Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 1975, Image 31
Livestock For Sole For Sato - A registered service an bull born 7-14*74. Sire: N-Del-Cee Dutchman, Dam: 5 records over 20,000 milk. CaU 717429-2925 Jacob K.Stoltzlua Duroc Breeding Stock. LAWRENCE ARNOLD RDI Box 402 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 ' 717-272*2179 Charolaia-Regtotered Purebreds bred and selected for Fertility, Calving ease, Milking ability. Gainability, Disposition, and Con formation. John W. Stump, Clermont Mill Road, Street, Maryland 21154. Phone 301- 4524700 KELLER BROS. YOUR COMPLETE TRACTOR t EQUIP. DEALER Ford Farm Tractors & Equip Ford Industrial Tractors & Equip Ford Garden Tractors & Equip Ford Rider Mowers Ford Tillers pr*ig Ford Walk Behind Mowers V&l Kubota Tractors & Equip Good Selection from Large Inventory Sales - Parts - Service IKELLER BROS.TRACTOR CO.! Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz I 1 ISIS V \ A HOLLAR Tank Spreaders keep your barn area tidy, the roadway clean and your neighbors happy. Here's the spreader we'll stand behind! No drip! No trail! Sperry New Holland has a solid warranty 36 N.H. Crop Chopper (good cond.) 460 N.H. Haybme Super 69 N.H. Baler PTO 78 N.H. Baler (2) A.C. Mod. 829 Mower Conditioners 37 I.H. Baler with Engine 717 N.H. Forage Harvester - 9 knife with 1-row cornhead Sauder loader with manure fork and pan Several used tank spreaders - N.H. & Starline 350 Strasburg Pike Livestock For Soto For Sato - One Service age Holstein Bull Sired by ABCs Elfac, Dam Ivanhoe Jack. Moses E. Stoltzfoos, RDI, Gap, Penna. Dolry Equipment Bulk milk tank, stainless steel, 450 gal., like new. 52 watering cups and stan chions, good condition, vacuum pump. Best offer. (201) 990-2101 anytime. For Sale - Surge SP 22 Vacuum pump, S Surge bucket milkers with Jet flo inflations, dumping station with 100 ft. or hose. 717-529- 2204. TRACTOR CO. tS tS iS L H. plus expert factory trained servicemen. •Liquid tight steel tank! •All-weather operation! •145- to 250-bu. size! SALES AND SERVICE - PARTS AND EQUIPMENT H. BRUBAKER, Inc. L. 300 Gal Jamosway w- Compressor, Good Cond. 500 gal. Esco, good cond., 300 gal. Glrton milk tank, good condition CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzer, PA Phone Intercourse 768-8228 For Sale • Like new 30-calf BarKow nursery with gas •pace heater 36-gallon gas hot-water heater, 2,500 gallon manure pit and good ventilation system, 12’x32’. Used one year, excellent for replacement heifers and veal calves. Call 618-736-2993. For Sale - Used 1,000 gallon Dari-Kool milk tank with washer. Also new 12S0 gallon Dari-Kool Tank, and two 4*ooo gallon Mueller tanks. Special price on tanks in -Stock. CLUGSTON IM PLEMENT, INC., Cham bersburg, PA 17201. Phone 717-2634103. nr For Sale - One Surge Mini Cup and 4 Surge bucket milkers - elect, pulsation and SP 22 pump. Make an offer. Call 215-562-8878 U* is BRUBAKER, USED EQUIPMENT 331 NH Spreader Fast Hitch I.H. 2 Row Cornplanter 4-row J.D. Corn Planter 18 ft. Bnllion_Transport Harrow CONTACT: 808 GANTZ HOME 653-5020 OFFICE —397-5179 OR 687-6002 Ph. 397-5179 Dolry Equipmqnr Used DeLaval Pail Milkers w-visa daw Used Surge Pail Milkers Used 400 Gal. Sunset Tank w-compressor (*gw<y) SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dfllervflle Road Lancaster, PA Phone: 397-4761 WE ARE FIGHTING INFLATION PRICES WITH SPECIAL SALE TANK SPREADERS ONE WEEK ONLY ALSO GOOD DEALS ON CONVENTIONAL TYPE SPREADERS FREE FINANCE TILL NOV. 1 PARTS and SERVICE T~ —I —; : Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14,1975—31 Dairy Equipment . . DeLaval pipeline milking system. 220 feet of Vk" pipe, 3 milking units, complete with Surge Alamo vacuum pump. 500 gal. Milkeeper bulk tank with compressor also available. 