44—iancmtf firming, Saturday, Juna 14, 1978 LADIES, HAVE YOU HEARD? By Doris Thomas, Extension Homo Economist Have you over thought •boot what you would do if your home freezer flopped running? If your freezer does stop running or the elec* trlcity goes off for some time, you can take special precautions to keep your food from spoiling. Follow one of these rules, and you stand a good chance of preserving your food: Keep the freezer closed. Open it only to take food out for transport or to add dry ice. Try to determine how* long the current will be off, and how long the food will keep. The length of time food will stay frozen depends on: Nonfat dry milk makes a nutritiously good companion for those who like to be next to nature. It packs light, requires little space, travels well, and gives so much. It makes a glass of milk just a mix away. It is in stantly soluble, requires little storage space, and has all the nonfat nutrients of fresh fluid milk. Those nutrients are par ticularly valuable for those engaged in such strenuous physical activity as back packing through mountain trails. Itis especially good for families who take camping vacations where UP GAS -The amount of food in the freezer. A full freezer will stay cold many hours longer than a freezer only a quarter full. -The kind of food. A freezer full of meat will not warm up as fast as a freezer of baked food. -The temperature of the food. The colder the food, the longer it will stay frozen. -The freezer itself. A well insulated freezer will keep food frozen much longer than one with little insulation. -Size of freezer. The larger the freezer, the longer r PROMPT DELiVERY the food will stay frozen. If you have a locker plant in your area, make advanced arrangements to take care of food during an emergency. When transporting the food to the plant, wrap it in plenty of newspaper and blankets, or use insulated boxes. Then rush the food to the locker plant. Your next best alter* native is to add “dry ice” to the freezer to try to retain Dry Milk Popular —• — Y ■■ "■ © the cold. The more dry ice you uae, the longer your food trill remain frozen. Invest some time on the telephone, when you have no emergency, to And out where you can buy “dry ice” should you need it. If all else fails, break out the home canning equipment and cook the thawed food whatever ways your family may like it. Here, again, be sure you have the con- every inch of storage space must be used to its maximum potential. There is no waste in using nonfat dry milk. Just measure and mix what you need immediately, then reseal the package for the next milk break. While useful as a beverage, it also can be used in any recipe that calls for milk - such camping favorites as pan cakes, scrambled eggs, and french toast, for instance. Right now nonfat dry milk is plentiful. According to dairy experts with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, the stock of nonfat dry milk topped last year’s total by 103 per cent. That represents about 114 million one-pound cartons of milk. Instant nonfat dry milk can be used in multiple ways, but did you know it even lets you prepare your own buttermilk? Here’s how: First liquefy the desired amount of nonfat dry milk you need. Do not chill. Then stir % cup commercial or homemade buttermilk. Let stand at room tem perature 8 hours or until thickened. Add a pinch of salt and stir until smooth. Regriegerate until ready to - use. Packaged instant nonfat dry milk should be kept in a cool, dry place without refrigeration. If kept carefully sealed, it should last 6 months. Packages should be carefully reclosed after each use to prevent absorption of moisture. Instant nonfat dry milk, when reconstituted, requires the same care as fluid milk and should be stored in the refrigerator. For best results, follow directions for measuring and mixing on the package. To whip instant nonfat dry milk, use equal amounts of talners, lids, and other canning equipment on hand, and those canning recipes handy; Sometimes frozen foods are completely or partially thawed before you discover that your freezer is not running. You may safely refreeze foods that have thawed if they contain ice crystals or if they are cold - about 40’F. * provided they have been held at this temperature no longer than 1 or 2 days. But remember, use refrozen foods as soon as possible after the emergency. Always examine meat or poultry before you decide what to do with it, because it may become unsafe to eat if it starts to spoil. Get rid of the food if the color or odor of the thawed food is questionable. Remember, be prepared for when your home freezer stops running. Don’t let a power blackout wipe out your frozen foods. Family’s Emotional Needs Important A new car, a large home or instant nonfat dry milk and liquid, such as cup nonfat dry milk and Vt cup water or fruit juice. Put liquid in mixing bowl; add instant nonfat dry milk. Whip with rotary beater or electric beater until stiff. The colder the liquid, the faster it will whip. BALER TWINE 40 lb. bale 9000 ft. *27.19 BARBED WIRE lowa Type expensive clothes mean in dicate that a family is economically successful. However these things often don’t Indicate the emotional success of a family. When s family invests a lot of money, time and energy into fulfilling the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing, it Is sometimes easy to forget the family's emotional needs. Needs such as affection, emotional security and a sense of achievement are just as basic to family members as their material Jwwrasss A coupk wttli • loving relationship should convoy thoso fooling* to their children and invoat time encouraging growth ond undoratonding in family rolationahipo. Don't let monoy or economic auccoaa over* shadow the importance of building a warm and loving relationship among family members. •95
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