—Lancaster Farming. SaturJay. June 7, 1975 94 Public Sales Register SAT. JUNE 7 - 10:30 a.m. Woodnest Farm Complete Diaperaal to be held at farm located on Oil Creek Rd., off Rt. 77.3V4 miles SW of Spring Creek. Pa., 8 mi. E. of Spartansburg, Pa., 15 mi. S. of Conr. Pa., 15 mi. N. of Titusville, Pa. and 40 mi. S. of Jamestown, N.Y. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Messinger, Spring Creek, Pa. Victor Kent, Cuba, N.Y. Auctioneer and Sales Manager. SAT, JUNE 7 - 9:30 a.m. Alvin and Elsie Knoll Public Sale of Antiques, Furniture and Glassware located IVz miles North East of Refarersburg, V« mile East of Route 419, Berks Co., Pa. Watch for sale arrows. Conditions by Alvin Knoll and Elsie Knoll; John Breidegam and Paul Gilbert, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 7 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and some Livestock, Household Goods and Antiques, located at RDI Lewisburg, Pa. Sale by Enos Horst; Joan E. Martin and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 7 - 10:00 a.m. Absolute Auction of Late Model Construction Equipment and Trucks located at 129 Terwood Road, Willow Grove, Pa. for ANDRUS-ACRES COMPLETE Herd Dispersal LOCATION - 4 miles West of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., 5 miles Northwst of Troy, Pa., Bradford County. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 12,1975 55 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 55 45 Registered 35 young milking age animals, consisting of Fresh cows. Close springers; 5 due July, 3 Aug., 4 Sept, and 2 Oct; balance late Fall freshening. 3 Registered bred heifers, 10 Registered open heifers, 8 months to 1 yr. old; 7 Registered and Grade started heifer calves, 2 weeks to 5 months. Majority of bred animals in calf to Harvestore- Haven Astronaut, Tomcreek Marquis Challenger. Sample Sires Represented 3 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation dtrs., 2 Selling Rockman, 2 Way Brook Sir Winston, 2 Forest Lee Rockette Centurion, Romandale Shahmar Magnet, Pom-gate Fond Reflection, King of the ABC’s, Tum-A- Lum Misty Shamrock, Elmcroft Pontiac Chieftain, Pineyhill Majority, Romandale Uranium Atom, and 5 granddaughters of Seilmg Rockman. Interstate Tested Charts Sale Evening Catalogues Pregnancy Checked SALE MGR. NOTE: “Home of choice bloodlines, very good udders.” TERMS: Cash or Good Check Sale Evening. ROY and LOIS ANDRUS Owners VICTOR KENT, Auctioneer JEFF WARNER. Clerk WILLIAM KENT. Pedigrees IKE COLE. Leadsman D. O. Rockwell, Troy, Pa, Sale Mgr Phone 717-297-3460 LUNCH AVAILABLE TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 11th at 7 P.M. AN AUCTION OF EXCELLENT FARM EQUIPMENT (Looks like a dealer's showroom!) At Lamoka Stock Farms, on Mud Lake Road, Tyrone, NY, between Rte 14 at Watkins Glen and Rte 226, n of Savona, 20 mi from Corning or Bath, N Y 4 tractors (AC XTI9O, Case 830 D, McC w-Freeman loader, Ferguson) AC “Gleaner E” combine w-full cab and also 3-row corn head, 6 row planter, trans discs NH "770" chopper w-2-row corn and pickup heads, "469" haybme. “273 Haylmer” baler w-kicker, No 8 “Crop-carrier" su wagon Lamcosu wagon, kicker and gravity wagons NI 2-row “327” picker IF! “105” grinder-mixer “Silver King” portable cattle chute and much, much more" For info or full list mailed you write Rumsey Sales, Bath NY (607-776-3478). at once* 1 - - Breadv Assoc. Bready and Swartley, Inc. and Bready Equip. Louis Traiman Auction Company, Brokers- Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 7 - 11:00 a.m. Auction at Haushoucr’s Curios, Intercourse, Lan caster County, Pa. Along Rt. 340. Antiques to be sold at 11 a.m. followed by The former "Penns. Rifle, Indian and Dutch Museum contents and Real Estate at 1:00 a.m. Terms by Clarence Haushouer; Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers. TUBS. JUNE 10-1:00 p.m. Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster Penna. TUBS. EVE JUNE 11 7:00 p.m. - An Auction of Ex cellent Farm Equipment at Lamoka Stock Farms, on Mud Lake Road, Tyrone, N.Y. between Rte. 14 at Watkins Glen and Rte. 226, N. of Savona, 20 mi. from Corning or Bath, N.Y. Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. Sale Managers and Auc tioneers. WED. NIGHT, JUNE 11 7:00 6m. - Public Night Sale of 20 ead Cattle and Machinery (FARM SOLD) AT 8 O’CLOCK 10 Grades located 4 miles from Canton, Pa., Bradford County, IMi miles from East Canton. Between Beech Flats ana Williams Hollow Road, watch for Auction arrows. Sale by Ben & Leola Castle, owners; Slingerland Sales, Managers; ueorge Scott, Auctioneer. WED. JUNE 11 -4 p.m. Real Estate Camping trailer and Household Goods at 7th St., Bloomsburg, Pa. John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. THURS. NITE, JUNE 12 - 8 P.M. Elmer E. Kauffman Complete Dispersal. Lan caster, Pa. to be held at the Charles C. Myers Black & White Farm located just west of Lancaster, Pa. Exit Rte. 243 just west of ABC Stud Barns at Flory’s Mill and McGovernviUe Rd. Go around Flory’s Mill to Farm. R. Austin Backus Inc., Auctioneers; Charles C. Myers, Sale Arranger and Elmer E. Kauffman, owner, RDI, Box 7, Christiana, Pa. SAT. JUNE 12 - 9:30 a.m. - Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, Very old Tools, Machinery, Dishes, Misc. Items on the premises 2 miles south of Brogue on the road to Muddy Creek Forks in Chanceford Twp. York Co., Pa. (arrow signs posted). Sale by Clyde R. Kauffman, owner; Charles W. Shrodes and David W. Shrodes, Auctioneers. THURS. JUNE 12 5:30p.m. - Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of lititz along Route 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. EVE. JUNE 12 - 8 O'clock Andrus-Acres Complete Herd Dispersal (Farm Sold) located 4 miles West of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. 5 miles Nor thwest of Troy, Pa., Brad ford County. Roy and Lois Andrus, Owners; Victor Kent, Auctioneer; D.O. Rockwell, Troy, Pa., Sales Manager. FRI. EVE. JUNE 13 - 7:00 pm. Horse Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. FRI. EVE. June 13 - 8:30 P.M. Sharp Airy-Downs Auction of 44 Registered and High Grade Holsteins located off Rt. 15, 3 miles from Covington, Pa. on West Hill Road. Watch for Auction Arrows in Covington, Pa. Sale by Duane Wilcox; Arlow Kiehl, Auctioneer; Gordon Wood, Sale Manager. FRI. JUNE 13 6:00 p.m. - Public Sale at Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lan caster Ave., opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus St Son, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 14 - 10 A.M. Annual Strawberry Social and Auction of Strawberries, Strawberry Products. Livestock. Antiques, Baked Goods and Fancy Work to be held at the Twin Slope Farmers Market, Rt. 10 and 23 West of Morgantown for the Benefit of Tel Hai Retirement Community. SAT. JUNE 14, 10:00 a.m. - Public side of Reid Estate. Cattle. Farm Equipment and Household Goods located in Mount Pleasant Twp., Columbia County, Pa. Cattle sold at 1 p.m., Reid Estate at 2 p.m. John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 14 10:00 a.m. - Auction, Trustee Sale of Paul and Audry Faus. Farm Machinery, Household, Holsteins, and Real Estate located at Bloomsburg, RIM (McHenry Hill), 487 North of Bloomsburg toward Orangeville, 3 miles from Charmond