County Council Elects Officers The reorganization!! teen leaden were reminded meeting of the Lancaster that their leader project County 4-H Council was held plans are due in the Ex* with the following officen tension Office by June 3. elected for 1975*76: Gary 1975. Akers, Quarryvllle, and State events, 4-H Betty Jo Bitter, Peach Leadership Congress June Bottom, co-presidents; 23-26, and 4-H State Days, Cathy Brubaker, Lancaster, August 11-13, were Secretary; and Ken discussed. Members in- Brubaker, Lancaster, terested in participating Treasurer. should contact the Extension It was decided that plans Office. The COnsumerama for a Spaghetti Supper Judging Team and Physical should be tabled till fall. All Fitness Team are open to all ABSOLUTE AUCTION MODULAR HOME MANUFACTURING EQUIP. (55) Lowboy Trailers - Tractors - Forklifts ■ Lumber • Building Supplies • Trucks, and Six Homes SAT., JUNE 14, 9:30 A.M. W. HAZLETON, PA. Nation Corporation discontinuing modular home division Sale on premises in the Valmont industrial Park, West Hazleton. From 1-81, take Rl. 93 S. approx. V; mile, turn right into Valmont Park and continue 1 h mile to JayCee SI. EVERYTHING SELLS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER INSPECTION Thur, June 12. Fn. June 13. & Sale Day. June 14 TERMS Complete payment Sale day in cash or guaranteed funds w/20% cash or certified fund deposit at knockdown for one or more purchases totaling over $5OO Write for descriptive brochure 1969 Ford 5000 Tractor w/MDL 727 front end loader, IHC Propane Tractor Model 2001 w front end loader. CAT Two motor forklift MDL 760 P 6 000 Lb capacity Propane operated. 1967 Ford F 500 stake body truck, 1963 Dodge Toter. (4) motorized rail runners, (55) 39' x 8 heavy duty low boy trailers w rear & side scope arms extend trailer to 52 x 12 (max cap. 17 tons) 2 axle & 3 axles. Large quantity of lumber & copper tubing, building supplies. 200 & 300 AMP welders. (3) industrial air compressors. (100) hand power tools, table saws, radial arm saws auto, mitre boxes, band saw. sanders. elect hack saw. Toledo 999 auto pipe threader ('A to 2'A'). Industrial Propane generator. Dust collector. (12) 7 ton hyd jacks. Elect floor jack, Bishman tire changer. (12) 1 h to 2 ton Elect Hoists. 70 I beam bridge crane A frame, scaffolding, roller conveyors. (3) 40 to 70' catwalks. I beams, floor jigs, tarps. Office furniture. (25) desks drafting tables. NCR payroll machine. Fnden calculators paper shredder P A system. Only the following items to be sold subject to Owner's confirmation Universal gang mill press 13 x 4 and (6) modular homes Everything else sells regardless of price Request brochure LOUIS TRAIMAN AUCTION CO. OF PA 1519 Spruce St, Phila., Pa. 19102 (215) Kl 5-4500 PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS, GRAIN, HAY, STRAW, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1975 Personal Property at 9:30 A.M. Sharp Real Estate at 1:00 P.M. Farm is located 3 miles North of Coatesville on Route 82 to Monacy Road, turn East on Monacy Road 1 mile to farm on left, West Brandywine Township, Chester County, PA Watch for Sale Signs on Route 82. REAL ESTATE BY ORDER OF CARRIE A. THOMPSON WILLIAM J. SCARLETT, ATTORNEY 80.6 acres more or less with 1,895 ft. frontage on Monacy Road 2V 2 story dwelling, stone block & frame. Second floor - 2 bedrooms, bathroom, all with open beam ceilings. First floor - kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace, den, half bath, cellar, oil fired hot air heat, well with electric pump, Stone and Frame Barn, 10 ft. x 40 ft. silo, corn crib and other buildings suitable for dairy, beef or horse farm. Also, a builders paradise. Land is all situated in one block. No wasted land. Zoned R-l - the Best. Inspection on farm Sunday, June 22,1 to 4 p.m. Deposit 