Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. Myers Before you select your water system, get the facts on the complete MYERS line. WATER CONDITIONING Fully Automatic or Manual, Cabinet or Free Standing, Two Tank Models. WATER FILTERS Solves objectionable water prob lems. Fully Automatic or Manual. NIUE'S PUMP & SUPPLY • (Main Office) 419-27 Dalton St. Emmaus, PA 18049 AUTHORIZED MYERS DEALERS: M.W. EISENHART WILLIAM S.PHILLIPS HARDWARE Cantor Vallay, Pa. 18034 Routa 1 PHONE (215) 282-3550 Stain's Cornar, Pa. 18066 PHONE (215) 285-6290 EARL F. KEGERISE, INC. Prioatown Road Fiaatwood, Pa. 19522 PHONE (215) 944-8532 LONGACRE ELECTRIC, INC. ■ally. Pa. 19603 PHONE (215) 845-2261 SCHULTZ WELDING SHOP 2£^ L £2f u " ENTSHO ’‘ 235?*. i»« m0NE(2151M74277 FHONE (2181755-IHI RICHARD M. SCHAEFFER SALES ft SERVICE Route no. 1 Box ti Lanhartavilla, Fa. 19634 Tel (215) 5924392 CLARENCE R. SEAMAN Oaubarville, Fa. 19617 FHONE (215) 9294341 Getting shouldered out at the community feeding trough has got to be one of the more unpleasant aspects of a milk cow’s life. But bossy’s lot could become a little easier, thanks to an electronic feed dispensing system designed and developed by ARS researchers in Illinois. The system lets each cow get her full share - when she wants it - from a stall in a loose housing area where the dairy herd is free to roam. Cows aren’t the only ones who stand to benefit. The system would save labor, as well as valuable feed resources, by making feeding more efficient. Researchers emphasize that when cattle feed at a com- PUMPS • TANKS • PLASTIC PIPE • • WATER CONDITIONERS • DISTRIBUTED BY: • (Branch) 1668 Wyoming Ave. Rt. 11 Forty Fort, PA 18704 / L- < New Tool Simplifies Dairy Feed Rations /K /YtMV / /wai«juhy\ // mow imuiutimi wn\\ SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS (for 4" wells) Capacities to 3400 GPH, well depths to 900 feet, “Exclusive" 3 year Warranty from date of installation. FRANCIS L. SHIFFERT Box 80 Palm, Pa. 19070 PHONE (215) 679-7153 RICHARD B. SNYDER Sth St., Mountain Rd. Routa2 Emma us. Pa. 19049 PHONE (215) 966-9574 STEWART PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 420 Stata St. Hamburg, Pa. 19526 PHONE (215) 592-7006 SHOLLENBERGER FARM SUPPLIES 4th Sr Pina St. Hamburg. Pa. 1982 S PHONE (219) 192-9096 mon trough outside the milking parlor, it’s hard to maintain grain corn sumption levels that are tailored to each cow’s out put. Group feeding outside the milking parlor also involves shifting cows from one group to another to regulate their feeding levels. Besides taking time, transferring the animals affects the social order of the new group and ultimately lowers milk production. On the other hand, cattle that are group-fed in milking parlors may not have time to eat all their production geared rations while being milked. Parlor feeding can also lead to sanitation and fly problems. CHLORINATORS - PURIFIES POLLUTED WATER! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14.1975 How does the new system work? Each cow wears a neck collar fitted with a transponder • an elec tronically coded device that identifies the cow according to her milk production. When the cow moves her head into the feed trough, a coded device within the tran sponder starts to charge electronically, triggering a feed dispenser that slowly releases the cow's rations. When the device is fully charged, the dispenser stops and the cow gets no more Grass Clippings Being Used As Poultry Feed Turf farm grass clippings, normally discarded as waste, may be a source for valuable poultry feed if dehydrated. USDA’s Agricultural Research Service has conducted tests with favorable results. Tests were conclusive enough to spur turf companies into operating grass in California. And a large farmer near Denver, Colo., is planning to integrate his turf operation with a new 200,000-bird poultry operation. Researchers found that the grass was high in xan thophyll when fresh and retained most of it when dehydrated. It is high in protein (25 per cent) and low in fiber (20 per cent). Additives helped to achieve retention of 85 per cent of the carotene and 75 per cent of the xanthophyll over 12 weeks. The turf farmer who is incorporating a poultry operation is devising an efficient system: he feeds feed. But as the charge wears off, the cow may eat again. Rations are computed on a 12-hour basis, and may be eaten in as many • or as few - installments as the cow wants. Engineers found that by calibrating the transponder and feed dispenser fairly accurately, errors in feeding rates can be held to within 10 percent of prescribed rations - a lot more control than dairymen can expect with conventional feeding practices. grass-based feed to his poultry, and he feeds the nitrient-rich poultry manure to his turf. COMPLETE FARM PAINTING WE USE BRUNING QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!!! AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT: * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush-ln Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE: DANIEL S. ESN (C RALPH MILLER) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER 80X350A. RONKS. PA 17572 57
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