THE TIME IS RIPE for selling, buying and moving. Beat the rush! Dairy Farm with all the trimmings. This beautiful 240 acre farm sits above a breathtaking view. Commanding 7}/z story frame and aluminum farmhouse, Tenant House, and Georgian style pointed stone home, built circa 1735 with everything you expect completely restored. Sturdy rustic barn and many outbuildings. Frontage on Route 222. 140 acres tillable. Southern Lancaster County. wagner Co. QMiryvHle, Pa. 17566 Rmllots (717) 786-2131 or 786-3020 SALUTE ALL DAIRYMEN LANCASTER AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES OF BALERS HAYBINES RAKES MOWERS WE WELCOME YOU TO STOP IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT. 1 - Co 1/00 International Truck with Roll Back Bed (Very Good Cond.) 1 - 1890 IH Truck Conventional -16 Ft. Bed, Clean lh MESSICK ' FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. MARKET STREET 215 West Fourth Street PHONE 367-1319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 653-4560 For Sale - Farm. 4 barns.a 208 acre modern hog farm, tennant house, 6r with bath, farrow to finish. 4.000 head Main house 12 rooms with 4Vi annually. Harold Fries, P.O. baths. More Informatloii: Box 149. Bedford. Pa. 16522. Box 59, St. John’s, Pa. 18247. 814-8234223. REAL ESTATE WANTED To bo used for a cow-calf operation, ground should test 6.0 PH or better, should be 80 percent tillable, should have a small stream or good water supply, need ISO to 300 acres, be able to grow most crops without limitations, soli must have good drainage en vironment, will not consider too steep or stony ground, would like dwelling to be basically stone, expect to run 15 to 20 percent of this ground in pasture and cultivate the rest for crops. Would like to have the ground not near any large cities. Must have good secondary roads to the farm. If the farm you are recommending for us has financing arrangements, please include these in your details. If you know of such a farm, will you please send the information to me with all pertinent details. Please Write or Call: Doug Terry ROBERT F. FELTE, INC. 5 N. York Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 Phone 21S-OL-9-1400 USED EQUIPMENT Farmall 806 D Case 300 w/Hydraulic Loader Farmall 240 Int. 454 3 Ft. Hitch I.H. 424 w/Loader 650 Harvester w/Screen Pickup Head N.H. 1469 Self Propelled Haybine Badger Self Unloading Wagon Smoker Elevator 24 and 30 ft. Case 9 ft. offset disk Sauder Loader i.H. 550 Plow 5-16" Midwest Lift Harrow Fits 12 ft. Disk LAWN A GARDEN 60 Cadet 110 John Deere 700 Wheel Horse Reo Rider ELIZABETHTOWN, PA . Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 14.1975—29 ‘ ■■ ■ ■ Root Estate r-- 1 . ■— 250 A, Limestone, 70 stalls, pipeline, 2 bams Wanted - 28-yea r-o'd farmer It 2 houses, stream. 212 A, 60 stalls, Ig. dairy farm with facility for fnimiAn a 60 or 60 cows and 125 or more 'dou tillable acres. Would like to Irmne - P°“' lease for Oct. Ist but like to g? u.— have terms of lease now for milk transfer financial arrangements. Call between 0 p.m. and 10 p.m. T* 2 361^57-051 ———————i home, pond, Lane. Co. mivcD’c norjui 84 a, 40 suus, 4 suos, DUIIII O UHIIWI bunk feeder, nice home, 700 acres, large bams 8 - with feed lot, auto. . feeders for hundreds of [arrowing house, rdee cattlt, 5 Inge H.r- lovely brick ZSSnkJJSktSI ° 330 A, level limestone, all tillable, 2 sets bldgs, at less than $400.00 per 229 A, limestone, 68 acre * stalls, 2 new silos. BLUE BALL REALTY BLUE REALTY Blue Ball, Pa. 17506 Blue Ball, PA 17506 “SSsMsbi 717-354-4536 IN MINT CONDITION ONLY *22,900. This completely remodeled log house will not last long. Country setting in Southern Lancaster County. Beautiful hard wood floors, slate en tryway, eat in kitchen, living room with exposed log wall. Call Paul Horst For An Appointment Today. YATES wid SCHUYLER COUNTIES NEW YORK STATE FARMS all types and sizes Homes Businesses Call anytime 607-243-7410 or write- STOCKING, Broker Dundee, NY 14837 12% acre beef and hog farm in Snyder Co. (Mid dleburg area) 38 z 46 barn loam-type soil 1% story frame house well and stream. Southern Lancaster Co. - 70 acre dairy farm, milking parlor, loafing pen 9-room frame & log house. Steer & chicken farm of 160 acres in Juniata Co. Port Royal area. All buildings in good condition, 5- bedroom house about 130 acres tillable. 148 acre dairy farm one mile south of Marticville. Large stone and frame barn in good condition. Har vestore and concrete stave, com bam, tobacco shed. 8- room house in good condition. Also tenant house with 7 rooms, small bam and garage. 118 acre general farm about one mile from Nor thumberland. Producing soil, road frontage. 163 acre general farm about 25 miles west of Harrisburg. 100 acres tillable. Buildings in good condition. Approx. 50 acres woodland. Also road frontage. 83 acres land, no buildings, two miles south of Lawn on Route 241, bordered on north by Pa. turnpike. Partially wooded, sloping, good drainage. 131 acre steer farm in Bethel Twp. Frystown area. Limestone soil. 3 acres fruit. Large bam and double house. 2 wells and 2 streams. Some road frontage. Lease purchase available. 30 acres land with frame barn, apartment house, brick mill. 10 acres meadow, 2 acres woodland 2 wells, spring. This is unusual property located in Lebanon Co. (Fredericksburg area). 60 acre dairy farm in Chester Co. near Morgantown Interchange. Farm overlooking a beautiful large lake. Land adjoins lake property. Has very nice slope towards lake. 8-room house in good condition. Large bam and milking stable. Silo, corn bam, machine shed. 13-acre farmette near Lancaster. 750 road frontage. Zoned residential. Please call our office for further details on these and our other listings. CHRISTIAN M. MQSEMANN, Realtor 734 Main Street, Akron, Pa. Phone Office 859-1004 or 733-1224
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