15 percent on Real Estate at lime of sale cash or certified check. Personal check accepted with valid bank letter of credit indicating the amount to which the bank will guarantee credit. William C. Thompson, Estate Personal Property by order of George E. Thompson, Administrator; Mary Wade Myers, Attorney. Four tractors, 3 trucks, 1 car, full line of farm machinery and crops. Household goods and antiques. Full particulars in later ad. TERMS CASH William March, Jr., Auctioneer * JBlveuson* 19520. .215-286-5744 , dub members, 4>H members were en* counted to psrtldpate in the County Demonstration and Public Speaking Contest to be held July 1,1975 at the Farm and Home Center. The final plans (or the Interstate exchange trip with Colorado were discussed. Fifty Lancaster County 4-H'ers will be making the bus trip from June 28 to July 10. Overnight visits with 4-H’ers in various states along the route to and from Cortez, Colorado are planned. Thomasville 4-H The Thomasville 4-H Community Club met recently at the 4-H Center near Bair. Bryon Wilt gave a demonstration on karate, Paul 111 and Jonathan Myers gave a demonstration en titled “Shape Up” on Physical Fitness. The American and 4-H pledges were led by Connie Stare and Mark Kauffman respectively. Songs were led by Tammy, Tina Barnhart and Brenda Wetzel with Bonnie Wire playing the piano. The following reports were given by these members; Clean Up of Paradise Twp. - Tommy Welsh, Rural Life Sunday • Tim Eisenhart, County Council - Jonathan Myers, Report to the State - Jeff Roth, Mini Exchange Mrs. Horn. These coming events were announced; Chicken Bar Que, June 21 at the 4-H Center help will be needed members in charge of tickets are Bonnie Wire, Tammy Barnhart, Gary Welsh, and Tim Eisenhart, Olympics July 14 at York College a picnic and practice will be held at Mrs. Horn’s before the event, Demonstration and Public Speaking Day June 26 at the 4-H Center, Leadership Congress June 23 to 26 at Penn State, next County Council June 4, Paint day at the Center sometime in June. The Club will meet again June 24, at the 4-H Center. Dave Norman spoke to the club about hosting a party for a 4-H group from York, Nebraska on their way to Washington. Refresh ments were in charge of Bonnie Wire. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND ANTIQUES At9MylinAve just off Rt. 272, Willow Street, Pa, Lane Co SATURDAY, JUNE 14,1975,10:30 A.M. Frigidaire [frost-free] Refrigerator [very good], |S| table radios including G E AM FM Clock Radio (2) wall Clocks Floor & Table Lamps Amana Dehumidifier, G E (hood) Hair Dryer 35 MM Argus Telephoto Wide Angle Lense Camera, Kodak “500” Projector, Dalite Movie Screen; Sunbeam elect Mixer Furniture includes 4 pc B R suit (1) other bed Bureaus Box Springs Mattresses, 2 blanket chests (1) Cedar Lined Living Room Furniture, Sofa. Platform Rocker Occasional Chair Swival Rocker 2 Book Cases, (2) Floor Lamps End Tables Stands Elect Kenmore Sewing Machine, Wall Mirrors Dining Room suite includes Server Buffet China Closet Chairs Sellers Kitchen (roll top) Cabinet Collection of over 150 sets of Salt & Peppers; Service for 12 good set of Dishes; Candles, Candle Holders Knick-Knacks Milk Glass. Sherberls, Souvenir Dishes nice Doll, Lighted Picture Lots of Picture Frames Linens Tea Towels Embroidery, Spreads, Sheets, Electric Blanket for Twin Beds, 3 Electric Shavers, Sunbeam Pop Up Toaster and Percolator, Pinup Lamps Bath Scales, Christmas Decorations, Lap Trays Bowling Ball Complete set of The World Book Encyclopedia Bird Bath Porch Bench, Lawn Folding Chairs. Flower Pots Mason Canning Jars Canner, Amana Wringer Washer Various Tools include 'A” B.D. Drill; Several Hand Saws, small Water Pump w-Motor, Garden & Lawn Tools, Old Sled Articles too numerous to mention the above