30— Uncitter Farming. Saturday, June 14. 1975 Nw ' l K *' PHMM 717-3 M-3047 w 717424-2191 Real Estate SAFE BUY REAL ESTATE Farm f or sale - Union AGENCY INC. We serve the County, 112 acres, over 100 Dundee area - farms, land, acrea tillable, genUy rolling homes and businesses, s anc j contoured. Two-story Water Street. Dundee, New. house, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, York 14837 807-243-7724 and modern kitchen. Large =— L-shaped bank barn, 100’ z REAL ESTATE 110’. Machinery shed, 24’ BUSINESS FOR SALE x42’. Garage, com crib and A rare opportunity to pur- milkhouse. This is a nice chase a well established farm with plenty of water Chester County feed, him- and road frontage. IV4 mi. off her, fertilizer, coal, etc. u.S. 15 and 2 mi. from In business, 2 acres com- terstate 80. A farm easily mercial ground, railroad developed, but still at a siding, over 6,000 sq. feet farmer’s price. First mor warenouse space. tgage available. For ap- PAUL SIMPERS pointment to inspect RD2 property, call 717-568-7271 or Kennett Square, PA 19348 717-284-4905. Union County 20 acre farmette - 2 story brick home with barn, and minor storage shed. $59,500. Snyder County 28 acres w-2 story colonial brick and minor outbuildings. $65,000. 98 acres, 42 tillable, 53 wood, 2 streams, 2 story frame dwelling, bam and minor outbuildings. $75,000. CALL OR WRITE: BOWEN AGENCY REALTORS, 717-374-9221 22 N. Market Street Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Help Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR OVERLOOK YOKE SETTING AND SIDE CLOSING CALL OR APPLY HOPELAND MFC. CO., INC. HOPELAND, PA PHONE 733-2681 Real Estate Help Wonted mlm. Real Estate For Rent - Available July 1, York County, Hellaxn Area. Dairy facilities, 2 stanchion barns, milk house, silo w unloader, barn cleaner, storage buildings, pasture and nouse. Year to year lease. Phene 1454-2578 after 6:30 p.m. For Sale - 430 acre Schuyler Co. Missouri farm located on State Blacktop Route A at Junction T. Been in Beef Cattle operation SO years. Some cropland used in rotation, mostly grass and hay. Excellent barn and machine shed, fair house, all fenced, in good repair. Gosing Estate. |250. acre. Leo E. Riley - Admr. Downing. Missouri 63536, Phone 816-379-2675. 119 ACRES Farm ... Dauphin County. Over 100 acres tillable. Bank Barn, adjacent to small town, some acreage zoned for residential develop ment. Cal! For An Appointment Today. KTJ Kingsway Realty Feed & Seed NOTICE - New Barley and Feed Wheat for sale. 717-354- 9422, Elmer W. Martin, RDI, New Holland, Penna. 17557. Help Wanted Help Wanted - Expenenc a person needed on large da farm capable of milking ai.u accepting some management responsibility. Good wages, house available, references required. Call 302-492-3688 Services Offered CUSTOM DRYING AND BUYING GRAIN CONESTOGA VALLEY GRAIN Phone 717-354-9258 MOVING WEST? We have the trucks and experience to haul and move your equipment. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN & SONS 717-464-2480 For Sale 7>PICK YOUR OWN < STRAWBERRIES The Crop is Excellent This Year. Herr Fruit Forms Central Manor Road 2 miles South of Mountvrlle 717-285-5976 Help Wonted Help Wanted • Young man Interested in working with registered Holsteins. Call 301-374-2098 or write Hickory Hill Farms Inc., Upperco, Md. 21155. Dairyman wanted, ex- Eirienced worker needed on rge dairy farm. House with heat and electric supplied, plus other benefits, write Box 266 E, co Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. | HERDSMAN t 'v 5 s For well-known rifisterid ji-' Holstein herd in Western $ :v Pennsylvania. g ;.j f. Would have responsibility for :|S milking, feeding and caring (or :•! £ select group of cattle No field &work Paid vacation. g hospitalization, housing and g !•: tune off included Starting ||: % salary dependent on ex § penence and ability ?: For Details, Call S £ 412-463-3425 % After 7 P.M Or Write: Box 266 D c/o Lancaster Farming Lititz. PA 17543 Herdsman-Milker wanted for large dairy. Must be capable of assuming full responsibility of operating automatic take-off parlor for 1 shift. Must be a good milker and able to detect herd health problems. 