Nursing Home, legislative Rte. 19030 to 19063 turn at Green Roller Mill. Follow Auction Arrows. Seller-Trustee Attorney John Kutcha; John Autotore and Ronald Funk Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 14 9:30 a.m. Absolute Auction Modular Home Manufacturing Equip. W. Hazleton, Pa. Nation Corporation discontinuing modular home division. Sale COMPLETE DISPERSAL THURSDAY KITE, JUNE 12 AT 8:00 P.M. Sale held at the Charles C. Myers BLACK & WHITE FARM located just west of Lancaster, Pa. Exit Rte. 243 just west of ABC Stud Barns at Flory’s Mill and McGovernville Rd. Go around Flory’s Mill to farm. 60 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS All eligible for interstate shipment immediately. All tests up to date, 1974 DHIA AVERAGE 30.1 17,560 M. 3.7 percent 643 FAT!! 1975 ROLLING DHIA AVERAGE - 32.6 17,197 M. THESE HIGH RECORD COWS ALL SELL!! 2 with from 929 to 962 fat. 5 from 813 to 867 fat. 2 with 755 and 773 fat. 7 from 613 to 699 fat. 8 from 500 to 571 fat (3 at 2 yrs.) 7 on test at 2 yrs. of age. CLASSIFICATION!! 1 “EX” sells -13 “Very Good” (1-89,1-88,3-87) - 9 “GP” - 3 “G” DAUGHTERS OF THESE FAMOUS SIRES SELL!! 7 by “Astronaut” - 4 by “Apollo” - 4 by Selling Rockman - 6 by “Complete” 2 by Ivanhoe Star - 2 by Lucky - 2 by Lassie Leader - 2 by Rockdale President Iby Elevation -1 by Bootmaker -1 by Citation M and others. SERVICE SIRES INCLUDE 5 to Elevation - 5 to Elevation Bob - 2 to Gay Ideal - 2 to Arllnda Jet Stream Boot maker, Bootlegger, Double Triune Ivanhoe Star and others SEE Holstein World and Pa. News for more info and pictures, MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW TO ATTEND AND BUY AT THIS IMPORTANT COM PLETE DISPERSAL!! Sale starts 8:00 P.M R. AUSTIN BACKUS INC. Auctioneers Mexico, N.Y. Sale Arranged by CHARLES C. MYERS 2220 Dairy Lane Lancaster. Pa 717-569-2106 on premises in the Valmont Industrial Park, West Hazleton. From Ml, take Rt. 93 W. approx. 4 mile, turn right into Valmont Park and continue 4 mile to JayCee St. Louis Traiman Auction Co. of Pa., 1519 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. SAT. JUNE 14 - 2:30 p.m. ’ Absolute Auction (Owners SAT. JUNE 14 - 10:30 a.m. moving to Arizona) 154 Acre Public Sale of Household "Sugar Run" Stock Farm, Items and Antiques at 9 DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL 90 HEAD HIGH-GRADE HOLSTEINS FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 13,8:00 SHARP Due to our recent fire at the Shady Lane Dairy Cow Stables, we will be selling this dairy without reserve at the Marvin Miller Farm located 3 miles East of Hessdale, turn off Rt. 222 on Bunker Hill Road to Weaver Road, or 3 miles South of Strasburg, May Post Office Road to Weaver Road, 1 mile West along Weaver Road, Strasburg Twp. This herd consists of 78 mature cows and 12 yearling heifers. Cows are mostly all young with good dairy quality. Milking cows averaged 43 lbs. per day. Many due now till end of year. All home raised. Clean, TB and Blood Tested within 30 days. Certified and accredited. Pregnancy checked. Owner GLENN FITE Quarryville, Pa. 717-786-2750 Kersey A. Bradley. Auctioneer Everett Eschbach, Clerk ELMER E. KAUFFMAN LANCASTER, PA. 3 sell from 25,313 M. to 27,126 M. 3 more sell from 21,468 to 22,285 M 2 with 20,350 and 20,724 M. Great Sportmen’a Area of Northern Pa., Green Valley Roadjuat E, of Route 118.18 mi, E. of Williamaport, 1 mile E. of Hugheaville, Wolf Townahip, Lycoming County. Louia Traiman Auction Co. of Pa., Broken and Auctioneer!. 3.6 percent 626 FAT!! ELMER E. KAUFFMAN Owner, RDJ Ho* / Chmiiona, Pa (‘lltlllOgS
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