Officers Elected At Twin Valley The officer! of the Twin Preildcnt ■ Darrel Sloltzfus. Valley Future Fanner* of 15 year old ion of Mr. and America were installed Mri. Chester Stoltzfu* of recently at a regular mor- r.d.2 Elvcrson. Vice ning meeting in the Vo. Ag. President-Ted Ford, 15 year classroom. The officer* were old son of Mr. and Mrs. installed by the retiring William Ford of Honey officer* who opened the Brook. Secretary, Gale meeting. Fultz, 15 year old daughter of New officers are: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fultz of We give farmers credit for the ob they d vides farmers with long-term, intermediate and short-term financing. And, on terms and conditions keyed to the individual farmer's credit needs. Farm Credit loans are made to buy and equip . . . operate or improve . . . farms of every size and type. Also, for any purpose related to the well-being and comfort of the farm family. Get acquainted with Farm Credit, where you’ll feel at home LAND BANK MORTGAGE LOANS / PRODUCTION CREDIT LOANS Farm Credi-t Box 80-B, RIM 411 W. Roseville Road 14 E. Main St. Lebanon, PA Lancaster, PA Elizabethville, PA Phone 867-4474 Phone 393-3921 Phone 362-8115 R.D.I Bird* boro. Treasurer • Bill Harris, 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of Geigertown. Reporter • Jan Oatman, 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Oatman of R.D.I Honey Brook. Sentinel • Gary McVaugh, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mc- ASSOCIATIONS Vaugh of R.D.I Mohnton. Chaplain - Steve Souden, Ift year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Souden of RD2 Honey Brook. Historian • Mary Shade, 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shade of Honey Brook. Photographer - Larry Stoltzfus, 16 year* old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Stoltzfus of R.D.I El verson. Berks County FFA Delegate Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 7.1975 • Mike Alkcns, 15 year old •on of Mr. and Mr«. I/mil Aikcm of Honey Brook. Junior Advisor • Robert Stoltzfus, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houck of R.D.2 Elverson. The new officers are already hard at work planning a chicken Bar-B-Q for the chapter this summer as well as other chapter /•“'V' m* activities inch if ■ «wlno fitting demonstration, a swimming party, and a meeting for new members. It was reported that seven Twin Valley members at* tended the Dutch Country Cooperative Institute on Friday May 2 at the Shar- Ucsvillc Grange. These members were Robert Stoltzfus, Darrel Stoltzfus, Bill Harris, Mike Aikcns, Ben Dcaver, Gale Fultz, and Clarence Jennelle. The purpose of this institute Is two-fold. Primarily it will teach students some of the fundamentals of the cooperative way of doing business as well as of cooperation in general. It is also a means of selecting those students that local businesses will sponsor at the PAFC (Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperative) Summer In stitute at Shippensburg State College. In our next article we hope to be able to report that several of our students have been selected for Shippensburg. It was also noted that FFA members in 9th and 10th grade are pooling orders for vegetable seedlings for their gardens. Likewise eight chapter members are busy preparing for state FFA judging contests at Penn State in June. Future FFA Activities include several safety demonstrations and news articles as well as a local tractor driving contest before the close of school. Poultry Production Down Poultry production has decreased in Pennsylvania, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. For the week ending May 24, placements of broiler chicks in the Commonwealth were 1,243,000. This represents a decline of 10 percent from the corresponding week a year ago, and eight percent below the previous week. Average placements during the past 10 weeks were four percent above a year earlier. In the 21 key states, broiler placements were 59,835,000. This is one percent below the previous week and six percent below the same week a year ago. Average placements during the past 10 weeks in the 21 key states were five percent below a year ago. «^n f racoa, EfiHUil VOCO II IS THE PROVEN WHITEWASH THAT IS NATURALLY ADHESIVE. Voco II is NOT A LIME whitewash Voco II will not flake or scale off. Voco II dries white APPLIED BY RICHARD R. FORRY 2020 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA Phone 717-397 0035 We are also equipped to serve you with modern equipment in 83 For Interior Farm Buildings
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