Natural Food IGonttnusd from Pifi |4| your purpose in one instance while a dry milk or another form of fluid milk may meet your needs at another time. Or, possibly you live in a community where an unusual form of milk is sold and you would like to know / V Why you should add to your With feed at 51 per pound and cattle selling at 351 a pound, an investment of less than $l.OO per head for AUREO S 700 and AUREOMYCIN® returned $5.75 in five commercial trials. When cattle arrive at your feedlot, they’ve been stressed and exposed to a variety of disease organisms. Start them with a con ditioning feed containing AUREO S 700 and feed it for the first 28 days. AUREO S 700 maintains weight gains in the presence of shipping fever. Then, follow up with feeds con- GEHMAN FEED MILL INC. Denver, Pa. GRUBB SUPPLY CO, Elizabethtown, Pa. more about this milk. In any Instance, here are the many forms of milk, some available in all communities and others are sold in only a few communities. These milks have been created for only one reason • to suit you, IK INIEWFIELD. IM. J. 08344 Phone 609/692-4400 Distributors of American Cyanamid Animal Health & Feed Products BROADWAY, VA. • SELBYVILLE, DEL. • LEWISBURG, OHIO • VESTAL, N. Y. • LITITZ, PA. Standards for the com* position of whole milk have been set by the individual states. The majority of states define whole milk as milk that contains not leu than 3.25 percent milk fat and not leu than 8.29 percent milk solids-not-fat. However, these percentages will vary with each state. Milk that is EFFICIENCY FACTM feeding program taining AUREOMYCIN chlortetra cycline. AUREOMYCIN not only provides for excellent growth and feed efficiency, but also helps re duce losses from liver abscesses, foot rot and bacterial diarrhea. For complete details contact any of the feed manufacturers listed below, or call or write The Fox Company. EARL SAUDER, INC. New Holland, Pa. STEVENS FEED MILL, INC Stevens, Pa. the consumer. Whole Fresh Fluid MDk not pasteurized is called raw milk. Most of the whole mUk in this country is pasteurized and homogenized before it is packaged. An 8-ounce glass of whole milk contains an average of 160 Calories. Acidophilus Milk Acidophilus milk is pasteurized skim milk to which the bacteria culture, Lactobacillus acidophilus, has been added. The milk has a tart, distinct flavor. i&m^\ i AU REOA^Q|^i Trademarks American Cyanamid Company —J WENGER’S FEED MILL, INC, Rheems, Pa. WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC, Mount Joy, Pa. Lancaster Firming. Saturday, June 7,1975—85 Part of the milk augar, lactoae, la changed to lactic acid. It haa eaaentlally the aame nutritive value aa paateurized akim milk. Acidophilus milk la said to favorably influence the intestinal flora in the human intestinal tract. This milk is available in only a few communities. Buttermilk <+£y,<- • V '* '* ■• '***.» * / s - •/>/ . :* . • s v '' V ✓ v % Buttermilk produced in commercial dairiea la cultured buttermilk. It la not the liquid that remaina after butter haa been churned. The milk la alwaya quality Grade A milk. Most of the cultured buttermilk aold in the United States is made with fresh fluid skim milk. However, cultured buttermilk also is made from fresh fluid whole milk, concentrated fluid milk (whole or skim), or reconstituted nonfat dry milk. The flavor and smooth, heavy body, characteristic of cultured buttermilk, are created by a specially prepared culture of bacteria. Butter granules are sometimes added by various methods. The butter gran dules are added, usually in an amount to produce a finished buttermilk testing one or less than one percent milk fat. Buttermilk has the same food value as the milk from which it is made. Calories in cultured buttermilk vary depending on the milk used and the milk fat added in the form of butter granules. The calorie range for most buttermilk sold in the United States is 90-112 Calories for 8 ounces. This is buttermilk made with skim milk con taining no butter granules, to one testing one percent milk fat. - Certified Milk This fresh fluid milk may be either raw or pasteurized. It also may be homogenized and have vitamin D added. Always a high quality product, it usually has a fat content of four percent. Certified Milk originated in 1893. It grew out of the need for safe milk because at that time, milk was not pasteurized in the United States. Rigid sanitary regulations were spelled out for care of cows, equipment, handling and delivery of milk. A local medical milk commission composed of local practicing physicians, enforced the requirements. Later, the American Association of Medical Milk Commissions was formed. A committee for Methods and Standards was set up for the development of rules in suring the uniformity of Certified Milk. Today-Certified Milk is still produced and handled according to rigid sanitary regulations under super vision of the Medical Milk Commission. The name is a registered, protected name and the sole owner is the American Association of Medical Milk Commissions. This group is a non-profit organization headed by physicians who serve voluntarily. Recognition of the standing of this association is found in laws of many states and municipalities. The Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance provides for the sale of certified pasteurized milk derived from certified raw milk. Certified Milk is available in only a few communities. Chocolate Milk Whole milk, flavored with a chocolate sirup or powder, is called chocolate milk. The butterfat content is usually at a minimum of 3.25 per cent. This milk usually contains one percent cocoa or 1% percent liquid chocolate, plus five percent sugar and less than one percent of stabilizers. Stabilizers are used to prevent the cocoa from settling.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers