Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 1975, Image 32
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 1975 32 i 119951 Brand New 4430 John Deere w-Cab & Air . $18,750.00 • n New M F. 760 Combine 966 Hydro, 800 hrs. $9,850. (6) Uni-Tractors with equipment to choose from, Several Urti-Combmes and several corn heads, nearly new. Sold Two - more coming in. n Int. 203 ConSOv'with cab. Int No. 650 Harvester w-recutter and 2 corn heads. Farmall SOU 3j )ese | Farmall 706 Diesel. Sold it, but have 2 more coming. Farmall 656 Gas w-1570 hrs Farmall 1066 w-250 hrs Oliver 1750 Diesel Oliver 1650 Gas RAYMOND B. LEAMAN Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 Midway between Lancaster & Quarry ille off Rt. 222 [Take Brenneman Road at Graybill Bros. Garage, Refton] HI MONK 717 314.3047 or 717.424-2111 USED EQUIPMENT Farm Equipment For Sale • New Idea Roller bar rake; Jamesway and Louden litter carrier; milk cans; Late Model 16" Papec and No. 7 IHC silo fillers; Oliver 1 & 2 bottom 14" pull type plows; Oliver 2 bottom 12" pull type; J.D. 999 com planter w-fert. attach; 2 cyl. Wisconsin engine with starter & reduction gear. 2 cyl. Baler engine; 2 row horse cultivator; PTO and ground drive IHC corn binders; IHC No. 9,5,6 &7 ft. mowers; J.D. KBA 24 disk; Long Int. Cornbinder Loader. Brillion Packer feeder; J.D. Model L & M 4 wheel Horse Spreader. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687- 6553. GENERATORS PTO, Engine Driven, Gasoline, LP Gas, and Diesel Leonard Martin Co. 330 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, Pa. 17042 WINCO DISTRIBUTORS Ph: 717-273-6478 Fdrm Equipment USED EQUIPMENT New Holland 68 baler w thrower Chisel Plow Fox SP Forage Har vester Gehl Forage Harvester w-2-row com head TRACTORS Farmalls - Cub, Super A, H, M Fords -9N.BN, 800,2000 Diesel, 8000 Diesel Allis Chalmers • CA w- Plow, Cultv. & Mower Massey Harris 165 Ford 4000 Tractor, Loader, Backhoe Small Riding Garden Tractors Wheelhorse 10 H.P. Massey Harris 12 H.P. IHC 7 H.P. Model 102, 122, 149 STRALEYFARM SUPPLY, INC. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 717-292-2631 or 717-292-4443 For Sale - Kneib Bale Loader, practically new, will deliver. 717-292-2750. Form Equipment Aerial IJuldcrH-40.45.85 ft. reach mounted on trucks. Asking 11500 to 12250. No reasonable offer refused. 1045 Sky worker bucket truck on 1964 Chevy $6,250.00. All equipment in good condition. 717-786-2061 Wanted - Two tires size 4:00 by 19 used or new. Phone 215- GL9-3165, or write M. Willcox Jr., Wawa, PA See your PATZ Dealer today LANDIS & ESBENSHADE Kirkwood. PA Form Equipment For Sale - Pox Chopper Super D, 471 Dot. 2-R corn head, new hay pickup and 2- row snapper head. A-l Cond. Must sell. 201-659-2616 For Sale • A real good Frick threshing machine, all belt straw blower and etc. $l9O. 10 ft. cut grain binder IHC in real good shape $lOO. PTO. Nichols Bros. Farms, East Smithfieid, PA Bradford Co. Phone 786-4158 Box 5