92 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 7. 1975 Tractor Pull Slated Saturday, June 14th, 1979, at 11:00am, at the Newville Community Fairgrounds Route 533, will be the scene of excitement, as the first tractor pull of the historic Cumberland Valley is conducted by the Newville Fair Association. Preliminary preparations have been made to, conform with all the standard requirements of the Penn sylvania tractor puller association. The sled bed of <£& GAP AUCTION FRIDAY EVENMB, JUNE 13.1975 V 6:00 P.M. Located off Route 41 ■ Lancaster Avenue Opposite Turkey HillMinit Market • Cross RR Bridge. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION. Inspection Friday from 9:00 a.m. until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 8.00 A M. TO 7.00 P.M. Call us for pick up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALE FEEDER PIG & SOW SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1975 2 1 /i miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, PA along US 501. 200-250 HEAD 40 to 60 LB. CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE, DUROC AND YORK CROSS - 10 HEAD SOWS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas. Castrated young. Wormed, Sprayed for Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer quality feeder pigs in the East Sale at 1:30 P.M. . NORMAN M. MARTIN RDI, Myerstown, PA 34th YORKSHIRE SWINE SALE Production Tested - Certified Meat Tested FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1 P.M. AT THE FARM OFFERING 50 BRED GILTS AND PROVEN SOWS - 100 OPEN GILTS 25 BOARS. THE SALE WITH THE TEST RECORDS Our 1974 Big Winner - Grand Champion $lOOO.OO Keystone International Carcass Barrow. 1975 begins with big, big, big, and bigger winners. We had the Grand Champion Carcass, the Ist light wt, Ist med. wt; Ist H wt.; and Ist H. wt pair All carcass winners at Eastern National, MD CATALOGUES AVAILABLE Brooks End and Par Kay Farms RENO H. THOMAS, Sale Mgr. Beavertown, PA 17813 Phone 717-658-5821 or 6544 or 7007 clay 300' long x 40’ wide and T deep is ready to receive the tractors and sled. The pull is under the direct supervision of the Blair- Bedford Chapter of the State Association. Stock and super stock classes in the 5,000, 7,000, 9,000, 12,000 and 15,000 lbs., are being presented for the participants. Trophies will be awarded to first and second class winners in each catagory. For Cumberland Co. Registration and weigh in time will be at 10:00 a.m. at Agway, Inc., Mcfarland Street, Newviile, Penna., Just adjacent to the grounds. Admission will be 91.75, per person. Children under 12 free. There will be no charge for parking. Sponsors of the trophies, Growing Degree Days In Lancaster for the week ending June 2, 1975 the average temperature was 70 degrees which recorded at 3 degrees over the normal. Growing degree days for crops starting at 40 degrees was 1048 with days num bering 546 for crop starting at 50 degrees. The rainfall for the week registered at 1.19 inches and from April Ist was 9.27. Weather Summary A seasonably cool and dry north centra] areas to less Canadian high pressure than one-half inch in a system graced Pennsylvania narrow band from the south with delightful spring west to northeast corners of weather during the first half the state. Some urban of the week. Under clear flooding was reported in the sunny skies, afternoon Williamsport and temperatures climbed into Philadelphia areas Saturday the 70’s to low 80’s from afternoon and Sunday overnight low readings in the morning where 2to 3 inches 40’s and 50’s most areas, of rain occurred. Most areas Bradford recorded 34 measured Ito 2 inches of degrees Wednesday mor- rainfall. Delightfully ning. With the passage of a pleasant weather returned to warm front Friday warm the Keystone state by muggy weather and summer Monday morning, thundershowers returned to the Keystone State. Daily temperatures Friday and left-handed Saturday averaged several Most cats are left-pawed Dogs degrees above normal due mice chipmunks and chimpan primarily to considerably zees arc about evenlv divided warmer nights. Overnight Even some climbing plants have a readings remained in the tendencv to twine to the left m -60’s and 70’s while day time s,cad of the r| e ht high reached the 80’s. PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, JUNE 20-3 P.M. 30 FARM TRACTORS - TRUCKS 100 FARM EQUIPMENT - COMBINES 20 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Dealers and Farmers: Turn your extra equipment into cash the easy way. We can haul items for your convenience at our customary rates. Sale held Ram or Shine - Refreshments by Myerstown Brethren Church Sale located at Wenger's Farm Machinery Inc., South Race St, Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. lc together with state and county officials will make the presentations. Enthusiasm and interest in this new "thrill show" is indicated by the entries already registered. The public is cordially invited to attend. Philadelphia recorded 85 degrees Friday afternoon. Within the humid ajr. numerous showers and thunderstorms developed Friday and Saturday and lingered into Sunday mor ning when a cold front moved east across Penn sylvania bringing an end to the wet conditions. Rainfall amounts varied widely ranging from 2 to 3 inches in several northwestern and (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) Consign Now - Excellent Selection - Reasonable Rates CALL CLOSE TO SALE DATE FOR COMPLETE LISTING. For information call Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. Auctioneers: xsooeci Blaine Rentzel Paul Z. Martin Corn, Wheat Prices Seen Coming Down The wheat and corn supply demand factors, is marked both appear to be contained In a “Wheat-Corn moving away from an on- Situation" report Just vironment of shortage to one prepared by grain analysd of re-building depleted and specialists In Merrill stocks, according to com* Lynch's Commodity modlty specialists at Merrill Division. The study con* Lynch, the New York eiders aspecd of animal Securities Firm. A large new feeding and commend upon wheat crop domestically and the relationship between generally favorable crop wheat and corn which d conditions abroad could illustrated by a spread chart, force values below the $3.00 area should these conditions prevail. In the case of corn, a dip toward the $2.90 region seema likely, barring ad- verse weather auch as oc- curred last season. This outlook, together with comprehensive discussion of Clerk: Harvey Hoover Copies of the Wheat-Corn Situation report can be obtained from local Merrill Lynce offices or by writing to the Lerrill Lynch Com modity Division, One Liberty Plaza, New York, NY 1000*.
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