—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14. 1975 34 dassllv Farm Equipment New Idea 705 Uni-System. Forage Harveriter and Shelter attachments and four heads. 215433-7379. USED J.D. MACHINERY 4430 Tractor, sound guard body with air, less than 300 hours 1240 Com Planter 12 foot chisel plow 45 Diesel Combine with grain and com heads. CLUGSTON IMPLEMENT, INC. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone 717-263-4103 (1) 7,000 bushel Butler drying bin (3) 5,000 bu. Butler storage bins (1) Martin 13,000 bu. Storage Bin Delmar Brandt RDI Bernvllle, PA 19506 215-488-6976 For Sale - Ford 5000 gas tractor, 2000 hours, very clean and in good working order. Make offer. 717-367- 6975 JUNE DAIRY MONTH HEADLINERS JUST ARRIVED NEW EQUIPMENT 1 -674 D Row Crop 1 -70 D Hydro 1-966 1 - 100 Hydro 2 - 1066’5, one with cab 715 Combine with 13 ft. platform, 4 row cor nhead, diesel with cab 35 Rake 1300 Balanced Mower 430 Baler with custom pickup & hydraulic thrower 105 & 110 Forage Boxes 56 Blower 555 Harvester 650 Harvester, Demo. USED EQUIPMENT IV* Yard Crawler Loader, full power shift diesel, International 125 C good undercarriage, 4 in 1 bucket, cab Ford 4000 with Sauder loader International 350 High Utility with loader International 450 Plow International 311 Plow International 100 Mower 10% DISCOUNT ON BALER TWINE fOur Aim is to Serve You Better j HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL INC. .5. 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET U| EPHRATA, PA 17522 ■■l® PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster County’s Only International Full Line Dealer/^ nfl PHOHI 717-394-3047 or 717424-2191 Farm Equipment m to 65 HP Air Cooled. Can be mounted on various pieces of equipment. Also Good used Diesel Engines. Can Homing's Warehouse 717-354-7792 If no answer call 717-354-4374 DIESEL & GAS SALES & SERVICE SMUCKER’S ENGINE SHOP RDI, GordonviUe, Pa. 17529 ads Form Equipment Used Equip. (2) A.C. 7700 Combines with Com & Grain Heads Gleaner C 2 with Com & Grain Heads A.C. Model E Combine with Cora & Grain Heads Int. S.P. Combine A.C. 66 All Crop Harvester 5020 J.D. G9OO Minneapolis Moline A.C. Model 200 Tractor A.C. Model 190 Tractor X.L. 190 Tractor I.H.C. Baler with Thrower 302 Baler with Thrower 303 Baler without Thrower N.H. 280 Baler with Thrower Cunningham Hay Con ditioner GRUMELLIFARM SERVICE Quarryvflle Phone 786-7318 Like new, New Idea Lime & Fertilizer Drill. N. I. 1-row Transplanter Side Rakes Wisconsin 4 cyl. engine Good 2-B 14” Oliver Plow N.H. and Meyer Hay con ditioners and Tedders Good horse drawn riding weeder and riding cultivator Meyer conditioner parts Mower conditioner com bination Good McCormick Deering No. 7 Silo Filler w-pipe and Shredder Bars We build sprayers and booms to fit your needs. 1 used 20 gallon shrub and tree sprayer with hitch. BEN FISHER 73 S. Ronks Road Ronks, RDI, PA Hp Nothing runs {johndeere] ///CG 3 OGGrG - - - Form Equipment Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, PA Box 388. 17509. Call driver 717-529-29$ or 215-032-2976. r Generators | I FOR SALE: | i Rebuilt i Guaranteed i I * Onan 25 K.W 120/240 | I volts with Ford industrial | I engine - Gasoline i I * Onan 25 KW -120/240 volts | I with Ford industrial engine | I ■ natural gas carburetion i I * Katohght 15 KW • 120/240 | I volts with continental | I . diesel engine i I * General IS KW-120/240 | I volts with Ford diesel | I engine | j Joe Wallis, Jr. I I RDl.Carbondale. PA | 18407 1 717;2827342 ! New Mott mower 6 ft. 3 pt. $4OO. less than list price. Late style Ford Sickle Mower, good condition. Gravity Bins and Wagons, like new. Elmer Gockley RDI Reinhold*,PA 17569 215-267-3281 WE OFFER -Custom Welding in our shop or on the job. -General hauling, repairing and fabricating. -Engine work large or small. -Chain saw sale, rental and repair. -Electric drills, hammer drills, grinders Sales & Service -Lawn and Garden Equip ment Sales & Service. JOHN L. STAUFFER Repair Service Box 67 RD2 East Earl, Pa. Form Equipment Wanted to Buy - 200 quart liquid feed mixer for veal calves. Call 301-245-2881. MOWERS • Sickle, rotary, flail, Mott mowers with motors, riding mowers and gang mowers. Tractors with mounted mowers. New and Used wheel rakes, balers, elevators, haybines and Buffers. 