Berks Co. Farm Women Societies Society 2 Group 2 of Bethel. Bcrkf Co. Farm Women held a Mother and Daughter Banquet at Trinity United BULK MILK COOLERS Model DKE - Direct Expansion Bulkheaaed with Automatic Bulk Tank Washer 450 Gal to 2000 Gal in stock. USED BULK MILK TANKS 800 Gal. Zero with 5 h p. Copeland Compressor 800 Gal. Esco with 4 h.p Tecumseh Compressor 650 Gal. Esco 500 Gal Esco Several 300 Gal. Vacuum Tanks for Water Tanks $5O 00 each 400 Gal Mueller Vacuum 400 Gal. Zero Vacuum 400 Gal. Sunset RD4, LITITZ, PA Church of Chriat, Rchrcr •burg with 67 members ond guests attending. President, Arlene Hcrshey welcomed the ladies, followed by a solo by Felicia Snyder. Grace SHENK'S FARM SERVICE was offered by the president before the meal. Betty Stump read scriptures, followed by poems and readings by Wendy Man beck, IJllian Hamish, and Tara Ebllng. Miss Snyder presented the group with another song. Martha Klahr did a monologue, followed by Helen Schmchl and Girls doing several songs for the group. This is Your Life for Elsie Stamm was presented by Marie Gcttei. Sandy Manbcck made recognitions to the following mothers: Oldest Mother Elsie Stamm, Youngest Mother Linda Boitz, Mother Who Came the Longest Distance Cindy Stansfield (Emmaus), Oldest Mother Present Who Does Not Wear Eyeglasses Mrs. Harvey Zimmerman, Oldest Mother Wearing a Wig or Hairpiece Laura Patches, Mother with Heaviest Purse Mrs, Leon Lutz. President, Mrs. Hershey made several an nouncements and the KELLER BROS. yon complete nucm t quip, duuk Ford Farm Tractors & Equip. Ford Industrial Tractors & Equip Ford Garden Tractors & Equip Ford Rider Mowers Ford Tillers ■r£i| Ford Walk Behind Mowers Kubota Tractors & Equip Good Selection from Large Inventory Sales - Parts - Service I KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz ( j IUN^f^RY^MONTH^SPECifIiT^I?EW <^ILK^ANK^<^^*I Bow-Matic Coolers Y THIS TANK ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR DIESEL ENGINE OPERATION DOES A FAN TASTIC JOB OF COOLING MILK Professional milking systems for the milking professional COMPLETE PROGRAM SALES - INSTALLATION - SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered 626-1151 or 626-5996 or Answering Service (717) 733-1224 program was closed by singing “Brighten the Comer." The Juno meeting is at the home of Mrs. Carl Kauffman and it's the bridal squeeze on June 24 at 8:00 p.m. Society 7 Farm Women Society 7 of Berks County - Robesonia, met at the home of Mrs. Donald McKcnny recently. Mrs. Edwin Gcisinger presided. Eleven members were present for a safety program. A dontaion was made to the Robesonia Library. Four members of the group were present at Berks Heim to help at the open house. Mrs. Joan Fessler and Mrs. Lester Gelsinger will be serving as welcome hostesses at the County Convention in October in Kutztown. Mrs. Richard Grajewski will serve on the silent auction committee and Mrs. Scott Rowe on the nominating committee. TRACTOR CO. 15% DISCOUNT Model DKO Three door prizes will be presented by the society at the county meeting, Mrs. Wilbur Strieker and Mrs. Scott Rowe will represent the group at the bicentennial meeting. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Richard Grajewski home and will feature a white elephant sale and a pattern will be selected for the bicentennial costume. The monthly meeting of the Farm Women Society 9 of Berks County was held recently at the home of Pat Haas, Douglasville R 2 with 10 members in attendance. Grace Spohn reported on the Spring Rally. Program chairlady Linda Schearer, reported that the June meeting would be a Bridal Squeeze and the July meeting would be a sand art demonstration done at Kelly’s Nursery, Boyertown Rl. Joan Hafer reported that a hoagie sale had been set and a cake and craft demon stration sale would be held October 11 at Zero's Far mers Market, Gilbertsville. It was decided by the group to send a child from the Hamburg State School to camp this summer and also to send a donation to the 4-H program. Society 9 will hold their annual family picnic on August 10. The program for the evening was on nutrition with each member bringing prepared food from the seven basic food groups and telling about its value. The next meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the residence of Jean Hafer, Oley Rl. Still the most economical and most trouble-free operated milk tank in the world. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14.197 - Society 9 5 H.P. COPELAND COMPRESSOR Pump 4mo old with oil separator suction accumulator and fan slats USED MILKING EQUIPMENT (1) Surge Parlor Milking Equipment (1) DeLaval Pipelmg 60 (1) Surge Alamo 30 Vacuum Pump (1) Double 3 Side Opener Bou-Matic Parlor (4) Sta-Rite Pail Assemblies Complete w-Stall Cocks (1) Kesco Automatic Transfer System (2) Surge Alamo 30’s Vacuum Pumps (1) Zero Vacuum Pump Dauphin Co, Society 1 The monthly meeting of the Dauphin County Society of Farm Women 1 was held recently at the Nancy Lou's Miniature Golf Course at Palmyra. An enjoyable evening, of recreation was held followed by a short business meeting. It was announced that Society 1 will be the guest of Society 6 on June 30, for a program "An Evening in Hawaii." The group will also be the guest in Lebanon County on June 23 for a program at the Community Building in Fontana. Plans were made for the Fail Convention. Thank you notes were read from the Odd Fellows Home and from Mrs. Ethel Cline by Ruth Oberholtzer. Donations were given from the society to the Dauphin County Dairy Princess Contest. It was announced that the October dues will be increased to $2.00 this year. Of this, 90 cents will go the state, 20 cents to the scholarship fund and 38 cents to the county. aECIRIC or BATON MODEL FENCE CONTROLLER REPAIR! AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ON MOST SHOCKERS Repair Them Now. GLENN M. HOOVER Oregon Pike RDl.Leola, PA 17540 656-1020 Manufacturers of 49
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