Recipe Exchange Home on the Range This week we are featuring some interesting recipes for desserts as well as main dish. features. We have received excellent response from our request on making grape nuts and will be sharing the many different variations from week to week. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. AND LIQUIDATION SALES LIQUIDATING FOR LOCALE DEALER - ROLLS & ROLLS OF CARPET - NAME BRANDS-50 PERCENT & MORE OFF-ANY SIZE-ANY AMOUNT-WHILE IT LASTS-NO SECONDS-NEW MERCHANDISE PURCHASED DEAL FROM MANUFACTURER-3 PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES REG. $889.95. OUR PRICE $349.00 & $389.00. CONTEMPORARY & TRADITIONAL 45 - 2 PC. EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & CHAIR CHOOSE FROM MANY COLORS REG. $569.95. OUR PRICE $265.00. 6 - HIDE-A-BEDS-REG. $289.00 to $329,00. OUR PRICE $179.95. LIQUIDATING STOCK FOR LOCALE DISTR.-REF.- WASHER-DRYERS-DISH WASHERS-15 & 20 CU. CHEST FREEZERS-MOST ALL ITEMS ARE WHOLESALE & UNDER. 9 - RECLINERS-NAUGH.-REG. $119.95. OUR PRICE $69.00 - HERCULON - $79.95. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. 100’s - DINING ROOM SETS-TABLES-CHAIRS HUTCHES-ENDING TABLES-COCKTAIL SETS. 80-100 - T.V.’S - PORTABLES & CONSOLES-COLOR LOCAL STORE WENT OUT OF BUSINESS & LIQUIDATING FOR DISTR-MOST SOLD FOR WHOLESALE & UNDER-MOST ANY SIZE SCREEN YOU WANT. ALL HEADS WILL FIT PORTABLE OR CONSOLE. 8 - SEWING MACHINES-ZIG-ZAG-MAKES BUTTON HOLES-BLIND STITCH & ETC. REG. $179.95. OUR PRICE $79.00. 7 - SEWING MACHINES - FULLY QUTOMATIC. REtJ. $429.95. OUR PRICE $189.95. INCLUDES CASE, 31 - DESKS-ALL SIZES & SHAPES-ON FLOOR NOW AT WHOLESALE. 10 - STEREO COMPONENTS-AM-FM - WALNUT CABINET & SPEAKERS-200 WATT IPP. REG. $309.95. OUR PRICE $149.95. 6 - 4 CHANNEL STEREO COMPONENTS COMPLETE. REG. $349.95. OUR PRICE $189.95. MANY 4 CHANNEL STEREO COMPONENTS & STEREO COMPONENTS & CONSOLES OF EVERY SHAPE-SIZE-FLAVOR TO CHOOSE FROM. 9 - STEREO COMPONENT 8 TRACK-T-T-AM-FM STEREO & SPEAKERS. REG. $349.95. OUR PRICE $139.95. TAPES-REG. $4.98. OUR PRICE $2.00 each. 39 - SETS BOX SPRING & MATTRESS-EXTRA FIRM REG. $299.95. OUR PRICE $149.95 SET. WE ALSO HAVE TWIN-QUEEN-KING SIZE (GUARANTEE) 7 - BUNK BED SETS - REG. $289.95. OUR PRICE $149.95. 10 - BUNK BED SETS - REG. $339.95. OUft PRICE $189.95. 6 - NITE STANDS-REG. $109.95. OUR PRICE $25.00. 40 - CHEST OF DRAWS - REG. $209.95. OUR PRICE $55.00. BOX SPRING & MATTRESS - DOUBLE - REG. $169.95. OUR PRICE $89.95. SINGLES-BOX & MAT TRESS - REG. $149.95. OUR PRICE $79.95. SOME ITEMS WE HAVE; ELECTRIC FRY PANS-COFFEE POTS PICTURES-GRANDFATHER CLOCKS & GRANDMOTHER CALULATORS-WATCHES-SHAVERS-PERFUME-GOLF BALLS-CHAIN SAWS CAR 8 TRACKS-LAMPS-2 - WARE HOUSES FULL OF LIVING ROOM SUITES. IF YOU DON’T SEE IT-ASK FOR IT-FULL WARRANTY-FINANCING THRU BANK* ACCEPTANCE COOPERATION, CREDIT CARDS & LAY A WAY. CORNER OF HEMPLAND & CENTERVILLE RD -NEXT TO 84 LUMBER. CORNER OF HEMPLAND ROAD & CENTERVILLE ROAD NEXT TO 84 LUMBER LANCASTER, PA HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. PHONE: 397-6241 Favorite Breakfait Cake 1 cup sugar V« pound butter 2 eggs beaten 1 cup dairy sour cream 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolve together with 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 cups all purpose flour 1% teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt Cream sugar and butter, add beaten eggs. Blend in sour cream. Add vinegar and soda mixture. Add dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Prepare a topping made of Vi cup brown sugar; 1 teaspoon cinnamon and Vi cup chopped nuts. Spread Vi of the batter into a prepared tube pan. Sprinkle half the topping on this. Add the remaining batter and top with remaining topping. Bake in a moderate oven for 35 minutes. Mrs. Harold Herr Royersford, Pa. XXX Caramel Pudding Vz cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon butter Vz teaspoon salt y* teaspoon soda Combine sugar, water and butter in a heavy saucepan. Bring to boiling then add salt and soda. Boil until thick and syrupy on medium heat. Mix together: V« cup granulated sugar, 1 beaten egg, % cup flour and 4 cups milk. Be careful to add this slowly to syrup mixture. Stir until thickened. Top with whipped cream. Mrs. N.S. Brubaker East Earl, Pa. XXX Cornstarch Ice Cream of 6 cups milk and 1 cup sugar. Bring to a boil. Mix together 2 beaten eggs with V* cup sugar. Also mix 3 tablespoons flour with 1 cup , milk. Add mixtures to the hot **************^*************************** | The