Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 1975, Image 12

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 14.1975
Grain Crops Featured At July 1 Field Day
New varieties of wheat,
Parley, and oats - and
management procedures for
>iigb yields • will be
demonstrated July 1 during
the annual Field Day to be
held at the Agronomy
Research Farm of The
Pennsylvania State
'Jniversity, 8 miles west of
the campus on route 45. Field
.lay tours will begin at 9:30
“If you want to take In all
□ Have my friendly
Ryder Dealer phone me.
□ Send literature checked below:
• □ ACORN 2ln 1 Bunk N' Feeders
• □ ACORN Overhand Traveling Feeders
• O ACORN •' and 12' Auger Feeders
• □ ROTO FEEDERS (Lsiy Susan)
• o NORTHCO Roto Tub# Feeders
• □ ACORN Double Auger Silo Unloedars
■ □ ACORN 10' Single Chain Conveyors
• □ ACORN 12” Single Chain Conveyors
• a NORTHCO U Trough—Conveyors
• □ CARDINAL Elevators
• □ Big St' Forage Blowers
• □ Multi-Flo Silage Spreaders
• □ Vinyl and Steel Blower Pipe
• □ NORTHCO Silo Chute Hoppers
• □ RITCHIE Livestock Walersrs
• □ NORTHCO Serv-O-Matlc w/Magnets
• □ WEAVERLINE Powered Silage Carts
• □ Silage—Feed Carts Not Powered
• □ ROLL-A-BOUT Hay Feeders
• □ IDEAL Cattle Feeders
1“ □ IDEAL Call Creep Feeders
□ IDEAL Hog Feeders
O TROJAN Hog Walerers
•. □ Mineral A Salt Feeders
• □ IDEAL Storage Bins
• □S S Cable Bam Cleaners
0 OSS Cable Free Stall Cleaners
• OSS Cable Cross Conveyors
0 OH 0 Chain Cross Conveyors
0 □ Super 600 Chain Barn Cleaners
• QH D Replacement Chains
• □ Triple Reinforced Free Stalls
* □ Lever Stalls A Stanchions
• O Comlort Stalls (6 types)
J O Cow. Call A Bull Pens
• o KOZY-KOMFORT Call Pens
• □H D Water Bowls
z □ Electric Cow Trainers
z □ Malleable Clamps
z O Clamp On Tees (Vacuum-Water)
z □ BONITA Rubber Cow Mats
0 □ AMERICAN WAY Ventilation Fans
0 1000 to 150,000 wall
• □ NIAGARA PTO Alternators
• □ Engine Driven (Portable)
• □ Garden Tractor Alternators
• □ Camper Special Alternators
• □ KATOLIGHT PTO Alternators
• □ Automatic Power Packages
• □ MAC High Pressure Washers
• □ HILLSBORO Gooseneck Trailers
2 □ BAKER Working Wlndmlll-Run in Oil
0 O Portable Loading Chutes & Corrals
0 O Bells (dlnner-tarm-patlo-church)
• □ Ornamental Windmills
• □ Porta-Mister Sprayers
0 O Livestock Scales
• □ Pickup Truck Racks
0 □ Cattle Head Gates
0 □ Cattle Oilers
• □ Mist Blowers
• □ Roller Mills
the field day events, plan to
arrive by 9:30 a.m. and
spend the day at the farm,”
suggests Lynn D. Hoffman,
chairman of arrangements
and superintendent of the
Agronomy Research Farm.
Lunch will be available.
A new variety of winter
wheat with several out
standing merits for
production in Pennsylvania
will be shown. Still unnamed,
it has yielded 9 bushels more
w o r—
or -n
5 2 SO
> m
my name is Janie.
I’m your
Good News Girl.”
The friendly folks at Lancaster
Ford believe everyone is tired of
hearing and reading about bad
news, so we have adopted a
Good News Girl. We think when
you look at her big smile you will
start to feel better already.
Janie represents all the good
things in life wholesomeness,
purity, sincerity and joy. You will
never hear anything but good
news from Janie. So we hope
you will keep an eye out for her
smiling face and read what she
has to say.
Take Flory Mill Exit off 283 and go
V* mile toward East Petersburg.
1655 Rohrerstown Road
Laocaster.Pa. . Phone (21Z) 56aJ0S3—
per acre than the popular
variety Redcoat. It has good
resistance to the major
diseases - mildew, loose
smut, and septoria blight. It
has some resistance to
Hessian fly, enough to avoid
severe damage.
This new wheat is referred
to as W 7901, its selection
number. W 7901 also has two
other forms of important
disease resistance. It has
partial resistance to the
Wheat Spindle Streak
Mosaic. As yet it is the most
resistant variety observed.