5% day week, paid holidays and vacation, hospitalization, attractive pension plan. Salary open but in $lO,OOO. per year range. Fairmount Farms, Inc., Hampstead, Md. 301-239-7221. Services Offered W. WISE Registered Plumbing & Heating SEWER ROOTER 24 hoi r Emergency Service Pnone 569-6244 _ Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on houses and barns. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- 6178 For Sole Services Offered Looking for wore. Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2390 I SILO REPAIRS j : • Tear Down : : * Rebuild I I * Replasler I | * Roofs Installed • • * Extensions • ; • Distributors and Pipes ; ; • White Coetmi ; : DAVE DEIWEIIIR I I RO#2,N«wiBe.PA • I 717-776:7533 FERTILIZER Are you tried of paying $l5O to $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try dry poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads within SO miles of Lancaster. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in Aug. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, Pa. 17579 For Rent Farm and Home center Lancaster, Pa. For Rent - Modem Office Space (2100 and 2600 sq. ft. areas) Incl. pvt v offices, heat, air cond., parking and janitor service - avail. Nov. 1. PHONE: 392-4911 Farm Equipment Used John Deere Model 40 Spreader EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. Lebanon, Pa. 717-273-2616 Trucks NEW FORD SPREADER TRUCK, new Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C.U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, Pa. 19543 215- 286-5146 For Sale - 1970 Int. % ton pickup truck $l,lOO. Royster Company, Phone 717-866-5701 or 717-299-2541 For Sale - 1967 1700 V 8 In ternational truck, 14 ft. Flat steel dump bed, 900 x 20 tires, PS. 301-879-3341. Custom Work No-Till Com Planting with AUis Chalmers 6-row planter after June 4th. Call 717-684- 2755 after 6 p.m. Livestock For Sale : : Hacked Farm Night Dispersal : • At Durcll, just off Rte. 6 at Wysox • : TUESDAY EVE., JUNE 24 at 7 P.M. j • 19 Holsteins and a very good line of equipment (new • • or like new!). 2 good Diesel tractors (JD “3020” &IH • • “560”). NH items: “276 Hayliner” baler w-thrower, • • “279” Haybine, “717” chopper w-2 heads, 190 bu. RH • • barrel spreader, “55” rolabar rake, 30’ elevator. MF • • 10’ trans. disc. IH 12’ drags and new 4-row fiberglas- • • bucket planter. 7 wagons (3 kicker, 2 flatbed, 2 s.u.) v s • 1974 Chev. S A T. pickup (only 22,000 mi.!). All other J • machinery, small items, dairy equipment. Hackett • • Farm, Owners. For full list or info, contact Rumsey • Z Sales, Bath, NY (607-776-3478). • •*. Custom Work ALL TYPES OF CAE PENTRY ■ MASONRY. SPOUTING AND ROOFING. Remodeling or new. Call answering service and leave name anon umber, 717-354-7739, or write to John M. Esh, R.D.I, Box 296, Narvon, Pa. Reasonable Rates. Custom combining, Field Queen side dump harvester work, will go anywhere. Call 717-442-8206 or 717-442-8153 Livestock For Sole Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Bred Gilts. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363, Phone 301-996-2022 Chester White service boars, same breeding as 74 National Barrow Show Fourth place overall Chester Carcass. Herb Schick, RD2, Kutztown, Pa. Phone 215-285- 6519 For Sale - Yorkshire Service Boars. LEON L. ARNOLD Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717-273-5880 For Sale - 25 Bred Yorkshire GUts to farrow in June. Contact Merle Runshaw, Shippensburg, PA, 17257. Phone 717-532-6079. Purebred .oc Roars and Gilts. Daily gams and days - t- 000 ’’ are available. enu .a raised. Carcass •• . at recent Keysto "xpo and Eastern ’vestock Shows. Dutch Va .ey Farms, R 5, Manheim .. 17545, Mark Nestleroti 17-665-6220 Purebred Yorkshire boars,., bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, R 2, Strasburg, PA 717-786-2562. For Sale - 5 yr. old dark brown standard bred carriage horse, sound and a good driver. Also Reg. Holstein 18 mo. old bull, sired by Hl3l Samson out of high producing dau. of Rock dale President. Isaac S. Fisher, Gordonville, Pa. Stud Service - Black & White Appaloosa stud service - good bloodlines. Ludwig’s Appaloosa, RD2, Begins, PA 17938. 717-682-3753.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers