Natural Food (ConUnutd from fags U| desired product. These methods include homogenization, exposing milk to sonic vibration, addition of enzymes, ion exchange, and addition of various salts. Soft curd milk is believed to be ad vantageous to persons with digestive disorders and for Infants though the evidence is not clear-cut. A limited number of communities have soft curd milk available. Two Percent Milk As the name implies, two percent milk contains two PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK & PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, JUNE 21,1975 AT 10 A.M. SHARP At RD#l, wfahtsville, Pa. in Lower Windsor Twp. Turn on Hakes Hollow Road at Martinsville approx, three-tenths of a mile from Twp. Bldg. Look for sale arrows. The undersigned having sold farm will offer at public sale the following; FARM MACHINERY 454 Int. tractor only 550 hours on & in A-l condition, two bottom trip back plow, John Deere B tractor, ACWD 45 tractor & 3 bottom plow, A.C. two row corn planter with fertilizer boxes, Int. 45 baler, Dearborn 5 ft. cut combine with Wisconsin engine pull type, New Idea 12A manure spreader. Coop 13 hoe grain drill, lime spreader, Ontario 9 hoe grain drill, McDeering stalk beater, front end loader & snow plow for A.C. tractor, Coop sickle bar, J. Deere 7 ft. disc, McDeering double cultipacker, 2 two sections harrows, hay tedder, 2 sets of culivators, Int. side delivery rake, J. Deere pull type two bottom plow, Century barrell type sprayer, Oliver 1 row com picker, McGurdy grain wagon, farm wagon, McDeering pull type mower, J. Deere pull type mower, old manure spreader on steel, 1 row potato picker, McDeering 1 row potato planter, Dunham double cultipacker for parts, Cement mixer with motor, wooden drag, D. Bradley cylinder com shelter, two hole com sheller w-motor, saw buck, D. Bradley garden tractor with plows & scoop, 2 wheelbarrows, several piles of asst, lumber, 4’ x 8’ posts, approx. 12 telephone poles, D. Bradley 4 hole hog feeder, 2 28 ft. extension ladders, chicken coops, wheels, tires, roll of wire, 2 water troughs, iron hog troughs, rollaway feed bin, Vi & M> H.P. motors, Homelite water pump, XL9OI chain saw, 205 vise, double bench grinder, block & falls, rope, B. & D. M>” drill, Vi” drills, drop cords, 6 volt battery charger, 3 hand sprayers, Hand & tractor type clover seed sowers, platform scales, 2 air tanks, 3 drums with spigots, 2 coffing hoists, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters, grease guns, electric fence posts & wire, digging irons, shovels, axe, cythe, general line of small tools & garden tools, tool boxes, gas cans, car truck & log chains, set of tractor chains, asst, doors, cattle racks for pickup, also 1965 Ford 100 % ton pickup truck. LIVESTOCK & GRAIN 2 Angus beef cows with calves. 1 Black Angus bull with papers, 2 yrs. old, 1 Guernsey heifer calf and approx. 30 ton of ear corn. PERSONAL PROPERTY RCA Whirlpool refrigerator, RCA Whirlpool chest type freezer, double door upright refrigerator freezer combination, Kenmore 900 automatic dryer, Lady Kenmore 3 speed automatic washer, Philco electric range, G.E. thinline 50,000 BTU. air conditioner, Ad miral TV-Stereo and radio combination, Magnus deluxe organ & stool, Living room suite, dining room table & 6 chairs, 2 recliners, blonde bedroom suite, bedroom suite with-twin beds complete, maple bed spring & mattress, 2 metal wardrobes, lamps, end tables, telephone bench, desk & chair, hi-chair, clothes hamper, foldaway bed, metal utility cart, lawn chairs, heat lamp, bowling ball, basinette, play pen, childs rocker, blackboard, rocking horse, asst, toys, thermos jugs, fish aquarium, table radios, square oak table, 2 iron butcher kettles, ice cream freezer, 4’-s’-6’ step ladders, bicycle, tricycle, sled, small scales, charcoal grille, asst, jars, cooking utensils, TV aerial & stand, reel type power mower. Wards 3% H.P. rotary mower, Hahn Eclispe 5 H.P. RIDING ROTARY MOWER, APPROX. 