The disease accounted for
poor wheat yields in 1968 and
1973 in Pennsylvania. W 7901
also resists grazing by deer.
Since it is bearded, deer will
not eat the heads.
Several new stiff-strawed
lines of barley with high
yields and good winter
hardiness will be shown.
Plots will show virtual
break-throughs in breeding
winter barley. Some of the
types are beardless like
Pennrad. However, they
stand up where Pennrad
falls down from stalk rot.
Feed quality and potential
malting qualities of barley
will be discussed.
Cultural methods and
planting techniques for
wheat and barley will be
demonstrated. The object
will be to show farmers how
Consumers' Corner
Prior to purchasing a used car
it might be wise to ask yourself
some of the following questions
Have you studied the classified
ads to learn the used car market"'
What are price levels for various
makes and models in vour area" 7
What s available and what s scar
ce"’ How much more must vou
pav for cars in top condition or
with particular optional features"’
Do vou know enough about cars
to buv from a private seller 9
Would vou be better off buv mg
from a new car dealer who gives
limited warranties on his used
cars ’
Does the car look good’ Did
\ou check tor dents scratches
rust spots missing trim ’
Is the seller willing to give \ou
a letter guaranteeing that the
odometer mileage is correct ’
Federal law now requires this
written statement It is illegal to
turn back odometers
to produce maximum yields
through proper management
and cu(tural practices.
Research to develop oat
varieties with improved
yield, standing ability,
disease resistance, and feed
grain quality will be
demonstrated. Twenty
different varieties will be
shown from a spring oat
preformance test as grown
at three locations in Penn
sylvania. This involves
cooperative research bet
ween personnel at Penn
State and the U.S. Depart
ment of Agriculture.
In addition, over 40 oat
varieties will be shown in
two tests that are grown on a
national basis. Several of
these varieties are new
releases from mid-western
states. They may eventually
be recommended for Penn
Plant breeders will discuss
oat production problems that
may be solved or reduced by
developing varieties with
short and stiff straw, im
proved disease resistance,
and better grain quality.
In addition, field-scale
demonstration plantings will
be displayed of the varieties
Clintford, Otee, Noble, Stout,
Dal, Orbit, Astro, Mariner,
and Pennfield. Astro and
Otee were first recom
mended for 1975 and Noble
and Dal will be recom
mended for 1976. Otee and
Dal have about 2 per cent
higher grain protein than
other recommended
varieties. Specialists will be
on hand to discuss charac-
If you're relying more
on grain silage
Feed Bovotone 12-D
If you're like most cattlemen, you'll be
counting on silage this year to keep feed
costs down. But keep in mind, grain and
silage rations are generally low in major
minerals and trace minerals making
proper supplementation a must.
That’s why it’s more important than
ever to feed Bovotone 12-D from
Vigortone. Bovotone 12-D makes up for
nutritional deficiencies present when
high levels of silage are fed, promotes
better feed conversion and maintains
maximum feed intake. During periods of
stress, feed Bovotone 12-D + A and D.
If you’re relying more on silage this
year, feed Bovotone 12-D. It’s safe,
economical and easy to use.
(minth tSINI dcalvr\ t tnanuUilunni. plums
H. Melvin Charles Harnish Bros. R° n Hershey
Washington Boro, PA Oxford, PA RD2, Box 38g A
717-684-5783 215-932-8999 G a P, PA
Pottstown Farm & Home Center Marlin i. Geesaman
Franklin & Laurel Sts,
James Stutzman Sons
Kutztown RD3, PA Dover RDI, Dela 19901
215-683-7198 ... _ ___
also or Write Box 266 H
Schwenksville RDI, Box 80, PA c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper
215-287-7315 Lititz, PA 17543
varieties • Pitlc 83, Chris,
Waldron, and Polk. Five
spring barleys will also be
shown • Erie, Herts,
Conquest, Burk, and Trent.
. Penn State’s July 1
terlstics of the various Agronomy Field Day will
varieties, seed availability, feature demonstrations
and proper management for o{ we ed control and no
maximum grain yields. tillage methods, in addition
Small plot trails will also t 0 varieties of forage crops
include four spring wheat and their management.
Vigortone pre-mix meter for
automated feed handling systems
Vigortone has a new metering device that
is reliable, accurate and simple to install.
Just set the timer and calibrate the meter
for the desired amount of pre-mix per
minute. Automatically, your pre-mix is
metered into your grain, silage or
hayiage at the required levels.
For the best in cattle nutrition ...
Your Vigortone serviceman has a com
plete line of cattle pre-mixes and animal
health products to improve the efficiency
of your feeding operations. See him soon,
or return the coupon below.
Learn why more cattlemen are feeding
Vigortone especially now.
Please Contact
RD2 Newport, Pa
Amos L Nissley