46—Lanca •ter Firming, Saturday. June 7. 1975 - - g—t _-i nip Form Equipment Large Inventory of used small engine and chain saw parts - Briggs & Stratton, Power Products, Mc- Cullough Saw and Cart Engines, Kohler, Tecumseh and Clinton. Phone 215-445- 6175 For Sale - Massey Harris pickup Hay Baler with Wisconsin engine. 717-386- 5404. TRACTOR PARTS H, LT • 5,000 different items *Guaranteed *Low Prices Writ* For Fro* Catalog Joa Goodman Tractor Parts Co.. Box *0957 Lincoln, NE. 6*501 l Phone: (402)489-7173 > JUNE DAIRY MONIH HEADLINERS JUST ARRIVED NEW EQUIPMENT 1 -674 D Row Crop 1 -70 D Hydro 1 - 966 1 - 100 Hydro 2 - 1066'5, one with cab 715 Combine with 13 ft. platform, 4 row cor ntiead, diesel with cab 35 Rake 1300 Balanced Mower 430 Baler with custom pickup & hydraulic thrower 105 & 110 Forage Boxes 56 Blower 555 Harvester 650 Harvester, Demo. USED EQUIPMENT Massey-Ferguson 175 D with M.F. HD Loader, 127 hours Ford 4000 with Sauder loader International 350 High Utility with loader Farmall A with cultivator, plow & disk harrow International 450 Plow International 311 Plow International 100 Mower 1972 Int 1700 Truck Chassis, 26,000 lb tag, 9.00 x 20 rubber, 345 engine, 2 speed rear, excellent condition 10% DISCOUNT ON BALER TWINE fOur Aim is to Serve You Better. j HERITAGE' INTERNATIONAL INC. _■ 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET M *' HI EPHRATA, PA 17522 : PHONE 717-733-2283 * ~ Lancaster County s Only International Full Line Dealer ' Form Equipment New Idea 706 Uni-System, Forage Harverater and Shelter attachments and four heads. 215-933-7379. For Sale - Silos-2 Har vestores 20 x 60, live unloader; 20 x 27 sweep arm unloader: (3) 20 x 60 con crete silos with silomatic unloaders; J.D. 38 chopper, 2 heads. 609-963-0674 call after 6 p.m. or early morning. PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-219 MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT •New Holland 880 Harvester with Cornhead & Pickup *Gehl PTO Forage Blower *N H 461 Haybme ’Case 555 Haybme •New & Used Elevators in Stock •Gram Boxes & Waions •Case 1537 Umloader •N H 1469 S P Haybme *NH 269 Baler w/Thrower •Harvestore roller Mill w/12 elec motor •Badger Forage Box •AC 780-,ter w/2 Row & Pic.?! •AC 170 Tractor only 225 hrs •AC Dl5 w/Hyd Ldr •Case 450 Bulldozer •Case D 630 Tractor *D B 990 Dsl Tractor •Farmall 1066 Hydro Tractor *A C 019 Tractor w/4 B Plow *A C WD4S Tractor & Loader •A C 480 Blower & Pipe •Masse sOLDison Hay Baler •Masse* Sickle MowS OU) •Massey Ferguson 200 Bu Spreader •N H 78 Baler & Thrower •J D LA SOLOr & Equipment •Ford 8 N •Case 580 O & Loader •IH 330 & Loader *AC 390 Haybme (like new) •Massey SP 82 Combine *l6 tt Cattle Truck Body •JO 32 ft Field Cultivator (foldup) •A C 302 Baler ’AC 303 Baler w/thrower ’Wisconsin 4 cyl power unit w/starter •Wisconsin 2 cyl power unit •AC 829 Haybme ’AC 444 Baler w/thrower (like new) CASE AND ALLIS CHALMERS NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK •DB 990 •DB 1210 •A C 6040 Diesel Tractor •David Brown 995 •D B 885 G •A C 185 Diesel Tractor •Case 1070 w/Cab and Air •Case 1370 w/Cab & Air NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK ’AC Corn Planters •13 ft 9' Disc *l2 SOLD Disc *l4 ft Cultipacker *l3 ft Cultipacker *l3 ft Cultimulcher •Dion Forage Boxes •Ontario 16 Disc Gram Drill NEW HOLLAND IN STOCK *273 Balers •276 Baler *B5O Round Baler •469 Haybmes *35 SOLD :r Mill *519 Spreaders *676 Spreaders *790 Spreaders *8 Crop Carriers •Pickup Attachments for Form Equipment Like new, New Idea Lime & Fertilizer Drill. N. I. 1-row Transplanter Side Rakes Wisconsin 4 cyl. engine Good 2-B 14” Oliver Plow N.H. and Meyer Hay con ditioners and Tedders Good horse drawn riding weeder and riding cultivator Meyer conditioner parts Mower conditioner com bination Good McCormick Dee ring No. 7 Silo Filler w-pipe and Shredder Bars We build sjprayers and booms to nt your needs. 1 used 20 gallon shrub and tree sprayer with hitch. BEN FISHER 73 S. Rooks Road Honks, RDI, PA COMBINES - John Deere 7700, 6600, 4400, 105, 45 square back. Massey Ferguson 510 quick tach, 410. New White 8600. Gleaner G, C 11, E. In ternational 815 diesel, 315, 205, 503. 