1,2, and 4 row 3 pt. cultivators, tran splanters, feed grinder mixers, high-moisture grain blowers, liquid manure spreaders. Tractors-Loaders and backhoes, grain drills, harvesters, blowers, trenchers, payloaders and skid steer loaders. And 100’s of tractors to choose from. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861 HAYBINE (New) New Holland 479, used 469, International 990, New Idea 9 foot. Owatonna 10 foot self propelled. COMBINES John Deere 6600 hydrastatic diesel fully equipped, 7700, 6600 diesel, 4400, 105, 45 square back and 42 pull type. Massey Ferguson 510 quick tach 410. New White 8800. Gleaner G, C H, E. International 815 diesel, 315, 205, 503, 303. New Idea 701 with combine. TRACTORS Allis Chalmers (new) 7030, 200, used 7050 like new, 220, 210, D2l, XTI9O, 180 Sold, John Deere new and used 4230,4430,4630, used 4620,5020,4020,3020,4010, 3010, 2510, 630, 2010, 60. White (new) 4-150 four wheel drive, 2-105, (new) Oliver 1755, 1655, used 2150, 1855, 1655, 1650, 880. Farmalls (new) 1466, 100 hydrastatic, 966, used 1066 with 100 hours, 1066 hydrastatic with Cab, 1066 with roll guard, 1468, 1206,806,756,656,706,560, 544,340. Case (new) 1070, used 970, 1200, Massey Ferguson 1135, 1150. Minneapolis Moline G 1000. Deutz 1304)6 four wheel-drive, 90-06. Ford (new) 8600, used 4000. BALERS - New Holland 275, 273, 270, 268 all with throwers. CULTIVATORS 4 and 6 row rear and front mounted. •HARVESTERS New Idea tOSLUiu diesel with 3 row chomler. John Deere 38 2 row 34. In ternational 550. PLOWS - White 5X reset, (new) John Deere-4XIB, SXIB trips, 5X16 reset. Used 5,6,7 trip and reset all makes, new 10 foot cultimulchers. (New) chisel plows, John Deere 12 foot. DRILLS International (new) 13 disc, used No. 10 and Ontario. CORN PLANTERS - New and used International 400 cyclo 4 row, 56. John Deere 8 row 30”, 8 row plateless, 1240 plateless, 1300 plateless fully equipped. CORN HEADS John Deere new and used 643, 444, 343, Used 435, 434, 234. Gleaner C 11440,430, F 335, E 240, Massey Ferguson 44, 33, 222, 42. International 6 row, 4 row, 228. CORN PICKERS New and used New Idea 2 row pull 16 to choose from and mounted. New Kill Brothers grain boxes. paulstitzel 734 Windsor Street Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone: 215-562-8377 Business 215-562-7451 Home Farm Equipment For Sale • New Holland 346 tank manure spreader. 24 ft. greenchqp wagon, both used I year. dill 717-847-4711 S HEITZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Special of the Week STWIS Case Roller list |2595. Selling Price $2150. Used 196812 ton Trailer >llOOO. Special of the Month Case Model 1816 Uni-Loader list 14500. Selling Price Only 13500. Used M.F. 203 Loader- Backhoe Used Int. Backhoe InStock Loader- (3) Brand New 9 ton Tag-Along-Trailers Used 1966 Series 60 Chev. Tilt Bed Truck in Perfect Cond. Used J.D. 2010 Trac- Loader Case 350 Trac-Loader, 150 hrs. $11,500. Available Immediately Rebuilt Fork Lifts, 4000 lb. and 2000 lb. load capacity ready for immediate delivery Special Til July Ist Factory rebates on all Massey Ferguson Equipment Agricultural and In dustrial up to $1500.00. Discounts of $5OO. to $lOOO. or more on All Equipment on our lot. Glenmoore, PA Phone; 215-458-8525 ERB & HENRY . EQUIP. INC. New Berlinville, PA IMileN.ofßoyertown Phone 367-2169 ■■■ FARM Hi® EQUIPMENT * PARTS & SERVICE •DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP. * JAMESWAY * FLICKES SILO * FMC SPRAY * BEAN "^tQUIP. Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes off' Let us show you how you can protect your family and farm from costly, annoying power outages by leasing or buying a Wmpower alternator. winwowr "UwoMrtlwW*" DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R.DJI [lona] Lebanon, PA Phone [7l7] 272-0871 Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place
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