717-7264207. Pets RAINBOW KENNELS AKC Stud Service HOME OF QUALITY Belgian Sheepdog Border Collies Shetland Sheepdog Irish Setters Peekapoos Cockerpoos Pekinese Poodles American Cocker Spaniel 663 Old Baltimore Pike Newark, Del. 1-302-737-6526 Miscellaneous Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. For Sale - 1 Haylosin ap plicator, 3 drums of Haylosin, also moisture tester. Call 215-562-8878 ts IS *L \ \ Inc. ON ** sS= ® > I Lancaster, Pa. Saturday Sampler Classifieds for the HOUSEHOLD Used Sears 17 cu. Upright Freezer $175. Used Philco 14 cu. Upright Freezer $125. Used Whirlpool Electric Range 40 ,r 5175. Used Philco Electric Range 30” $175. Used Kelviiiator 15 cu. Side- By-Side Refrigerator $175. Phone 717-284-4141 48" Fiberglass Shower Units, 9 only, White or color Reg. $199.95 /agway) NOW $125.00 v , y SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillerville Road Lancaster, PA Phone: 397-4761 Notice NOTICE - Custom Pea Shelling - clean. 1 Block north of Bollinger’s Farm Market along Weidmansville Road. Lloyd K. Sensenig, Route 1, Ephrata, Pa. Help Wanted Attn: Homemakers Friendly Toy Parties is expanding and looking for managers in your area - Party Plan experience preferred. Call collect to Carol Day - 518-489-4571 or write Friendly Home Par ties, 20 Railroad Ave. Albany, N.Y. 12205. PLANTS Plants For Sale - Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Broccoli. 717-788-3092 Drums, Pa. 18222 Miscellaneous For Sale - 450 Bu. soybeans, excellent quality, call 717- 529-2830. Shenandoah Wood and Coal Stoves, Fire Grate. The Maximum Security Lock, without Key-Dialoc. HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS RDI, Marietta, Pa Ph. 717-426-3286 Ceramic tile, seconds 'ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS V* mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdaie Road WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $20.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at 5175.00. Less expensive thsa straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Wanted - Bee swarms, Leroy Eberly, Leola. 656-6131. CHICKEN houses insulated with sprayable urethane foam. All types of con struction, For free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724.' After 5:00 p.m. call 872-2233. For Sale - 1969 12x65 mobile home, air conditioned, 1% bath 3 bed room with 10x16 room built on. Insulated and wired, can be bought separate, price $4000.00 or any reasonable offer. Call 215-562-8878 \ \ Woman Farm Printed Pattern «| 7t V, Printed Pattern 9387: Half Sizes 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%. Size 14% (bust 37) pantsuit'4% yards 45-inch. ONE DOLLAR foi each pat tern add 25 cents each toi first-class mail and special handling Send to 170 News paper Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th St, New York, N Y. 10011. $l.OO $l.OO $l.OO $l.OO Crochet with Squares Crocheting a Wardrobe Instant Sewing Book Instant Fashion Book Fashions to Sew (S/S) . . 1975 Needlecraft Catalog Designer Collection #3O Book of 16 Quilts #1 Museum Quilt Book #2 15 Quilts for Today #3 Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 12 Prize Afghans #l2 Complete Afghans #l4 $l.OO Complete Gift Book $l.OO Instant Crochet Book . $1 00 Easy Art ot Flower Crochet $1 00 Easy Art of Hairpin Crochet $1 00 Easy Art of Needlepoint $1 00 Easy Ait of Ripple Crochet $1 00 Nifty Fifty Quilts . . .$lOO Sew + Knit $1 25 Pl ms« add 25 cents for each Book for postage and handlini Miscellaneous For your SriAKLEE PRODUCTS. CaU 529-2906. J.C.Ehrlich Co., Inc. Ter mite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying, Free Estimated, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722. Farm Equipment' Large inventory of used small engine and chain saw parts - Briggs & Stratton, Power Products, Me* Cullough Saw and Cart Engines, Kohler, Tecumseh and Clinton. Phone 215-445- 6175 For Sale - N.H. Silage unloader for 16 ft. silo with cable end tripod. 5 H.P. motor, good condition. Holstein bull - service age sire, Elevation dam classified at 89 points, records to 24,000 milk. Call 215-286*9343. A* 9387 lO’/z-lß'/z