Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 1975, Image 47
dmHiMliiit LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1| Issue |3| Issues) 14 or Less SI 41 S 3 36 15 1 50 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads runtime 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday o( each week's publication Lancaster Farmini P 0 Box 266 Libtz. PA Phone Lancaster 394 3047 or Lititz 626 2191 For Sale - John Deere cultivator with Harrow teeth, Fetter 10 H.P. Diesel overhauled. John B. Stoltz fus, RDI, 3155 A Harvest Drive, Ronks, Pa. 17572. ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlinville, PA 1 Mile N ofßoyerfown Phone 367-2169 FARM 111 EQUIPMENT * PARTS & SERVICE •DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP. * JAMESWAY * FLICKES SILO * FMC SPRAY * BEAN- "^cQUIP. See your PATZ Dealer today LANDIS & ESBENSHADE Kirkwood, PA Box 5 Form Equipment TRACTOR A MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 yean ex perience with Ford tracton and equipment. Shop & Road Sendee Pickup and Delivery Walt SUvely, Jr. Springville Road Quarryvide RD3 Phone 717-786-2252 USED EQUIPMENT J.D. F 125 4-14” Plow J.D. F 145 H SB Plow w slats J.D. F 1450 5-16” Plow J.D. Fl3O 3-16” Plow w slats KBA 28 Disc Harrow J.D. 4-row Plateless Planter J.D. 14T Baler w-engine J.D. 24T Baler w-Kicker J.D. 5-E Tool Bar w-11 teeth J.D. A and G Tractors J.D. 2020 Diesel w-47 loader USED LAWN & GARDEN J.D. 56 Riding Mower 75 Ford Lawn Tractor w-mower 7 H.P. Yardman Lawn Tractor w-mower New Snapper riding mowers, 5, 6 & 8 HP New Brillion Cultipackers, Cultimulchers Hesston Mower Con ditioners, Stakhands, Stakhand movers. WENGER IMPLEMENT INC. The Buck, PA 284-4141 Phone 786-4158 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191 Farm Equipment m NEW TRACTORS 1 - 1070 Cause Cab Air Heater 1 - 1212 DB SOLD 1 -1210 DB 1 -1210 DB 130 hrs. 2 - 990 DB 1 - 885 DB 1 - 1737 uniloader USED TRACTORS Case 400 Oliver 1600 A.C. Model B w-side mtd. mower A.C. Model WD 45 1200 DB NEW EQUIPMENT 2 - Century trailer sprayer, 300 gal., 200 gal. 3 - Century 3 pt. sprayer, 300 gal., 200 gal., 125 gal. 4 - Pittsburgh disk harrows, 8’8,9’10,12’ 1 - 3-pt. Pittsburgh disk harrow 5 ft. 1 - Hawk Bilt 187 bu. 1 - Dunham 10 ft cultipacker 1 - Bear Cat 10 ft. cultipacker 2 - Bush Hog 6 ft. rotary cutters 3 - Bush Hog 5 ft. rotary cutters 1 r Kool Blower 1 4bt. Case auto, plow 1 - Case plow 3 bt. demo. 2 - Hasten 6 ton running gears 2 • Hasten 8 ton running gears 4 - Little Giant elevators 38 ft. 2 'Speed King elevators . 38 ft. 1 - Cobey 340 bu. spreader 1 - Cobey 3100 spreader NEW APPLIANCES (3) Kelvinator 25 cu. ft. Freezers (4) 20 Cu. ft. Freezers (2) 15 Cu. ft. Freezers Kelvinator - Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Refrigerators. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT FOR RENT A BINKLEY & /m hurst L x BROS. Lititz RD4, PA Phone: 626-4705 on Rothsville Station Road (1) New Idea 501 Loader (2) Hay Rakes 4-bar w-broad iron wheel (1) Int. Cultivator to fit Farmall H or M (1) New Idea Hay Con ditioner James A. Stewart RDI Airville, Pa. Ph: Brogue, 717-927-6130. i r Generators j I FOR SALE: | I Rebuilt & Guaranteed i I * Onan 25 KW 120/240 | I volts with Ford industrial | I engine Gasoline i I * Onan 25 KW 120/240 volts | I with Ford industrial engine | I natural gas carburetion i I • Kafolighf 15 KW - 120/240 | I volts with continental | I diesel engine i I * General 15 KW-120/240 \ I volts with Ford diesel | I engine I j Joe Wallis, Jr. I ■ RDI Carbondale PA j 18407 717 282J342 j Farm Equipment USED Oliver 770 Tractor Used Hesston 500 SP Win drower NEW Hesston PT7 & PTIO Win drowers Hesston Stakhands Glenco Soil Savers New MC Rotary Scythe at last year’s price Good supply of Brillion Mulchers and Packers UMBERGER’S MILL RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) Phone 717-867-5161 Special Price on Inventory Reduction Sale Patz Model 98-A