—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7. 1975 82 Berks Co. Youth Attends 4-H Training Susan Shaw, 16, of RD2, Downingtown, has been selected as one of 18 Penn sylvania young adults to serve on a 4-H Report to the State Team, it was an nounced today, by Mr. Leland G. Jinks, chairman of Extension Service youth programs at The Penn sylvania State University. The group, which recently received special com munications training on the Penn State Campus, will serve as 4-H ambassadors to promote the educational youth program. They will be available to talk to organizations at local, regional, and state levels, including 4-H Clubs, College of Agriculture alumni groups, legislators, and church and school functions. They also will make personal i j . L. ROHRER fi DRO., INC.I I l I Smoketown, PA Dr. Thomas B. King, Associate Dean and Associate Director of The Penn sylvania Cooperative Extension Service congratulates Susan Shaw, Downingtown, on her recent com pletion of a special communications apperances at conventions and other large meetings. I i i i I % 717-299-2571 “There are more than 185,000 4-H’ers and adult leaders in the state,” Mr. Jinks said. “We feel that a 4- H Report to the State Team would facilitate the con tinued development of 4-H as a viable, progressive program.” The 18 members will provide an opportunity for more teen leadership in volvement and leadership development. They also will help the public understand that the 4-H program is an integral part of the Penn State College of Agriculture, county government and the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the Youth chairman points out. Susan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shaw, is a junior at the Downingtown Senior High School. She has been a 4-H member for eight years. A member of the Northern Chester County 4-H Horse Club and Chester County 4-H Council, she served as president and News reporter and assisted with club ac tivities and events as a teen leader. I She completed projects in horse, veterinary science, foods, teen leadership, and physical fitness. Susan participated in the training program at Penn State. Susan was one of 18 Penna. 4-H members who was chosen to serve on a 4-H Report to the State Team, serving as 4-H ambassadors to the state. • county 4-H Horse Show, District 4-H Horse Show, Regional 4-H Horse Bowl, State Farm Show, Penn sylvania 4-H Leadership Congress, and Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives Summer Youth Institute. She was a member of the 4- H horse judging team that competed in the state contest at Penn State. 400 ALL-TWINT BALERS Forget about costly down time and missed bales with the International® Ali-Twme Balers . with the knotter that ties a unique bow-type, double diameter knotjhat test up to 17 percent stronger than ordinary single di-‘ ameter knots . and does it with all types and diameters of baler twine, with out adjustment UU Come in today and compare features. The 400 is the best baler buy around. MOUNTVILLE, PA ERB 8 HENRY EQUIP. INC. Handles all sizes and types of twines without knotter adjustment • Heavy-duty power train with extra large main drive clutch and precision spiral bevel and pinion gears • Optional deluxe pickup with up to 126 rubber mounted teeth picks up short hay and hard to feed crops • Economy-priced 420 bales up to 15 tons an hour, 430 up to 17 tons; 440 up to 19 tons R. S. HOLLWGER & SON 22-26 Henry Ave., New Berlinville, Pa. 1 Mile North of Boyertown Phone: 215 - 367-2169 MARK EQUIPMENT INC. 101 Rosehill Ave., West Grove, Pa. |2ls| 869-2474 Before you buy any farm loader, see a Bobcat in action! 4 - MODELS To Choose From, all with 4- Wheel Drive. BOBCAT Handles small jobs, big jobs, indoors, and outdoors. Ideal for working in HORSE BARNS, HOG BARNS, FEEDLOTS, ETC. Almost anyone can learn to operate a BOBCAT in 15 minutes. LET US DEMONSTRATE and Show you how easy it is to own a BOBCAT. " ELIZABETHTOWN 285-4538 NEW PROVIDENCE INTERCOURSE HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1054 S. Slate St. Ephrata, PA 717-733-2283 MESSICK FARM EQUIP. COPE 8 WEAVER CO. C. B. HOOBER 8 SON ROE ICAT SST POPULAR fEER LOADER 367-1319 786-7351 786-8231
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