3 CORDS OF WOOD, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Refreshments by East Prospect Fire Co. Special Note - Farm Machinery will be sold first followed by livestock, grain, & personal property - Come early lots & lots to be sold. Terms Cash or approved check Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer Kline, Gohn, Leber,, Clerks percent milk fat. It is made from fresh fluid whole and skim milk. The lowered fat content results in a milk with fewer calories than whole milk. It is also pasteurized and homogenized. An 8- ounce glass contains an average of 150 Calorics. Most dairies modify two percent milk by adding nonfat dry milk and various vitamin and-or mineral preparations. Yogurt Yogurt is a cultured milk product that has been prepared by a mixed culture of lactic bacteria. It is Elzie. H. "Bill" Bailey usually made with feesh fluid partially skim milk that has bean enriched by the ad* dltion of nonfat dry milk. The milk is pasteurized and homogenized before the culture is added. It is a thick, custard-like, smooth product with a tangy flavor. The nutritive value is the same as the milk from which it is made. The caloric range (or moat yogurt sold in the United States varies from 120 to 160 Calorics for 8 ounces. Care of Milk In The Home Heat and light destroy nutrients In milk. Fresh milk should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as the milk is purchased; home delivered milk should be refrigerated as soon as it is delivered. Once canned milks have been opened, the unused portion should be kept in the refrigerator. When using dry milks, reseal the package. Exposure to moisture in the air may cause dry milk to cake. Milk is a perishable food. Keep the container out of the refrigerator just long enough to pour the amount you plan to use. Be sure to cover or close the container to prevent milk from absorbing surrounding odors in the refrigerator. Milk removed Fun Night Horse Shows Set Four fun night horse shows have been announced by H. Cleves Dodge, president of the Lancaster County Riding and Tennis Club. The first three shows to be held are on Wednesday, June 11,1975, Wednesday July 16, 1975, and Wednesday, August 13, 1975, and will be conducted on the ac cumulated point system. The fourth and cham pionship show will be held on Wednesday, August 27, 1975. The entries for this show will consist of those people who For extra mileage on softer com tortillas. Top expensive meat leftovers - with shredded lettuce, bits and pieces of turkey, Cheddar cheese, tomatoes chicken, ham or beef • Ex- and hot sauce. Children will tension specialists at The especially enjoy creating Pennsylvania State their favorite tacos for University suggest tucking snacks, them into taco shells or from the original container should not be returned to it. Freezing dosen't alter milk's food value, but it may detract from taste and ap perance. Uses Of Milk To assure adequate milk in dairy meals, serve milk puddings, soups and creamed dishes as well as serving milk ns a beverage. Basic cream sauces made with milk can be seasoned with dill, curry powder, dry mustard or plmiento to add zest and color to vegetables, meat or fish. Cream soups make ex cellent main dishes and they also offer a way to use lef tover vegetables. A single vegetable or combination of several may be used. The proportions to use are 2 cups thin cream sauce to 1 cup vegetables. To make a small amount of meat, fish or chicken go a long way, combine with a thin cream sauce and cooked noodles or rice in a casserole-type dish. Cheese sauces many times add that needed touch of flavor to food. To make cheese sauce, add M> to 3 /* cup shredded cheese to 1 cup medium cream sauce. Substituting milk for water when preparing cooked have shown and won ribbons in at least one or more of the other three shows. Starting ring time is 7 o’clock p.m. at the club show grounds, 2615 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, Penna. Shows will be held rain or shine. Entries for all classes are $l.OO. This includes, western, saddle horse and racing events. The refreshment stand will be open at 6:30 p.m. There is no admission charge. Donations