303, New Idea 701 with combine. TRACTORS - White (new) 4- 150 four wheel drive, 2- 105, 2-105, (new) Oliver 1755,1655, used 2150, 1855, 1655, 1650, 880. Allis Chalmers (new) 7030, 200, used 7050 like new, 220, 210, D2l, XTI9O, 180. John Deere new and used 4230,4430,4630, used 4620, 5020,4020,3020,4010,3010, 2510, 2010. Farmalls (new) 1466, 100 hydrastatic, 966, used 1066 with 100 hours, 1066 hydrastatic with Cab, 1066 with roll guard, 1468, 1206,806,756,656,706,560, 544, 450, 300, 340. Case (new) 1070, used 970, 1200. Massey Ferguson 1135, 1150. Minneapolis Moline GlOOO. Duetz 130- 06-four wheel drive, 90-06. Ford (new) 8600, used 4000. HAYBINES - (new) New Holland 479, used 469, International 990, New Idea 9 foot, Hesston PT 10, Owatonna 10 foot self propelled. CORN PLANTERS - New and used International 400 Cyclo 4 row, 56. John Deere 8-row 30”, 8 row plateless, 1240 plateless, 1300 plateless fully equipped. HARVESTERS - New Idea 702 Uni diesel with 3 row chopper. John Deere 38 witn 2 row 34. In ternational 550. PLOWS - White 5X reset, (new) John Deere 4XIB, SXIB trips. 5X16 reset. Used 5,6,7 trip and reset all makes, new 10 foot cultimulchers. (new) Chisel plows, John Deere 12 foot. DRILLS - International (new) 13 disc, used No. 10 and Ontario. BALERS - New Holland 275, 68. CORN HEADS - (new) John Deere 643, 444, used 435, 434,234. Gleaner C II 440, 430, F 335, E 240. Massey Ferguson 44, 33, 222. International 6 row, 4 row, 228. CORN PICKERS - New and used New Idea 2 row pull (16 to choose from and mounted). PAUL STITZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, Penna. 19526 Phone 215-562-8377 business 215-562-7451 home Form Equipment Used John Deere Model 40 Spreader EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. Lebanon, Pa. 717-273-2616 SERVICES & REPAIRS For Allis Chalmers, New Holland, Starline, Van Dale and other farm equipment. NEW EQUIPMENT 1880 SP Forage Harvester N.H. 273 & 276 Balers Bale Boxes Killbros Grain Boxes USED FARM EQUIPMENT A.C. 480 S Blower N.H. 717 Forage Harvester N.H. 880 Forage Harvester IHC Model 50 2-row Forage Harvester N.H. 68 Baler Woods Rotary Cutter ROYAj_ " "sales + SERVICE 700 Woodcrest Ave. RD3, Lititz, Pa. Phone: 626-7766 New M.F. 760 Diesel Combine 966 Hydro, 800 hrs $9,850 Farmall SupsoLD cultivators (6) Uni-Tractors with equipment to choose from, Several Uni-Combines and several corn heads, nearly new Int 203 Combine with cab. Int. No. 650 Harvester w-recutter and 2 corn heads N H 269 Baler, only Baled 3 Loads Farmall 806 Diesel Farmall 706 Diesel Farmall 656 Gas w-1570 hrs Farmall 1066 w-250 hrs Oliver 1750 Diesel Oliver 1650 Gas RAYMOND B. LEAMAN Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 Midway between Lancaster & Quarryville off Rt 222 i Take Brennetnan Road at Graybill Bros Garage, Refton, Farm Equipment Wanted to Buy - 200 quart liquid feed mixer for veal calves. Call 301-245-2881. im M.F. New Idea Dunham Tillage Tools NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 1830 Uniloader M.F. 560 Round Baler M.F. 468 4-row Corn Planter M.F. 39 2-row Corn Planter (2) 10 ft. Dunham Cultimulchers (2) 12 ft. Dunham Cultimulchers Gehl 880 Mower Con ditioner 3 pt. Spimer Fert. Spreaders BF 130 GeM Blender Feeder Plows 2,3, & 4 Bottom M.F. 124 Baler Forage Boxes, Gehl and New Idea. 580 B. Loader Backhoes 1737 Uniloaders David Brown Tractors Models -885 N - 990 - 995 - 1212 Satoh Tractor & Loaders Spring Harrows New Idea Spreaders Cultipackers N.I. Mtd. Cornpicker (2) Gehl Grinder Mixers Compact Tractors Case and New Idea all sizes USED EQUIPMENT 8N Ford, real nice Case VAC -' w cultivators - Hesston PT7 - 1 windrower Case 1537 Uniloader Fox Max .Yv-P- Har ver» & Hay HeaiV N.I. Model 213 Single Beater Spreader Case 300 Industrial Tractor loader Mustang Mod. 1700 Skid Steer loader A. L HERR & BRO. Quarry ville 786-3521 USED EQUIPMENT Case Gehl 7ft.
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