Shindig * * A * t At J I Cripple Creek } J Where Music and Fun Just Come Naturally J ★ * * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * ★ * ♦ * ★ * * ★ * * * * ★ * * Advanced tickets must be purchased one week prior to the •ft show. Prices do not include tax, if any All shows subject to change without notice •¥ GRAND OLE OPRY TOURS: "¥■ July 3 thru 6: July 11 thru 14; Aug. 8 thru 11; Aug. 22 thru 28; Sept. 12 thru 15, * * NATIONAL QUARTET CONVENTION: Oct. 2 thru 5. * V* 1 milk. Stir constantly till it thickens. Remove from hsat and add 1 tablespoon vanilla. Cool thoroughly. Pour into 4 quart freezer; cornstarch, 1 cup sugar and 2 cups cream with 1 tablespoon vanilla and churn. Mrs. N.S. Brubaker East Ear), Pa. XXX Butterscotch Pie 1 quart milk 5 egg yolks (save whites for topping) Vt cup evaporated milk 2 cups dark brown sugar 5 heaping tablespoons flour 1 block (Valbs.) butter browned Vi teaspoon salt Put butter in kettle and brown well. Add milk all but a little. Allow the mixture to get hot but not to boil. Take 2 cups brown sugar, salt, egg yolks and flour and mix in the mixer, with the milk retained. Then pour into hot milk mixture and keep stirring until it gets thick. Pour into pie shells that are baked and top with egg whites that are whipped to a peak. Mrs. Vivian Heffner Windsor, Pa. XXX French Rhubarb Pie 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups diced rhubarb 2 tablespoons flour Topping: % cup flour M; cup brown sugar 1-3 cup margarine Put rhubarb mixture into an unbaked pie shell. Cover with topping and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes continue baking at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until done. Mrs. Emma Zook Gordonville, Pa. p with purchase of ■ Show Ticket Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14,1975—43 Quick Buttermilk Bread 2 packages active dry yeast % cup warm water (105-115 degrees) 1V« cups buttermilk 4V4 to 5 cups Occident flour V* cup shortening 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons salt In a large mixer bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add buttermilk, 2Vt cups flour and the shor tening. Also add the sugar, baking powder and salt. Blend Vi minute on low speed scraping often. Beat two minutes on medium speed. Stir in remaining flour. (Dough should remain soft and slightly sticky.) Turn dough onto well floured board; knead five minutes or about 20 turns. Divide into two pieces rolling each into a rectangle. Roll up beginning at short side. With side of hand, press each end to seal. Fold ends under loaf. Place seam side down in pan. Brush loaf lightly with butter. Let rise in warm place until double about one hour. Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes. Remove from oven Brush loaf with butter. Mrs. Ammon Martin Lancaster, Pa. XXX Strawberry Torte 2 cups flour V< pound butt. margarine 2 tablespoons sugar yolks of 3 eggs Combine flour, sugar, butter and mix lightly until coarse and granular. Add egg yolks and pat lightly mto a large pie dish. Top with a box (quart) of strawberries. Beat egg whites gradually TONIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 14 7 P.M. ERNEST TUBB .*S YONDER cm T' KEN UGHTNER SHOW COMING SATURDAY, JUNE 21 JIM & JESSE ALSO: DEL McCOURY THE JOYFUL STRINGS Advance tickets for all shows '3.00 Children 12 and under FREE! For FREE Brochure of Summer Schedule, Ad vance Tickets and Bus Tours to Grand Ole Opry & Opryland, Send to SHINDIG, 434 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602 Phone (717) 687- 6010. ng adding 1 cup granulated sugar. Spread over strawberries and bake (or 30- 3S minutes. This should be eaten as soon as it is thoroughly chilled. Ms. D.F. Shertzer Millersville, Pa. XXX Grapeouts pint molasses pints buttermilk pints graham flour 1 teaspoon soda Put in cake pan and bake. Let stand till cold then cut in strips and put in stove to dry. Grind into particles. Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Bird-in-Hand, Pa. XXX Fried Potato Cakes 2 cups mashed potatoes 4-5 eggs 1 heaping tablespoon flour Vi cup milk sliced onions (optional) Mix all together and if thick, thin slightly by adding some milk. Drop in skillet and fry with shortening or lard. Mrs. L.S. Fisher Ronks, Pa. CID I will do your spray paint job right and personally at a more reasonable rate with the latest equipment BRUNING COUNTRY SQUIRE Phone (AC) 215-445 6186 PHARES HURST RDI Narvon, Pa. 17555
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