are accepted. Serve Taco Planned-Overs Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 7,197 S cereal lends a delicious flavor as well as extra nourishment. Just follow the directions on the package and use milk as the liquid. For an elegant dessert, serve soft custard over gingerbread, applesauce cake or baked apples. Baked custard made with milk and topped with a sprinkling or nutmeg is a PUBLIC NIGHT SALE Due to ill health we will sell at Public Auction our entire personal properly, located 4 miles from Canton. Pa , Bradford County, I 1,? miles from East Canton, between Beech Flats and Williams Hollow road, watch for Auction Arrows, on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 11th 20 HEAD CATTLE 20 This dairy consists of 19 cows and one Jersey stock bull. These cows are in all lactations. They are young and have good size and condition with excellent udders. This is an outstanding dairy of cows, 18 cows producing 1900 to 2000 lbs. of milk a pick up. If you need replacements, don’t miss this opportunity to get them. Blood & T.B. Tested - Charts Furnished Night of Sale Pregnancy Checked MACHINERY 454 IHC tractor, like new (500 hrs.), 275 IHC diesel tractor with Model 1501 loader, Model 510 N.H. spreader, 2 bot. 3 pt. Oliver trip plows, 3 sec. harrow, M.F. 3 pt. hitch com planter, M.F. baler, elevator with motor, Model 56 N.H. side rake, N.I. mower, crimper, 2 flatbed wagons, new heavy duty wagon, 3 pt. sprayer, new Model 111 Bush Hog, 2 Oliver com pickers, lime sower, tractor trailer, disc, cutting box, HammermiU, grain drill, 2 com harvesters, horse-drawn cultivators, sulky plows, McCullough chain saw, 2 Surge units. Surge pump, wash vat, pails, strainer and many small tools. 270 gal. diesel fuel tank and pump. 250 Gal. Bulk Tank (2183 lbs.) New Brock 8-Ton Feed Bin with Auger & Motor 1972 GMC % Ton Stake Body Truck with only 26,000 miles TERMS: Cash or Good Check Night of Sale. Ben & Leola Castle owners SLINGERLAND SALES. Mgr. Tele. Troy 297-3777 GEORGE SCOTT, Auctioneer C. AYRES, Clerk AiRY-DOWNS AUCTION Located off Rt. 15, 3 miles from Covington, PA on West Hill Road Watch for Auction Arrows in Covington, PA FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 13,1975 14 REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE HOLSIEINS 44 30 Registered 14 Hlgji Grades Herd consists of 35 mature cows, 4 heifers bred for July, 2 just bred and 3 open yearlings. 8 of these cows have freshened recently, 6 due in June, 6 in July, 8 Aug. to Dec. Balance in various stages of lactation. In terstate Tested, Pregnancy examined, charts evening of sale. Sires Represented Gent, Kingpin, Pioneer, Crocker, and 7 daughters from Airy-Downs Gent In spiration who’s proof on first 11 daughters is 14.498 M, 580 F with 4.0 test. Most of these cows are bred back to an “EX” 3 year old son of Rocky Ivanhoe Dina Charm. Several animals have scored well including a Milk and Honey Linda Fond Image scored VG 85 with 550 F and 603 F due in Dec. safe with calf to Vigo Raverion from a GP 84 Dam with life time of 129.857 M and 5,356 F. Another nice individual from a Gent son safe with calf to Elevation due in Dec. with 2 year old record of 14,290 M, 619 F, projected to make a 3 year old record of 13.487 M, 628 F. Sale Managers Note: Mr. Wilcox again has the usual barn full of heifers, so must sell this herd to make room. A good young dairy here. If you need replacements, be sure and attend this sale. Terms Cash or good check. Sale under cover. Lunch Available. Auct. - Arlow Kiehl Sale Manager - GORDON WOOD, Mansfield, PA 717-549-4901 For the most in advertising coverage and preparing your sale Call Woods Auction Service ” welcome dessert all year 'round. Refreshing and nourishing milk drinks are popular with children. Milk blends well with many fruit Juices to make dozens of such drinks. Information Courteity of the Dairy Council Inc. Southampton, Pa. (National Dairy Council) AT7:OOP.M □.WILLIAMS, Cashier REFRESHMENTS 8:30 P.M. Sharp OWNER DUANE WILCOX 87
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