TRY A CLASSIFIED AD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "the old reliable" 45 KW ALTERNATOR Simply connect your Wmpower Twmpower to the PTO drive on your tractor and pull the double throw transfer switch The alternator pro vides electricity to operate heating and water systems, milkers, coolers, brooders, silo unloaders, barn cleaners, lights, TV's, radios, freezers, ranges, and all other electrical power equipment Your daily farm rou tine continues with no discomfort or financial loss DON'T JUST BUY ON KW RATING ONLY, BUT HOW URGE A MOTOR IT WILL START. MARVIN J. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT RDI (IONA) LEBANON, PA PHONE (717) 272-0871 WINPOWER STARTS LARGER MOTORS Named as outstanding feed programmers by their employer, Young’s Inc., were, left to right, Ray Brechbill, Earl Umble and Cassel Mummau. The three Lancaster Countians received plaques for Three Lancaster County feed programmers recently received awards from their employer, Young’s Inc., a manufacturer of livestock nutritional supplements, for “exhibiting outstanding and superior knowledge of nutrition and total un derstanding of livestock feeding programs.” WINDPOWER QUICK CHANGE FEATURE 40 H.P. MOTOR ORA Simply connect your Wmpower Twmpower to the PTO drive of your mechanical equipment, install cables in pm plugs of motor control and pull on handle of safety switch The motor provides 40 H P to operate gram dryer fans, ensilage blowers, liquid manure pumps, inclined ele vators, gram augers, irrigation pumps and other PTO mechanical drive equipment—eliminates tying up your expensive tractor during busy season and cost less to operate FAIL-SAFE SWITCH PANEL Converts Twmpower "rrnatoi :e ver.' DISTRIBUTED ONLY BY Feed Programers The awards were ' June ix w presented by Young’s vice president and nutritionist, Gerald H. Hess, formerly of Lancaster County. Hess made the presentations during the company’s annual meeting and awards banquet when 70 of Young’s sales and nutrition consultants gathered in State College earlier this year. The three Lancaster County award recipients are Cassel C. Mummau of Mount Joy; Earl L Umble, Lan caster; and Ray Brechbill, Lititz. In addition to the feed programming citation, Mummau was honored for having moved the largest total volume of Young’s products during last year. He has been with Young’s for nine years. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 7,1979—91 "total understanding of livestock nutrition and feeding problems, and fast, reliable service." In addition, Mummau and Umble earned first and second place, respectively, in total sales. Receive Awards Finishing second in total Mummau received plaques sales for 1974 was Earl for their feed programming Umble, who has been a feed service achievements, programmer for ten years, Trophies were presented to winning the top sales award Mummau and Umble in during nine of them. recognition of their sales Brechbill, Umble and efforts.
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