Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 1975, Image 24
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 14, 1975 24 Jim and Jesse To Appear at Shindig (Editor’s Note) The following article Is a biographical sketch of Jim and Jesse, the country* western music stars who will be performing at Shindig at Cripple Creek on June 21. Jim and Jesse were born in Coeburn, Virginia to a family well-versed in traditional music. There is something, however, which goes beyond the music itself - something which is the result of growing up singing together, sharing the same musical background and influences - something that makes two voices sound like they belong together. There is no mistaking the harmony of Jim and Jesse Mcßeynolds. After amateur local performances they began, in 1947, to work their way up the ladder of live radio broadcasts and per sonal appearences throughout the Souheast. ERTH-RITE SOL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock jind poujtry _ ZOOK & RANCH, “ INC. RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 NEW 1207 Mower/Conditioner On this maneuverable 7-footer, rolls-stay perfectly timed Gears, running m oil, and shafts drive the conditioner rolls on the new 1207. Gear drive requires very little maintenance—no belts, no chains Molded rubber “crumper” rolls provide the best of crimper and crusher action-aggressive feeding plus gentle conditioning Look it over soon Landis Bros. Inc. A.B.C. Groff, Inc. Lancaster 717 393 3906 New Holland 717 354 4191 Adamstown Pikeville Equipment Inc. Equipment Inc Mohnton RD2, Pa 19540 C * I near Adamslownl a? er «P a * e oac * 215 4«4 4391 RD#2, PA 5 215 987 6277 M. S. Yearsley Neuhaus'es, Inc. & Sons Glen Rock. Pa West Chester 215 696-2990 717 235 1306 + ******** M *'* I ♦’•Vt'tVlW/iWAW/j Success was official when, in 1964, they were asked to Join the Grand Ole Opry. From the beginning they have used bluegrass-type ac companiment, and their band, the Virginia Boys, has always featured both five string banjo and fiddle. Jim Mcßeynolds plays guitar and sings a clear, polished tenor that distinguishes Jim and Jesse vocals from those of most bluegrass groups. Jesse’s mandolin playing is likewise a characteristic. “Mcßeynolds” - or “cross picking”, is a fast alter nation of repeated melodic patterns that few have successfully imitated. Jim and Jesse’s music is clean and precise, a unique balance to the drive and force typical of bluegrass music. After joining the Opry, Jim and Jesse won acclaim with the larger national country music audience, towards which bluegrass fans often hold some degree of hostility. Jim and Jesse have bridged the gap successfully, however. While sometimes using electric backup in struments (guitar, pedal steel, bass) as tastes and acoustics require before a live country music audience or in their syndicated television show, they have continued to be favorites of the bluegrass crowds, ap pearing with straight bluegrass accompaniment at festivals and concerts. Jim and Jesse, country-western tertainers at the Shindig at Cripple music recording stars from the Grand Creek on June 21. Ole Opry, will be the featured en- Furthermore, their manner own - not too flashy, not too knowledge of both audien of presentation is always in uppity, just good pickin’ and ces. Novelty songs, (e.g. the vein that bluegrass fans singin’. Their versatility “Diesel on My Tail”) have like to claim as being their reflects a respect for and entered their repertoire in biITMKf j . : ' Why you should add to your feeding program With feed at 5< per pound and cattle selling at 351 a pound, an investment of less than $l.OO per head for AUREO S 700 and AUREOMYCIN® returned $5.75 in five commercial trials. When cattle arrive at your feedlot, they’ve been stressed and exposed to a variety of disease organisms. Start them with a con ditioning feed containing AUREO S7OO and feed it for the first 28 days. AUREO S 700 maintains weight gams in the presence of shipping fever. Then, follow up with feeds con- GERMAN FEED MILL. INC. Denver, Pa GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown, Pa Phone 609/692-4400 Distributors of American Cyanamid Animal Health & Feed Products BROADWAY, VA. • SELBYVILLE, DEL • LEWISBURG, OHIO • VESTAL, N. Y. • LITIT2, PA. ij K< >'J THE EFFICIENCY F«m taimng AUREOMYCIN chlortetra cyclme. AUREOMYCIN pot only provides for excellent growth and feed efficiency, but also helps re duce losses from liver abscesses, foot rot and bacterial diarrhea. For complete details contact any of the feed manufacturers listed below, or call or write The Fox Company. EARL SAUDER, INC, New Holland, Pa. STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. more recent yean, perhaps aimed at country audience salea. Llkewlae, theme albuma have been releaaed such as WE LIKE TRAINS and BERRY PICKIN' IN THE COUNTRY, the latter a most interesting country tribute to Chuck Berry. One of their most recent hits was a single entitled “Freight Train" and also an album by the same title on the Capitol label. Jim and Jesse have Just recently signed with the new Opryland label which is also distributed through Capitol. Bluegrass fans have not been com pletely slighted, however, for much of their newer material (e.g. "Snowbird”) has been tastefully adapted to bluegrass. Their popular album MANDOLIN WORKSHOP, is strictly instrumental and will con tradict any claims to neglect of bluegrass. Jim and Jesse, for nearly a decade, have proven themselves to be one of the most talented and versatile acts in country music. . v s* '-* •. •: Ivy/ ’ * . 'sV (^eomvcinl Trademarks American Cyanamid Company WENGER’S FEED MILL, INC. Rheems, Pa. WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC. Mount Joy, Pa. *** V - •/>/ * . v< * s N v " vV',