22— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 14. 1975 Buck Tractor Pullers hold a com petition last Saturday night, Juno 7, at tho track in Buck. Winning drlvora In that competition, their ad dresses, tractors and distances are listed below: 12,0KWb. Super Stock 1 . Michael Wright, New Freedom, 1H1066,288*2”; 2 • Thomas Bedgar, Freeland, Md., IH 806.206 V; Charles Snyder, Andreas, Ford 8600, 190*11”. 50004 b. Soper Stock 1 - Dale Smoker, Cochranviile, AC 180,264*3 2 - Charles Welsh, Gap, Case 800, 230*2”; Curtis Stoltz, Lebanon, Leyland 384, 203*4”. •OOWb. Super Stock 1 - Michael Wright, New Freedom, 1H1066, full pull; 2 - Harry,Griest, Coatesville, EH 1456, 2MT’; 3 - Thomas Bedgar, Freeland, Md., IH TOUR NO. 1 STOP FOR LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT THIS IS THE BEST PUMP FOR PROBLEM PITS Husky Trailer Mounted Pumps] #-10-12 Ft. I 3 point Hitch Mounted] Pumps j Tanks -1250 gal * 1875 gal. Tandem [ p , 2500 gal. Tandem • now uown 3000 gal. Tandem j Attachments Available USED LIQUID EQUIPMENT (1) Clay 1400 Gal. Vac. Spreader (3) Liquid Manure Pumps 110 - 111 - 112 LIQUID MANURE SPREADER with Plow Down Attachment tonfe- SHEWS FARM SERVICE Buck Tractor Pull 806, 274*4", 7NO4b Super Stock 1 • Marlin Brubaker, Quarryville, AC D-21; 261*6”; 2 • Charles Snyder, Andreas, Ford 8600,252*8*’; 3 • Thomas Showers, Lebanon, Oliver 88, 201*9”. 70904 b Modified 1 - Lester Houck, Kinzers, Cockshutt 40-2440 Dodge. 271’; 2-Lester Landis. Lltitz, Massey 55-2440 Dodge, 264*7”; Richard Zim merman, Mt. Joy, Cockshutt 40-2460 Ford, 253*9”. Dauphin Dairy Princess Contest Set The Dauphin Co. Dairy Princess Contest will be held HUSKY C 72 LIQUID MANURE PUMP "BEITERBIIT" Vacuum Spreaders Model 800 gal.; 1100 gal.; 1500 gal.; 2100 gal.;' 3100 gaL RD4, Lltitz, PA Phone 626-1151 Results 80004 b Modified 1 • Clarence Keener, Manhelm, Co-op 40-427 Chevy, 288’2’’; 2 - Galen Spickler, Elizabethtown, Maaaey 44-2-327 Chevy, 288’4"; 3 • Gary Mills, Fallston, Md., Massey 44-386 Chevy, 256'5". 90004 b Open 1 * - Glenn Darnell, Laytonsville, Md., Cockshutt 40-2-427 Chevy, 238’5”; 2 - Michael Wright, New Preedosn, IHIOW, 235’5”; 3 - Lester Houck, Kinzers, Cockshutt 40-2-440 Dodge, 221'4”. Friday June 20th at 7:30 p.m. at the Colonial Park Mall. The six contestants trying for the county crown are: Miss Debra Cassel, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cassel, R 2 Hummelstown, Miss Ritha Fackler, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E. Leßoy Fackler, R 1 Hershey, Miss Marjie Hoffer, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Hoffer, R 1 Mid dletown, Miss Peggy Hoff man, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Hoffman, R 2 Halifax, Miss June Watts, daughter of .Mr. St Mrs. Nelson Watts, R 2 Hummelstown, and Miss Karen Weaver, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Weaver, R 1 Hershey. The winner will be crowned by last year’s county princess, Miss Debra Miller. Mill Miller also won the state title in September and is employed this sum mer by the PA Dept, of Ag to promote milk and milk products. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller, R 4 Linglestown. Ron Drake from WHP will be the Master of Ceremonies for the contest. The Judges will be Mr. Robert Malich of W6AL-TV Noonday on Eight, Miss Anne Hinkle, Ass’t. Home Ec Lancaster Co. Ag Extension, and Mr. William Wenner, Ad ministration Ass’t. PA Rural Electric Association. Also, at 7:00 p.m. there will be a Milk Chugging (drinking) Contest with'the local 4-H Dairy Club challenging the FFA Club. Audience participation will also be a part of Hie contest. There will be gifts for the winners. Farm Women Calendar Saturday, June 14 Farm Women Society 25 meeting 1:30 p.m. for a safety program. Farm Women Society 19 meeting 1:30 p.m. for a safety program. Sunday, June 15 Farm Women Society 29 meeting at Sico Park for a picnic 12:30 p.m. Monday, June 16 Farm Women Society 31 meeting for a Bike Hike. Farm Women Society 7 meeting at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 18 Farm Women Society 3 trip to Gettysburg. Saturday, June 21 Farm Women Society 18 meeting 1:30 p.m. Farm Women Society 3 meeting 1:30 p.m. Farm Women Society 8 meeting for a rose BIG & WET . . . GLENDELI is siring a sensational type pattern, combining height with strength. His daughters are 1011, strong cattle with exceptional rumps The rumps ore long with much width to the pins. Udders are outstandng in milk-out and quality with firm attachments, both fore and rear, legs have good bone and correct set to the hocks, with well formed feet Glendell’s dam, Glendell Ned Boy Adorn, suffered an unfortunate accident during her first lacfatfon and only milked 195 days. The projected M.E. on this incomplete record, however, was 21213 M and 671 F. Glen dell appears destined to be one of SELECT SIRES most popular proven sires. AND YOU CAN GET RON Daughter art- • 1 Glendell Ron +1276 PD MILK +1761 PD MILK + 791 PD MILK Tidy Aug. +1276 P.D. Milk “Matt & Comet Semen Available in Limited Supply" Exclusive distributor in; Lancaster, Chester, York, Adams, Cur tie of Delaware. Describes the Daughters of GLENDELL Arlinda Chief... An Ex. Son of Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief (EX- +1472 Milk) "+1276 P.D. Box 46 f RD2, Cochranville, PA 19330 FIELDMAN: DICK BROWN, 717-656-8626 FOR MILK" TIDY Daughter s l2O °° DURING JUNE weM. COUNSEL
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