Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 1975, Image 49
It Seems Unreal And Too Good Cows All Cows Not. 72 May 73 55 36.5 53 47.0 50 48.3 47 64.6 May 74 May 75 These Cows Just Don't Quit! Donald says, “If someone would tell me the things that I’ve ex perienced these past two years, I would think they’re stretching the truth a good bit But these are the facts Our cows peak higher and hold production longer. From 1962 until 1973 we only had two cows to produce over 20,000 lbs. of milk in 305 days As of May 1975 there are 14 cows in our herd predicted to finish over 20,000 lbs of milk. We still have some problems now and then but when we do we get the veterinarian to treat them and they respond very quickly. On March 8,1975 a virus hit our herd and 75 percent of our cows were running fevers between 103 degrees & 106 degrees. The cows were off feed and way down in milk. Things didn't look too bright. 1 asked our veterinarian if they would come back up m production. He said he didn’t think they would. One week later the cows were back on feed and milk production was nearly back to where it was before. I never saw cows respond like they did.” The following are production records on 5 of Willow Maple Cows itheastern Penna. George F. Delong Ben Greenawalt Regional Manager RD2. Conestoga. PA 17516 P 0 Box 683. Lititz PA 17543 Phone 717-8725686 Call Collect 717-6260261 Eastern Lancasti Lebanon Co. Melvin Herr Marvin Meyer RR2. New Holland. PA 17557 RD2 Box 157 Phone. 717-354-5977 Annville, PA 17003 Phone 717-867 1445 North Western Lancaster Co Earl B. Cinder RD2. Manheim PA 17545 Phone 717-665-3126 Southern Lancaster Co. Henry Delong, Jr. RD2 Quarryville. PA 17566 Phone 717-284-2683 WILLOW To Be True Avg Milk on Milking Cows Avg Milk on 46.9 50.7 55.9 69.0 Southwestern Lancaster Co Lehigh Co. Area J. H. Moore 1213 Zorba Drive Whitehall PA 18052 Phone 215-432-5987 Rolling Herd Avg 497 590 607 680 12,534 14,814 15,393 18,677 P.S. There are only 44 stalls in our barn; I guess come Fall we will have to sell some Heifers because we won’t have room for them. KEY TO PROFIT \ AGRI KING, feo / / PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGRAMS / L E=I ' Pulton. illi MAPLE FARM p "ft as a 2 yr, Qift &pl. lb Milk " c . Oct Bie\ Faf Nov. 7c ft jMlßlNov. *l.B 22 f ec - «5.0 27 & S ■»- »5 24 I ft «« rm’s «S« f" 5 " ft.nffl'» »» «»0 3.» 102.0 '■» UW ” 06.0 2„ 6 93.0 2« *O3 335 days Dec- Jan. Feb. Mat. bpt- May Monl joinery A SE Berts Co South Central Penna. Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Dougiasville. PA 19518 Phone 215-385 6249 Chester Co. Wiliam Windle RDI. Atglen PA 19310 Phone. 215-593 6143 Wortheast Berks Co. Roger Heller RDI, Robesonia, PA Phone 215 693-6160 Belleville Area Louis S. Peachy, Sr. RDI #5B C Reedsville PA 17084 Phone 717-667-3291 Donald and Harold Bollinger Newmanstown, PA James L. Yoder Regional Manager RRI, Box 81 Chambersburg PA 17201 Call Collect 717-264-9321 Adams Co. Area Menno N. Rissler RR4 Gettysburg PA 17325 Phone 717-528-4849 Bedford Co. Penna. Area Kenneth | Sonny) Yoder RD2 F V 150 Bedford PA 15522 Phone 814 623-6856 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 7.1971 Arnold Acr^u —r~—- F Born Sept AAarie ,*v ii> . urn, o, c , J une 4q I /0 Fat July Sf 57 Sep/. cIS 3.5 £ 3.4 I §■ || S / * / May Franfclin Co. Penna. Area Eldon Martin RDS Waynesboro PA 17268 Phone 717 762-3576 Mark H. Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg PA 17201 Phone 717 263-1808 Washington Co.. MD Area Earl H. Moyer RDS Box 277 Hagerstown MD 21740 Phone 301 739 5199 Western Washington Co. Area Charlie Campbell Newville PA Phone 717-776 7573 ’*-4' 89.5 32 Mata