88-Lancasfr Firming Saturday. Juna 7, 1975 Thoroughly Modern Milk Nonfat dry milk haa all the qualifications to place It hlfth on the Hat of convenience foods. It has multiple uses, required little storage space, has long shelf life, and In stant availability. One added advantage • it's Inexpensive. Right now it*s also plen tiful. The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that commercial stocks arc more than double those of a year earlier. In total volume it represents nearly 115 million pounds. Joseph Rubis, chief dairy standardization expert in USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, defines nonfat dry milk as "milk from which only the fat and water have been removed." As to its nutritive im portance, he states that "it contains all the proteins, minerals, and water soluble vitamins of the nonfat portion of milk.” As a result it works well for weight watchers looking for high nutrition and low caloric count, and for those requiring protein or other nutritive boosts. It can be added to Quid milk and other foods to increase protein, mineral, and vitamin count. You can buy it by the box, mix it by the quart or gallon, drink it by the glass. Whatever your family milk requirements are, you mix only what you need, when you need it. “Once it has been reconstituted, freezing is not recommended,” Rubis says. However, once reconstituted it should be refrigerated. Proper storage required only that it be kept in a dry, cool spot in your pantry. It should be tightly covered to avoid absorption of any moisture. Shelf life is about 6 months. It has many uses other than as a beverage. Nonfat dry milk can be substituted for fluid milk in baking. When used this way, it should be added to the dry ingredients of the recipe. It should not be sifted- To fill liquid measure, use given recipe amount in water. Mixed with equal amounts of ice water, nonfat dry milk can be whipped up to the consistency of whipped cream and served as a low calorie dessert topping. It can also be whipped with frozen juice concentrated for a dessert m itself. Instant nonfat dry milk can be taken around the clock for recipes appropriate to every meal. A good break fast muffin will provoke praise for the cook and a reduced cost per muffin when made with nonfat dry milk. Crunch Apple Muffins 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1-3 cup instant nonfat dry milk 1-3 cup granulated sugar 4 tsp double action baking power 1 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup finely chopped peeled apples % cup water V* cup vegetable oil 1 egg Crunch Topping 1-3 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1-3 cup chopped nuts Ms tsp cinnamon Sift flour, add nonfat dry milk, sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in bowl. Mix in apple. Combine water, oil and egg. Stir into flour mixture. Do not over mix. Spoon into 12 well greased muffin cups. Combine ingredients for topping. Sprinkle topping over batter in each cup. Bake in preheated 400 degree oven 18 to 20 minutes. Serve warm. Broccoli In Cheese Custard 1 (10 oz.) pkg frozen chopped broccoli s « cup instant nonfat dry milk h cup shredded Swiss cheese 2 eggs 2 tbsp lemon Juice 2 tbsp butter, melted L » tsp pepper 114l l 4 cups hot water Cook broccoli according to package directions. Drain well. Meanwhile, in a large bowl beat remaining ingredients until combined. Place broccoli in a IMt quart casserole. Pour in custard mixture. Set casserole in shallow pan on oven rack; add enough hot water to pan to come up about one inch around casserole. Bake in oreheated 350 degree oven 40 LANCASTER and SURROUNDING COUNTIES A Special Salute to . . . NOAH KREIDER & MANHEIM, PA THEIR NEW BARN FEATURES 444 FREE STALLS, LIQUID MANURE SYSTEM AND ROSS-HOLM MILKING PARLOR. WE WISH THEM EVERY SUCCESS IN THEIR NEW DAIRY OPERATION to 45 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clcon ond top Is browned. Yield: 6 servings. Mach* Milk Shake 2 tbsp instant coffee 4 cup warm water 1 cup instant nonfat dry milk 1 quart cold milk 1 quart chocolate ice cream, softened Dissolve Instant coffee in warm water. Put nonfat dry milk and cold milk into bowl or Jar. Add dissolved coffee. Mix well. Add softened ice cream, and beat or shake just enough to blend ingredients. Pour into tall glasses and serve im mediately. Yield: 6 servings. Among the 20 biggest supermarket sellers in dollar volume from 1972 to 1973, cheese ranked seventh with a 1316,000,000 increase (21 percent) and fresh milk ranked 10th, with a sales gain of $225,000,000. Evaporated milk was a notable turnaround, in creasing sales by 7 percent after a 5 percent drop the previous year. WE SALUTE ALL DAIRYMEN OF WITH THEIR NEW FREE STALL BARN R.D.2, Ephrata Dry Milk In Excellent Supply Our national supply of nonfat dry milk is a whop ping 103 percent higher right now than it was a year ago, say marketing specialists of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The "mountain sized" supply is 118 percent larger than the average for the past three years at this time. A combination of factors What is nonfat dry milk? It brought about the abun- is the versatile-mix product ' i JAMESWAY SALES & SERVICE 4 Phone: 717-354-4271 dance, including the yearly springtime increase of fresh milk from our dairy farms. There is already a heavy supply of cheese, one of the normal outlets for springtime fluid milk, so less milk is needed for cheese production and more of it has been processed into nonfat dry milk. SONS that reaulta whan processors remove tha fat and water from pasteurized fluid milk. Moat of milk's natural protein, minerals, and vitamins are retained in the dry product. The plentiful supplies of nonfat dry milk, displayed in supermarkets during May and June, will remind shoppers that economy and long storage life in the home are additional features of dry milk products. Properly packaged and kept in a cool dry place, nonfat dry milk retains its quality for about six months. WE OFFER COMPLETE SERVICE • Designing • Construction • Equipment • Electrical
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