56—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 7. 1975 Cheese party balls can Have an Ice cream party easily be made by softening for youngsters by providing 3 cream cheese with milk and flavors along with a choice of forming in a ball. Roll the chocolate, caramel and ball in crushed walnuts and strawberry toppings. Also garnish with chopped serve crushed peanuts and marachino cherries. coconut. NEW H HAS ONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 717- 354-4241 “Dolt All” am 780 EAST MAIN STREET NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 COME SEE IT Farm Women Societies Society 27 Society of Farm Women 27 met May 27, for a safety program at the home of Mrs. Roy Sauder of Route 2, Mount Joy. Martha Gerber lead in devotions in keeping with the Memorial Day theme. Mrs. Roy Sauder reported on the Spring Rally of the State Farm Women which was held at the Hershey Convention Center. Money-Making Project was held March 24 by cat ching and vaccinating chickens which gave our treasury an increase of $170.00. A donation of $lO.OO was given to the IFYE program. Mrs. Kenneth Ritchey, an R.N. working in the emergency unit at the Lancaster General Hospital gave a most interesting and informative talk. She told of the advanced equipment with which the intensive care ambulance is supplied and how it operates with well trained personal. It has a monitor type system that keeps them in touch with the hospital emergency doctor, of which one is always on duty. She gave many first aid tips including how to stop bleeding and what to do in case of burns. With the aid of Miss Joyce Wenger, daughter of a member, that works in the emergency ward, they demonstrated with a doll artificial respiration using mouth to mouth method. It is good to know what to do when an emergency arises, especially with the busy farm season ahead of us. Our Hostess and Co- Hostess Doris Nissley served delightful refreshments. ' Our next meeting will be June 24 with a tour of Donegal Mills, near Mount Joy. Mrs. Robert F. Shearer 1200 A Society 31 Society of Farm Women 31 entertained Society 17 on May 19 at the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren. Devotions were given by Mrs. Robert Groff. Mrs. Carl Johnson, county president and Mrs. Robert Gregory, county vice-president along with Mrs. Carl Diller, second vice-president were guests. The program for the evening was crafts with each member bringing crafts to display. Anne Hinkle gave a demonstration on making small craft items for the home or for gifts. Mrs. Robert Kauffman, president, announced that the county picnic will be held on August 6. The next meeting will be June 16, at 7:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. James Kreider. Berks Co . Society 2 Society 2 of Bethel, Pa. Berks Co. Farm Women held a Mother and Daughter Banquet at Trinity United Church of Christ, Rehrer sburg with 67 members and guests attending. President, Arlene Hershey welcomed the ladies, followed by a solo by Felicia Snyder. Grace was offered by the president before the meal. Betty Stump read scriptures, followed by poems and readings by Wendy Man beck, Lillian Harnish, and Tara Ebling. Miss Snyder presented the group with another song. Martha Klahr did a monologue, followed by Jlelen Schmehl and girls doing several songs for the group. “This is Your Life” for Elsie Stamm was presented by Marie Gettel. Sandy Manbeck made recognitions to the following mothers: Oldest Mother, Elsie Stamm, Youngest Mother, Linda Bolts, Mother who came the longest distance, Cindy Stansfield (Emmaus), Oldest Mother present who does not wear eyeglasses, Mrs. Harvey Zimmerman, Oldest Mother wearing a wig or hairpiece, Laura Patches, Mother with heaviest purse Mrs. Leon Lutz. President, Mrs. Hershey made several an nouncements and the program was closed by singing “Brighten the FEATURING; • Anti-Vibration Systems • Automatic Oiling on All Models 40 Years Experience in Design and Production cl o1h " L otaimer REPAIR SERVICE R.D.2, East Earl, PA Phone 215-445-6175 'A MILE NORTH OF GOODVILIE ON UNION GROVE ROAD A & B Sales & Service L Miles South of Route 23 Alone 772 thru fffimterey R.D.I, RONKS, PA Comer.” The June meeting is at the home of Mrs. Carl Kauffman and it’s the bridal squeeze on June 24 at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Quentin A. Gettel Secretary Water Roses Newly-planted roses need plenty of water, say Ex tension ornamental hor ticulturists at The Penn sylvania State University. Direct a small, slow-moving streMm of water from a garden hose around the base of each plant. Soak to a depth of 8 to 10 inches. DAVE'S ENGINE SERVICE In Rear of Stauffer's Machine Shop V* Mile South of Murrell on Pleasant Valley Road R.D.3, Ephrata, PA
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