TRY A CLASSIFIED AD No Othir Protein Nood Whin You Food • 1 • r&t*. r \ t j ' ’•*■■- irnmiTri HaSHiiSM y*2mMaMSzs& i||||| C. 0. NOLI LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR BIRD-IN-HAND fSI YOUR MOVE TO IMPROVE J daily I W JUNE DAIRY MONTH SPECIAL 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL SIRES ADVERTISED SON OF ROYBROOK STARLITE BACKED BY THE 3 TOP SIRES IN CANADA. ROYBROOK STARLITE 306691 Excellent & SP Sire 2nd Jr. Bull Calf P'boro C 51968 927 - 2 Yr; 12929 - 498 -3 72 -' 967 Daus. Avg. Ml4O - F 148% Of BCA 847 DWH: Milk +l6 (3.86%) Sire of: 1475 Daus. 50% GP (Rating 1469/+3) > 33VG 711 GP 666 G 63F 2P Daus. 11VG 21 GP 5G Sons 1 All-Can 2 Res Prog. Grasshill Starlite Madge (GP) 2Y 365 20659 1038 5.02 Clairdale Starlet Bonnie All-Can. Sr Yr Hfr. 1972 SON OF IDEAL FURY REFLECTOR V* BROTHER TO WOODBINE PEARL COMET IDEAL FURY REFLECTOR Excellent & Gold Medal Sire 23-2 yr: 11579-439 - 3.75 33 Daus. Avg: Ml3O - F 135% ofJBCA 3fbWH; Milk —2 (3.75%) 37 Daus: 81% GP (Rating: 37Z+22) -2EXII VG 17GP 7G Daus. .7VG 6QP 1G Sons t H.M. All-Can. Prog. Predicted Difference: —2BSM —3F (99%' Repeatability) , 3491 Tested Daus. Average: 15080 - 554 - 3.67 (ME) 33EX 359 VG 776 GP 330 G 33F 2P (AM) D. 7 All-Am. 1 Res. 6 HM Prog. All-Am. Gets 1971-2-3 OTHER SIRES ALSO AVAILABLE NOW: Roybrook Laird Roybrook Stariite Quality Ultimate View Home Climax Elevation Spring Farm Rising Star WKU Astro Leader Ike TOP PEDIGREES AT PRICES TOO CAN AFFORD AARON RDI Box 277 SPECIAL TANVILAC Phone Lane. 397-0751 Roybrook Success BORN OCTOBER 13. 1973 Breeder Roy Ormiston, Brooklin. Ont CODE 71H07414 Dam ROYBROOK JODY (EX) Res Jr Ch Fem Ontario BW 1968 6Y 305 18410 765 416 365 20109 836 416 4 Lacts Avg M 146 - F 172% of BCA Her sire Roybrook Telstar (EX - EXTRA) A. Woodbine Milkman BORN JULY 13, 1973 332584 Breeder Woodbine Holstems, Airville, Pa CODE 71H09856 Dam WOODBINE IVANHOE MOLLIE (EX) 2Y 305 13610 506 3 7 3Y 305 20170 747 3 7 5Y 305 25030 931 3 7 344 26749 1005 3 7 6Y 305 29460 1038 3 5 342 31824 1132 3 5 7Y 286 23330 794 3 4 3X 8Y 305 23190 863 3 7 Her sire Osbornedale Ivanhoe (EX - GM) CONTACT B. STOLTZFUS 717-442-4074 Holsteins Have Top Production Two area herd* of Holstein dairy cows recently received performance production recordi from the Holstein - Friesian Association of America. In the herd of Herbert and Rhelda Royer, Lancaster, several animals produced over 500 pounds of butterfat. Blossotnmelle Lovee Dove produced 936 pounds of fat and 23,060 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Admiral Valeria - 875 pounds but* terfat and 20,850 pounds of For NDC Staff Miss Martha Jane Lin dgren has Joined the staff of National Dairy Council as an Editor, Educational Materials, in NDC’s Division of Nutrition Education. The announcement was made by M.F. Brink, Ph.d,, NDC President. Edgeware Commander Ray Swampy Hollow Gay Darius Gap, PA 17527 New Editor Miss Lindgren graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science degree in Foods and Nutrition and minors in Journalism and anthropology from Oregon State University. This background, plus the fact that she nas traveled extensively within Central and North America (in cluding Alaska) and Western Europe, makes her well suited to direct the development of a new teaching tool on multicultural foods, a major project within the area of Materials Development this year. Miss Lindgren received the Stokely Van Camp Award for outstanding creativity in Foods and Nutrition and an Omicron Nu Award for outstanding scholarship and leadership while at Oregon State.' In NDC’s Division of Nutrition Education, Miss Barbara Hicks is Coor dinator of Materials Development. Dr. Donald McAfee is Division Director milk; Blossomelle Ivanhoe Jerry - 869 pounds of fat and 22,680 pounds of milk; Blosaomelle Ivanhoe Dimples 849 pounds of fat and 20,540 pounds of milk; Blossomelle' High Gin • 815 pounds of fat and 16.480 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Ivanhoe Bobbl - 748 pounds of fat and 17,160 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Little Jewel * 715 pounds of fat and 17,780 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Golden Meg - 715 pounds of fat and 17,780 CLARK ELECTRIC, me. RD. 1, Box 82 Kinzer, Pa. 17535 Lancaster Farming Saturday, June 7.1975—89 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Mistletoe - 783 pounds of fst and 20,291 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Golden Bubbles • 765 pounds of fat and 21,170 pound of milk; Blossomelle Proud Button 043 pounds of fat and 28,821 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Ivanhoe Jody -1033 pounds of fat and 30,685 pounds of milk; Blossomelle Hop - A- - Long - 5967 pounds of fat and 15,904 pounds of milk; Blossomelle April Cool - 796 pounds of fat and 19,327 pounds of milk. In the herd of Donald Eby, Gordonvllle Rl, seven cows produced over 500 pounds of milk for the last month. The M-C Rotary Scythe mows and conditions hay non-stop and puts it into a swath for fast drying. It comes in 7 and 9 ft. models and easily ad justable windrow wings allow a full swath to be taken. MILLER'S REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird-m-Hand 8 Miles East of Lancaster ROi, Bird-in-Hand, Pa Phone 656-7013 Gibbons Road or 656-7926 COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE YOUR GIRTON DEALER FOR 22 YEARS Breezy-Glen Archie Maudella - 767 pounds of fat and 10,220 pounds of milk; Breezy Glen Jennie Twin - 734 pound of fat and 17,670 pounds of milk; Breezy - Glen Mitzi - 627 pounds of fat and 14,660 pounds of milk; Breezy - Glen Jack Helf 1 • 626 pounds of fat and 15,760 pounds of milk; Breezy - Glen Apollo Annette • 708 pounds of fat and 18,080 pounds of milk; Breezy - Glen Apollo Jasper • 716 pounds of fat and 16,190 pounds of milk and Breezy • Glen Jack Snowflake • 702 pounds of fat and 20,200 pounds of milk. Proven rmers! I DIPLOMAT - 1 Proven on thousands of dairy farms the world over. 200 to 1500 gallon sizes FULLY-FLOODED GIRTON COLD PLATE STEEL CONSTRUCTION IRE FREON 12, THE SAFE REFRIGERANT [FOAMED IN PLACE) INSULATION AMBASSADOR - I The ultimate tank for the large, quality conscious dairy farmer 500 to 300 C gallon sizes K PH: 768-8228
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers