specialized in-the field crop counts and measurements to develop yield indications of com, cotton, wheat, and soybeans. In these objective yield surveys, information is gathered each month during the .growing season from small randomly selected plots in the fields. Plants are counted and distances between rows measured to determine plant populations per acre, a factor in the yield forecasts. Next, the enumerator counts such pertinent plant items as cotton blooms and bolls, soybean nodes and pods, wheat heads and spikelets, and ears of com. r 1 New Idea’s Long-Reach Elevators REACH! Get extra reach and save Take our word for it, this New Idea elevator will do the same job that longer (and more expensive) ele vators do. The way they’ve engineered and balanced the extra overhang beyond the wheels makes the important difference. It raises and lowers quickly with a new, safer, easier-to-operate hand winch. The deeply embossed areas around bolt holes and steel angles that overlap joints give it rigid, no-sag construction and extra long life. Additional strength is provided by formed stress plates welded to the bottom of each section. Five lengths—3l to 51 feet. Choice of hoppers and drive. Written full year guarantee. » '* ' BUCK, PA 284-4464 Lancaster Farmlnf, Saturday, June 14,1975 We make your job a little easier L L ECKROTH A. C HEISEY FARM FARM EQUIP, INC EQUIP. INC New Ringgold RDI Ph 717-943-2367 Jonestown Ph 717-865 4526 N.H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Ph 215 683 7252 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph 215 845 2911 STANLEY’S 'FARM SERVICE Klmgerstown Ph 717-648-2088 These counts sre related to the stage of crop develop ment for a gage of yield pm* plant. Results from this work were particularly important indicators (or monthly yield forecasts and production estimates during 1974. The wet spring, dry summer, and killing frosts of early fall made this information especially valuable in providing current, unbiased, and reliable indications of crop yields and production. The June Enumerative Survey la a source of other important SRS data collection efforts. In December, a subsample of those farms visited in June will be interviewed again to obtain indications on winter wheat and rye seedings, and cattle, hog, and chicken, and sheep inventories, and pig and calf crops. MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN . SALE EVERY MONDAY ATIIA.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct STANLEY A. KLOPPINC. Bernviile Ph 215 488 1500 UMBERGERSMILL RD4 Lebanon (Fontana) Ph 717-867 5161 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph 717-933-4114 59
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