E. A. Sypher Promoted by Allied Mills E. A. “Elly" Sypher has been promoted to Assistant Regional Sales Manager at Allied Mills* Lancaster Regional Sales Office ac cording to an announcement from Ralph S. Lash, Eastern Area Sales Manager for the Chicago-based agribusiness firm. In his new post Sypher will assist Regional Sales Manager Richard A. Psolla There's nothing old-fashioned about Sta-R? stanchion bam pipeline milking. Modem Sta-Rite dairy equipment makes every milking system better, more efficient, easier on you and your cows. And you can add any of these up-to-date products to your stanchion barn or milking parlor. >■* The Sta Rite Full View Milker permits a con slant visual check of mdk flow Cuts milking time deduces over milking See these men fur expert help in designing a milking system to fit your operation. 'f $ WILMER MARTIN Home Phone (215) 445-5652 E.A. Sypher liiQh Sfa Rite s 900 Senes Milk house Panel is factory as sembled and tested Switches nstantly from milk to wash for thorough pipe line cleaning Automatic self dram in all area* of management responalblllty dealing with operation of the salea region. The Lancaster Region la headquartered at Camp Hill, and ha* recently been ex panded to include the south western half of Penn sylvania, north and central Virginia and all of the state* of Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia, “Sypher, who has been with Allied since 1967, has most recently served as Eastern Area Dairy Products Manager where he has demonstrated great success in his efforts to in crease dairy tonnage and growth in his area of A Sta Rite Full Vac vacuum pump insures positive vacuum for your milking system The new Sta Rite Vac Sav Milk Valve reduces vacuum loss to a mini mum Also gives pro tection against con tamination SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 717-397-4761 IV4”GALV. 50 lb carton SAP.S9 , Tftnpiin ; iDP c r . lO ROOFING NAILS Reg $27.59 STORE HOURS: Open Friday Evenings til 8 p.m. „ Mon. thru Thurs. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 16DCOMMON 50 lb.carton £v# a 9s Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon BRIGHT NAILS Reg. $18.95 If you are working in tne downtown area and haven’t attended one of the Lunch ‘n’ Leam sessions why not plan responsibility,” said Lash. “We think he will make a strong contribution to the future growth of the ex panded Lancaster Region.” Sypher resides at Mechanicsburg, Penn sylvania, with his wife, Barbara. 'A r Make pipeline washing completely automatic and Grade A clean with a Sla Rite Full Convenience Pipe line Washer A 24 hour timer lets you pre program all necessary wash rinse and sanitize cycles with fail safe protection MELVIN STOLTZFUS Home Phone (717) 392-0066 Lunch ‘n’ Learn Session Slated ■IJ tss^ Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 14,1975 to join ua on June 17, from 12:15-12:45 p.m. at the York Chamber of Commerce. The subject will be "Packing Tips for Travelers" by Mrs. Joan Lamberson, Extension Home Economist for the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service. She will show how to pack the most in a suit-case keeping them wrinkle free and show travel aids to make traveling DOWN TO THE WIRE SALE Check Agway Supply Center for your wire needs first. You won’t have to go anywhere else! And now there are many pre-season values you won't want to miss WELDED WIRE 14 or 12V2 gauge provides great strength with light weight. Mesh spacing stays uniform, flat, easy to unroll, excellent shape reten tion. Ideal for a thousand uses. Wide range of sizes up to 72" high. (50 and 100 ft. rolls) BARBED WIRE (American Made) Equals or surpasses mini mum A.S.T.M. specifica tions. Heavy zinc coating. 14 gauge barbs are inter locked at 5 inch intervals. Available in both 4 point 12Vz gauge and 2 point 14 gauge. (80 rod spools) 2 py per roll 4PT $29* 95 perroll • LUGGED U , FENCE POST So popular because it 1 . is handsome green enamel for long-life jl Easy to install, too y* Available in other sizes '69-2100) . 5' post $2‘ 29 NAIL & STAPLE 1 3 A” BRIGHT 501 b carton $| f,25 STAPLE Reg $19.25 ■ / easier. Lunch 'N' Leam is an educational program planned for the working women by the Cooperative Extension Service and the Chamber of Commerce, The program la free to anyone. Come and bring your bag lunch. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Reg $21.35 slo*oo SALE I # P er roM 50> (2x4x36) SALE 23
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