Silo Unloader Gehl Baler 1500 Gehl 95 MX Grinder-Mixer Gehl Mower Conditioners Century Sprayers MC Rotary Scythe Athens Heavy Tractor Disc Chisel Plows Ford Industrial power units Hawk Bilt Manure Spreaders. Fisher Tedders 30 H.P. Wise, w-clutch reduction ZOOK’S FARM STORE Box 222, RD2 Honey Brook. Pa. 19344 NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK (1) (ft MF 300 Crawler Loader (1) MF 200 Crawler Loader (3) M.F. 50 A Backhoe Loader M.F. 11 Wheeled Loader Gehl 880 Windrower Gehl 95 Grinder-Mixer Gehl Forage Box Lamco Forage Boxes Kubota 225 Tractors Kubota 260 Tractor Cobey Trailer Special $4OO USED EQUIPMENT - SPECIALS J.D. 3B Mtd. Plow Scraper Blade 7 ft. 3 pt. Caterpillar 22 Tractor (1) Cobey 340 Bu. Manure Spreader New Idea Corn Sheller New Idea 760 Chopper Gehl FB3 Harvester w row crop, pickup and direct cut heads. Case 6B Semi-mtd Plow Case 4B Semi-mtd. Plow J.D. 14” Hammermill w-30h.p. Elec. Motor Complete line of new M.F. Lawn Equipment in stock. See us for special ' prices. USED CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (3) OT) Case 580 CK Backhoes (1) Case 530 Backhoe (1) Case 680 CK Backhoe (1) Case 450 Crawler- Loader J.D. 450 Crawler- Loader-Backhoe. Case 750 Crawler Dozer Schramm 125 CFM Compressor SPECIAL FACTORY REBATES UP TO $l5OO. on all new MF Construction Equipment. Call for Details. LANC. EQUIPMENT CENTER, INC. P.O. Boxl,Kinzer, PA Phone 717-442-4186 Lancaster Customers Phone 768-8916 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7,1975—47 Farm Equipment Wanted - Any type of horse drawn used equipment, broken or otherwise, will repair. Please call 717-859- 2550. • • • < NEW EQUIPMENT ; Baler, N.H. 278 w : thrower $5500. : Baler, J.D. 336 w- ; thrower $4lOO. I : Baler, New Holland 273 : w-thrower $3380. : Blower, N.H. 27 $1232. : Cut-Ditioner, New Idea : $2436. : Forage Box, J.D. 216, • Ext. Sides and Roof : s3ii6. : • Forage Box, New Idea : • $l7OO ; • Gravity Bins $435 ; • Harvester, J.D. No. 35 ; • b.u. $3200 : ; Harvester, N.H. 770 ; B.U. $3900 : Harvester, N.H. 880 : : B.U. w-2 RRC $4400 : : Haybine, N.H. 479 $3600 : ; Mower Conditioner, : : J.D. 1209 $3750 : : Mower, J.D. 350 $1025. *. : Mower, N.H. 451 $956. : : Plow, J.D. 1250 $960 ; : Plow, J.D. 1450 $2550 : : Picker, N.1.1-row $3llB : : Rake, N.H. 256 R on : ; rubber w-dolly • : wheels $ll5O : : Rake, J.D. 660 on rubber • r w-dolly wheel $ll5O • : Spin Spreader, N.I. $450 - .* Spreader, N.H. 512, less • '• tires $l6OO : ' Spreader, N.H. 365, less • tires $1950 • Spreader, N.I. 224 w- • tires $3BBO. • Uni-System, 704 w-cab & ; weights, 767 Forage : Harvester w-knue : sharpener, 766 ; pickup. $19,995. • Check our Lawn & • Garden Tractor • Prices ; STANLEY A. KLOPP, ; INC. Bernville, PA 215-488-1510 Poultry & Supplies SHAVER D 1 \W LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317, Elizabethtown, PA Ph; (717) 367-1545 IJ. J. WARREN SEX-SAL STARTED PULLETS, 20 WEEKS SEX UNKS 1800 June 30 700 Aug. 26 2500 July 29 HUBBARD LEGHORNS 3400 Aug. 26 400 Oct. 22 Poultry & Supplies Anderson Mediators For Liquid Feeding and Medications, 30 day free trial. Paul Hiestand Phone: 717-426-3286 For Sale - 40 new and used Pl 6 hanging feeders. $1.25 each. Call 717-768-3301 Daytime. 20 Case Per Hour Wyland Grader 35-40 Case Per Hour Seymour Washer. Washer has been completely rebuilt. (2) 20 Case Per Hour Wyland Candler & Grader with Belt Lines, Turntables, & Loading Conveyor D6V 10-12 Case Per Hour Egomatic Candler & Grader 30-35 Case Per Hour Seymour Washer with Egomatic Candler & Grader 30-35 Case Per Hour Kuhl Washer with Long Infeed with Egomatic Candler & Grader 30 Case Per Hour Seymour Speed Pak - Translink 9 Ft. Long. One Ton Burch Cooler - Humidifier For all your poultry needs call Jim Enck, Modern Poultry Supplies. MODERN POULTRY SUPPLIES James J. Enck 717-299-0828 717-397-5850 For Sale - New High Pressure round waterers, low price. PAULHIESTAND Phone: 717-426-3286