are a Clean lot of furnishings Abram N. McConnell Estate GLADYS JOHNSTONE, Executrix Aucts; Carl Diller 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider 786-1545 * * * * * * * % ■ J - Gordon Stout, (far left) area Field Service Representative for Mueller Coolers looks on as others view the Mueller Classroom on Wheels. The unit is a mobile traveling school which is used for on the job training. JaMy Caterers Cooking CU The first meeting of the Jolly Caterers Cooking Club was held at Mrs. Harold Fry’s home on May 29, 1975. The following officers were elected; Lu Ann Martin, President; Sharon Nolt, Vice-President; Mary Kay Weaver, Secretary; Cindy Young, Treasurer; Nancy Nolt, Recreational Leader, and Martha Trumbauer, News Reporter. First year girls will have as their project “It’s Fun to Bake”. Second and third year girls will be enrolled in “Mealtime Magic”. Fourth, fifth and sixth year girls will be “Cooking over Coals”. The next meeting will be held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Harold Fry, on June 9th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Martha Trumbauer News Reporter R.D.I Ephrata, Pa. 17522 733-2756 Lancaster Farming, Saturda One such training session was recently held at Queen Road Repair in Intercourse with representatives from Southeastern Pa. and Maryland in attendance. HUNTER’S SALE BARN, INC. Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland (Formerly West Nottingham Sales) Phone: 301-658-6400 Livestock, Poultry, Produce, Household Auction, Flea and Farmers Market Every Monday Night. AUCTION TRUSTEE SALE OF PAUL AND AUDRY FAUS SATURDAY, JUNE 14 starting at 10 a.m. LOCATION Bloomsburg RD4 [McHenry Hill], 487 North of Bloomsburg toward Orangeville, 3 miles from Charmond Nursing Home, Legislative Route 19030 to 19063 turn at Green Roller Mill (Follow Auction Arrows] FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD, HOLSTEINS & REAL ESTATE Oak Round Table, Bow Front China Closet, Hooiser Cupboard, Library Table, Cradle, Cedar Chest, Metal Cabinets, Dishes, Glassware, Butchering Kettle, Lard Press, Jugs, Crocks, Cooking Utensils, Sewing Machine, Dressers, Beds, Etc. FARM MACHINERY - A.C. Tractor, J.D. Mod. B. Tractor, Ford Major (Diesel) Tractor, J.D. Grain Drills, J.D. Chopper, Forage Harvester, N.I. Rake, A.C. Combine, Gehl & Kasten Self Unloading Wagons, Case 230 Baler, 2 row A.C. Mounted Corn Picker, 2 Flat Bed Wagons, J.D. Cultivators, 2 Sec. Harrows, I.H. 2 Row Corn Planter, Grain Elevators, Lime Spreader, N.I. Hay Crimper, 2 Sets Mounted 3 Bottom Plows, N.I. Spreader, Sears & Universal Milkers, Chain Saw, Scrap Iron, Etc. CATTLE TO BE SOLD AT 1 P.M. 14 Head of High Grade Holstein T.B. & Bangs Tested, Preg. Checked. Three cows have just freshen but due to time for ad vertising the full report from the veterinarian was not available. REAL ESTATE TO BE OFFERED AT 2 P.M. (Mt. Pleasant Twp., Columbia County) App. 115 Acres of which 90 Acre tillable, the remainder in woodland. Lg. bam with dairy parlor, milk house with 300 gal. bulk tank, out buildings, and two homes. Main Home has 6 rooms and IV 2 baths, coal fire hot furnace. 2nd home has 4 rooms and bath, closed in sun porch, coal fired hot water heat. Plenty of water provided by deep well and sml. creek which flows through farm. Beautiful view of 7 counties can be enjoyed from this location. For app. to see property prior to auction call auc tioneer. TERMS - P.P. and Farm Machinery - Cash. REAL ESTATE; $5,000 down day of sale, balance due in thirty days. Buyer pays all transfer taxes. Property taxes pro. rated for 1975 day of sale. LUNCH AVAILABLE SELLER-TRUSTEE ATTORNEY JOHN KUTCHA AUCTIONEERS: RONALD FUNK 717-442-4279 JOHN AUTOTORE 717-784-3506 June 7.1975 —93 I
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